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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Everything posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. Ce naiba ai scris in japoneza k prostul meu de calculator nu poate sa citeasca caracterele

  2. N-am citit dar acelasi lucru mi se intampla si mie >_< sunt un bun cupidon pt toti...mai putin pt mn >_<

  3. Why didn't you put me Roumania???? >_< I don't even know about that country...

  4. Stiu >_< poti vb si u k ea dak vrei

  5. La mn se intampla mici lucruri zi de zi pe care le visez...gen spun cv ce am visat fara sa-mi dau seama...Btw, colega mea de banca si-a facut cont aici...Ririn Kagarin :D nu-i aja k e grozav???

  6. Nee...Miko-chan , which hetalia character am I?

  7. She's online now...her name is Ririn Kagarin

  8. He should enter around this hour...

  9. De fapt era un gif in care pinguinul se si apleca

  10. It's a long story...but nevermind now...I'm too energetic now to think about her >_<

  11. I'ts not even half of how energetic I can be ^_^"""

  12. Miko-chaaaaan *jumps and hugs*

  13. One of my classmates got on my nerves very bad...I barelly restrained myself to not beat her...>_<

  14. She got an account here but I don't have the time to explain her everything so I need someone who can help me explain it to her...can you help me?

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