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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Samantha

  1. Not much, I'm just kinda lazy. XD I'm all done now.....but my mom wants me to do extra studying. :/

  2. I love how in most cases, Conan only figures it out when someone says something totally irrelevant that he connects with the case. Seriously.

    1. Forever Lost

      Forever Lost

      "Oh look, there's a funny looking bird stuck to a window." Conan: "Wait a minute.... NOW I GOT IT!" :3

    2. harrieth.dc
    3. IdentityUnknown
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  3. Playing a Pokemon Nuzlocke. Just realized why everybody thinks they're so emotional stressful. RIP, Raichu and Dratini.

  4. I totally 100% support IUxMoho. *pokes Jean*
  5. Just tired. And rereading a bunch of DC chapters. Also, putting off doing homework. Jean is a bad influence on me. XD

  6. ........decent. I feel kinda sick, though. Agh.

    How's your life going?

  7. You know who it is. But shut up. You didn't hear this, no broadcasting this to anyone else. And I'm in......you know, where my Grandpa is. Duh. Are you in ____ still?
  8. Oh shoot. Gotta go. See ya! :P

  9. Not many people knew. I'm Chinese, like Jean. :)

  10. .......真实的。是Jean告你的把?


  12. Lol. What's up for you?

  13. This weird worm thing that looks like intestines and lives in the sea trenches. Yuck.
  14. Dear Anonymous, It's boys like you who made me swear off boyfriends until after college. Personally, I can't stand you. Congratulations on being the first person to actually give me a headache just by being around me. So why does everybody think I like you? And why am I starting to believe them? -Samantha PS: No comments from you, Jean.
  15. Samantha


    I did like this one boy back at my old school. I'd known him for.....a long time. But he likes this other girl and she likes him back, so I figured, what the heck. I'm not gonna make things complicated. I haven't seen him for a while, so I guess that's that.
  16. My friend: "What's your favorite Pokemon? Is it Neopet?" Me: *facepalm*

    1. - Ryuuji -
    2. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Wow~ Pokemon have a wonderful addition to their family. :P

  17. Jean, you'd better had not posted anything about me.
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