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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. Ni-onee *jumps and hugs* How are you? did you missed me? I did :D

  2. Auzi...dar n-ar trebui sa le spunem despre felurile timpului trecut??
  3. I've told Razvy about the new lesson and he's working on it right now...I'm sorry but now I'm not home so I can't teach you but he will post it in short time :)

  4. Uite asta este dansul pe care incerc sa-l fac: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_2yfWPZWJI Cea mai mare parte mi-a reusit dar mai sunt cateva chestii de facut

  5. Eu ascult k-pop si incrc sa-mi perfectionez dansul :D

  6. But...but...*puppy eyes* Fine >_>...*tap on the head* :D

  7. So what? I hug you because I love you, lil bro :D Beside...I miss my bro...*gets sad*

  8. Wha...*blushes hard* I-I...

  9. Rin-chan m-a rugat sa postez o noua lectie in classroom...a zis k vrea sa stie despre timpurile verbelor si asa mai departe...eu nu prea pot acum...poti sa te ocupi tu de lectia asta te rog?

  10. Here...it's made with my friends graphic tablet

  11. Welcome back :) Have you seen my last drawing?

  12. I'll explain it to you...just please write something in the classroom 'cause I already double-posted...if I triple-post they are gonna kill me...

  13. What would you like to learn?

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