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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. Bro told me...when are you back?

  2. I think that too...so are we going to make that showdown or what?

  3. Barokata! How you dare stab Ni-onee...be afraid because we are 3 now MWUAHAHAHAHAHA

  4. Mitani: *rollseyes*

    Ni-onee: why don't we make a PM in three? It'll be much simple :)

  5. Does anyone know which number is the episode when Ran is doing the "Wizard kick"?
  6. ^ That's right...I just like to piss him but whatever I do, he never gets upsets, mad or angry at me (or when I'm with him somewhere)

  7. Yes :) My fav song is fearless <333333 and welcome

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