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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. The write it :P

    @Sho: I'm the commander over the whole unit :P

  2. Good, you? :) Btw, you wrote at my bio at relationships unknown...do you know now? *laughs*

  3. Are you ignoring me?

  4. I don't know... Oh, I remembered, I have something import to discus with you

  5. Oh...why you always enter when I gotta go? *pouts*

  6. Preparing to meet some friends, you? :)

  7. Ryuuuu *jumps and hugs* Finally you're on :D

  8. I feel pretty bad for not listening that much k-pop :mellow: Btw, JYJ's Junsu's single album is out
  9. I know how it feels...

  10. And why do you wanna be shotted?

  11. No, you should come in the pm...

  12. But I'm paying a price... I was talking about a pm between you, Eva and me, 'cause it's easier to answer that way...

  13. Yeah, but...

    @Eva: WHAT?!

    Say, how about we do a pm in 3?

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