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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Samantha

  1. Why do all detectives have identical grins?

  2. A WALLET? Lucky schmuck.

  3. I know, it's hilarious.....the outfit probably cost me 200k, but I saw it and my reaction was 'You know what? I don'tz care.' I think I'll keep his fishing skill at zero *lol* And he likes seeking treasure, especially shiny gems. :P

  4. And besides DCTP, is there anywhere else to read DC?

  5. Ah. I see......by the way, I've got a new reason to play neopets: I found a outfit for a neopet that looks EXACTLY like Kaito Kid's thief costume. :)

  6. Why'd you name him John Anderson?

  7. The one that.....kindawasalotlikeMK......:-|

  8. Does anyone here play Dungeons and Dragons?

    1. Samantha


      Yes, it is. And yes, I do. How'd you know, Jean?

    2. IdentityUnknown


      Maybe because your status message is a dead giveaway? Or maybe because you told me in an email? :V

    3. Samantha
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  9. The one about John Anderson, AKA Wind......:P

  10. I still have that short story you wrote.

  11. So I can't have Amino ever again????? Would Amino and chocolate croissants be okay?

  12. *looks back at messages* Oh man, what was I drinking that day? I must have been hyped on sugar or something.....oh yeah, I had a bottle of amino and a bunch of chocolate.

  13. You can't kill me if you can't find me!

  14. *snickers* you can try, Jean. You can try.

  15. Rainbows.....

    I don't care. :P

  16. *giggles* Double rainbow. Whoa. So intense....

  17. It's starting to look like a TRIPLE rainbow!

  18. AGH. I went on vacation for a month and when I came back my cat didn't remember me. That's dumb.

    1. Samantha


      My cat is cooler. :3

    2. IdentityUnknown


      No he isn't. My dog is cooler. She knows how to shake hands. :V

    3. Samantha


      Well, I don't have to pick up my cat's poop. :P

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  19. Double rainbow. All the way. Across the SKY......

  20. How're you doing, otaku?

  21. I got a Zoroark.....my life is complete.

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