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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by redangelran

  1. I wish tomorrow would be fun
  2. I like babies They're too cute to resist! XD
  3. Played this throw-catch game earlier during Psych 10. Slept Ate a Ham-egg-cheese sandwich watch liar game- the movie
  4. oh *didnt read the first page* !! well, I really love chocolates. My favorite ones are the ones made by Hersheys and Meiji!
  5. I want to eat KFC fries right NOW.
  6. he looks so friggin funny XD
  7. I found out, I forgot my permit O_O
  8. Yes. But my parents seem to be against it D:
  9. I would be shocked if someone sends me something during valentines
  10. I have lots of dreams about DC but I can't remember them all, though most are shinran
  11. I love the syaoran sakura couple
  12. kakashi. coolest character in the series and also, shikamaru nara ;D
  13. Yusaku. But then again, shinichi/conan, being the protagonist of the series, will likely surpass his father sometime (soon i hope)
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