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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Samantha

  1. Hello, Sir Aaron. Where's Lucario? XD

  2. Made Jean feel guilty for the first time ever. :V

  3. I should be working. But I'm not. What's wrong with me!?

    1. IdentityUnknown


      You've finally realized you're normal. Or perhaps you've finally become normal.

    2. kfnnapa
    3. kfnnapa
  4. Me? oh, I'm fine. ^^

    How about you?

  5. EAT CHOCOLATE. YES. Would you rather.... Have a pet frog OR Have a pet rat?
  6. DETECTIVE CONAN ALL THE WAY. Dragons or unicorns?
  7. Raichu comes out! Samantha inserts a coin.
  8. Liar, my eyes are closed. You like Detective Conan.
  9. No, 1. Though I probably do need glasses. XD
  10. Liar, you have tentacles. :V I am secretly an alien.
  11. A Detective Conan mouse pad comes out! Samantha inserts another coin.
  12. Converse with everyone in the world. I really need that. Would you rather... Eat spinach for the rest of your life OR Eat broccoli for the rest of your life?
  13. Hot dogs. Firefox or Google Chrome?
  14. Okay... 1: I wear glasses. 2: I'm left-handed 3: I don't have an iPhone.
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