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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Samantha

  1. Dear Anonymous, Okay, I get it. Everyone's smarter than me. So you can stop it now. Signed, Samantha. Dear Anonymouses, Could you stop being so smart? Signed, Samantha
  2. I'm SOOOOO SORRY! ;________________________;

    I forgot your birthday! D:

    Happy Late Birthday!!!

  3. I'm afraid of heights and failure, I guess. :/
  4. Samantha

    Secret Santa

    Oi, oi. I write fanfics! But I admit our writing styles are totally different. Anyways, this Secret Santa thing is a good idea! I might participate if I have time.
  5. Something about Kaitou Kid and Hogwarts, and me thinking, "I'm gonna die so I might as well stuff my face with chocolate." Oh yeah, and I was being chased by something.
  6. Oh joy. I've got white hairs. And are those bags under my eyes? *sigh*

    1. Parkur


      Samantha doesn't get hugs from Parkur like Jeans does, hugs from me are proven to reduce stress by 80%

    2. IdentityUnknown
    3. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      @Parchan: Really? :o

      I want a hug too~

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. Rest? I don't know the meaning. :V


  8. I....am busy. As usual. :'(

    I got to read a bit of DC today. Brightened up my mood.

  9. Check out my status. :3

  10. Hello there! :) How're you doing?

  11. Dear Anonymous, But you're my friend, and I insist that you be nice and send me the stupid file. Signed, Samantha
  12. Dear Anonymous, It's not that hard. All you have to do is attach the file and click 'send'. So can you send it to me already? PLEASE? Signed, Samantha
  13. Just because my computer's running doesn't mean I'm actually there......

    Oh wait, I was on at that time. But only for 2 minutes.

  14. No time. And I should go, if I got caught procrastinating I'd be dead. Better go study. :(

    Catch you later. I hope. If you don't hear from me, it either means that I'm insanely, drop-dead busy or I've been banned from internet.

  15. Rest? I haven't rested for...a long time. DX

    I just noticed you've been on here for...about...a month and a half and you've got almost 8 times my post count. :/ I should post more.

  16. Guess which genius just wiped their browser history and deleted all their bookmarks and links? *groan* I'm so stupid.

    1. IdentityUnknown



      ... :V That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?

      Hey, no biggie. I use Google Incognito, the only thing I have are my bookmarks. I'm sure you'll get everything back eventually.

    2. Samantha


      Yeah, but I have a ton of unimportant links saved....and all my school stuff is gone. Shiznits.

    3. IdentityUnknown
  17. Busy. As usual. DX My brain is fried. I cannot think. And I've still got studying to do. D:

  18. Yeah. And I still have to go to my class today. ;_; I HATE BEING SICK. I haven't been sick in.....5? 6 years?

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