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Samantha last won the day on March 16 2012

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About Samantha

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  • Birthday April 1

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  1. The Americans dicsovered that ballpoint pens don't work in outer space. They then started to invent a special pen that would work under water, in high altitudes, in extremely hot/cold temperatures, in outer space, EVERYWHERE. It took them decades and millions of dollars. The Russians just used a pencil.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Charala97


      @Rohit: Did you get that fact from 3 idiots?

    3. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      @Charala: No, it is a well known fact that pencils are dangerous in a zero G environment. That is why both NASA and the Russian Space program use pressurized ink pens. The lead from the pencil + newton's first law of motion = bad results... The lead will continue at its accelerated velocity from the snap until it is stopped by an external force, and in Zero G, that is usually an object, and if that object happens to be a person's eye, it is quite bad.

    4. Samantha


      This is getting out of hand.

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