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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by OldJustal

  1. Sadness and loneliness is the one thing that you will never dispose nor forget. You don't need love ! your loneliness and imagination will fill up that hole ! If you're hurt by people use those memories to fire you up to make everything perfect ! Perfect doesn't exist . What they call perfect is just a small amount of hope they use to make themself feel good. Nothing can be created unless you give something for it back. Absolute and obedience are things that you will remember you whole life ! To keep yourself safe you need obedience and absolute power ! To confront somebody stronger than you ,you need something that makes up for the lack of power. To get absolute power you need information that can counter somebody. Brains and manipulation can crush people.
  2. OldJustal

    Ai pic(s)

    Kaishin <3 ! love this one >_<
  3. You can pm me now all my messages are deleted if it's good you can pm whenever you want >_< !

  4. i was thinking of the deeper part later in the story cause the death has actually a deeper plot .... but i can't tell to much >_< ! No, i can tell the whole plot if you want even though the detail isn't added yet O_O !

  5. Thanks you guys ! >_< ! You've helped me much now only clear all my notifications so you guys can pm me <3 !
  6. The light novel is better than everything >_< !
  7. no it's not that critical ! i was planning to let shiho come behind who killed Shinichi but there's actually a greater plot behind it >_< ! that will come in part 2 with a time skip !
  8. Love YanMega ! Love the story but the end before the timeskip is kinda rushed ! And Hana going back to school ! How old is she now ! she 1 year older than yankee-kun !
  9. where are my reps >_< !

    just joking !

    how are yah !

  10. Nobooty-chan asked me to ask you for help with my half dead bad story ...

  11. Being scared is not fun >_< !

  12. You sended rilling of good storyness into my spine ! is that even good spelled ?
  13. Nope Real life friends ! they have nothing with anime/manga ......
  14. Just read it !

    awesome !

  15. i learned that asians in general are scary ... i got some bad memories in chinatown (a chinatown not necesary in US) ...
  16. i'm not scared for critic. All my friends say my idea sucks !
  17. DCW ! died for almost a hour ! i cried !

    1. Aeyra


      Scared of what? DCW goes out a lot... but it always comes back. Luckily, I was at a party when it happened! XD

    2. OldJustal


      yup ! it's scary !

      even if you know it !

    3. hopes
    4. Show next comments  168 more
  18. that was my minor character personality

    please forgive me >_<

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