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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. Mai kuraki- Your my best friend... I want the full version
  2. I have 5 fears: 1. God 2. Death 3. Pain 4. Lonellines 5. Storms with thunders and lightings *shivers*
  3. I bet you're taller than me :P

  4. *smiles* so good to have a twin *jumps and hugs twiny and see that twiny is more high then me*

  5. Free hugs, flowers and smiles here :) I feel like givin those to you all :)

  6. That's not true...I like when your kind so don't change :) :)
  7. *Smiles among little tears* Thank you

  8. I wish to have a boyfriend...*sight*
  9. Dear butterfly, I love you, especially when you are purple <333! Signed, Purple Fairy
  10. What was the episode when Ran was kidnapped in the place of another women...she was sleeping because everyone was at camping and conan save her from drowing
  11. Smile, tomorrow will be worse unless you do something
  12. *takes the rose but it dissappear* Magic!

  13. *big hug* I wrote it while thinking of you :P

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