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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CloverKite

  1. ...You're pretty easy to lead off subject. That's good. Means it'll be easier for me to hide the bodies.

  2. Nooooo. Lobotomy does bad things... and I am forgetful enough as it is D: *dons Magneto helmet for protection* >|

    ...Wait. This doesn't cover the eyes. o__o

  3. Says the guy with a My Little Pony version of himself drawn by her repeated all over the back of his profile ;D

  4. What if I don't want to be saved? D:

  5. YES SHE IS, and I am incredibly lucky to have her as such! :D

  6. eating! There's a zombie on your...
  7. "If I asked you, would you tell me that this door leads to freedom?" Assume that the door in question leads to Freedom. If the chosen Guard were an honestant, he would answer 'Yes'. If he were a Swindlecant, he would also answer 'Yes'. Logic being: The way the question was worded. If the Gringo had asked "Does this door lead to freedom?", the guard would either answer 'Yes' or 'No', but he would have no way of knowing if he was being truthful or not. Wording it as "If I asked you, would you tell me that this door leads to freedom?" keeps the truthful answer from an Honestant, but it trips up the Swindlecant. ---- Scenario 1, in which no conclusion is given; Assume that the chosen Guard is a Swindlecant, since we know that the Honestant answer would be correct in either case. Gringo: "Does this door lead to freedom?" (Liar)Guard: No. This doesn't work out well, because you are left with doubt and are still unable to determine if he is truthful or not, setting Gringo back to square one with no more options. ---- ---- Scenario 2, in which the answer is revealed: Gringo: "If I asked you, would you tell me that this door leads to freedom?" (Liar)Guard: Yes. This changes his answer completely- exploiting the fact that he always lies and using it to your advantage. If the Gringo had asked him "Does this door lead to freedom?", as shown in Scenario 1, the Swindlecant Guard would have said 'No.' So phrasing it "If I asked you," forces the Swindlecant to answer truthfully in a roundabout way. No, he would not have told him that the door led to freedom... so he would have to answer 'Yes', that he would have- getting tripped up in his own lie. If the questioned guard was an Honestant, the answer would be the same, because Yes, he would tell the truth if asked. Therefor, you can deduce that the door behind the questioned Guard leads to freedom- Swindlecant or Honestant. ;D The same logic works the other way as well, if the door led to Death- in which case the Gringo would have gone through the other door if he wanted to live.
  8. Assuming that B is telling the truth holds no logic... If A is an Honestant, he would have said that he was an Honestant. If he were a Swindlecant, he still would have said that he was an Honestant, because they always lie. So whether he was Honestant or Swindlecant, A had to have said that he was an Honestant, which makes B a Swindlecant and C also an Honestant.
  9. Awesome, thanks for the point! =D

  10. CloverKite


    Lolol!! I may have to draw that too, one day.. XD LOL I forgot about that!! XD Ahahaha --------------------------------- Thanks for the comments, everyone! Glad you like it! =D
  11. CloverKite


    I'm sure he would >3 Maybe about as much as he liked being turned into a hamster, kekeke
  12. CloverKite


    Haha... what, you don't want me to draw Conan in a sun dress? ;D
  13. ARHGH do you realize that the first volume of our epic fanfic is roughly 360 NOVEL PAGES?! I kid you not o-o
  14. Mechanical Pencil! Reading or watching TV?
  15. CloverKite


    Lolol! There's other Conan things I still need to sketch from that convo... ;D Thanks! =D
  16. CloverKite


    Okay, funny story behind this- gabapple and I were talking late one night after she had taken Ambien, and it tends to make you a bit silly if you don't sleep on it right away- ends up being rather hilarious ;D She started talking about Hamtaro and Detective Conan-- coming up with the word Conamster. Thus, this was born the next morning when I was awake enough to think x3 <3 Here is a snippet of the conversation log, for the lol's ;D (1:27 AM) Gabapple: a conan: http://img1.lln.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/749948ecb78bdfd848984c5ba7b6b6b31230827872_full.jpg CloverKite: That's a hampster! A Hamtaro hampster =3 Gabapple : that is a conamster conan the hamster is hamtaro CloverKite: Kekekekekeke X3 <3 Gabapple: http://th952.photobucket.com/albums/ae10/17yuki17/hamtaro/th_hamtaro-3.jpg congonan solve some myseteries CloverKite: HE WILL SOLVE THAT MYSTERY 8D Gabapple: yeah one truhtprevails go hamtaro conan goooo littel paws scramble
  17. Hmm... well, if they are all labeled incorrectly, the most logical choice would be to take a coin from the one labeled both, because whichever coin you draw from that one should be what fills the entire box- because if it's not both, it has to be one or the other. I'm not sure how to tell which of the remaining two is which, though, with those limitations... *ponders*
  18. WE DO!! >D I need to figure out what my deviantart password was so I can post some. o-o Ahaha... *fails* Haha... I'm pretty nice, so hopefully I won't get anyone to dislike me enough to want to murder me ;D Though they do kill for some rather pointless and stupid reasons in the show/manga... o-o;
  19. Alligators making spaghetti.
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