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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hejle

  1. CH = Chibi Holmes / Chidori Holmes :D

    Well I'm fine - as always


  2. Hejle

    Thanks for the promotion :P

  3. Hejle

    I lurk in the shadows :D

  4. Nothing will ever harm you... Promise :D

  5. You ain't my commander - Rather I'm your bodyguard <3

  6. Hejle

    Which means we won the fight, using the most appropiate way of fighting... Right???

  7. Hejle

    Yes Master... No Commander... No Master-Chief-Commander in all Heaven and Hell, and this world :D

  8. Yeah, I know what i am - a alien...

  9. Hejle

    Yes master...

  10. Yo Chidori-chaaaaan :D

    How have you been????

  11. By the way Chelseaj, from what anime is you signature from????
  12. Well, I've been busy - work, school and driving license is eating up my life - Atleast summer will soon begin :D

    What about you???

  13. (Darker Than Black)

  14. What's up, Misaki-chan???

  15. Guess that this club is moving towards death
  16. There is no doubt... I would like to be Hattori. End of story!!!
  17. We are friends - Again :D

  18. If i pass the test today, I might end up having a Driving License - If I fail, I just have to try again -_-

    1. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      Hano's gonna drive us all to an ice cream party :P

    2. Hejle


      Well, I failed -_- Let's try again on Monday

    3. Sakila


      It's good you didn't give up hope! ^^

      Good luck again!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  19. Well, if we both see the video on the same time, it would be like, seeing it together - Ne???

  20. Do you want to see movie 13 with me??? Now???

  21. It is obivious.... It's HIS birthday :D

    Also, i want to invite you to see a video with me

  22. Happy Birthday Shinichi...
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