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Everything posted by X-x-chyeah-Kaito-Kid-x-X

  1. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Kaitou_Kid_Appearances ^ looking at all the appearances~ x3
  2. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/411/48kid20bf4.jpg/sr=1 ^ just looking for images~
  3. Hmm.. perhaps a mobile phone/ telephone? because you need someone to communicate to, and if they are next to each other, there wouldn't be any need for it!
  4. The weather here is f-f-f-freezinggg~ *shivers*

    1. kaitokid88


      The heaters are on

    2. IdentityUnknown


      The weather here is BURNING. I'm gonna die soon...


    anywayy, hello~ :D

    [i'm just a bit hyper ^-^, sorry~!)

  6. FINALLY back (okay, okay, just gone for one day, but still) , my account got locked. O.o ...good thing is that i'm back yea??? >.<

  7. *speechless* thats... thats.. that is not fair! if we make fan-art/fan-fic, it's not their property! WE made the fan-art, shouldn't it be OURS?! i mean, we can do whatever we want to do with our work,,, can't we? their manga is just an idea/character image-- our fan-art are our work/our ideas! (of what the characters are doing/background etc..) we are just building on an idea! i LOVE drawing fan-art.... :S does this mean no more fan-art for me??! TT^TT PS: do the authors/manga artists agree with this law anyway???
  8. “One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else.” 'Cos i found this on my friend's blog~ x3
  9. OMGG, cute profile picc~~

    negi is so cool~ >.<

    i love negima too~ ^.^

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