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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. If I need to fight I'll never break down
  2. if there's something important to me, I'll protect it; at the thing I don't wanna lose, I'll put my everything into it because I'm me! Moho-kun: LOL
  3. If you can give up, it's because you didn't really want it to begin with; if you can forget it, it's because you didn't even need it
  4. English doesn't have a little Latin in her
  5. My language it's a derivation from the Latin language
  6. At least I'm not gonna text ever while driving Someone is chocking besides you
  7. At least they are expiring something unique A murder happens beside you
  8. Thanks...resuming the topic...I can play the yu-gi-oh game
  9. Gross...at least it still works You fall into a lake
  10. I was born at 12:00 between 28 and 29
  11. Sad...At least other drivers will be more careful The most secret secret of yours is made public
  12. I know I'm having a lot of fans... You work something on your comp you don't save and comp is restarting alone ( for the fifth time)
  13. Fact: Love Hattori and Hakuba AJ-kun: I wasn't trying to impress anyone...I was saying the truth
  14. At least I'm alive Someone kidnapped you
  15. I was pilotating one...and a helicopter
  16. You, Quadruped! Sprechen sie Englisch? [Marty: I sprechen.] What continent is this? [Marty: Manhattan.] Hoover Dam, we're still in New York!
  17. And that too...I know how to pilot a plane
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