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Detective Conan World

Anonymous Detective

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Everything posted by Anonymous Detective

  1. Who? :3 I see many people with the name 'Kaitou' around here. x3

  2. CUTE~! ♥ :mrgreen: The Joker or Batman? :3
  3. Yes~! :3 And now I'm one of them! <3 Thank you for the add, BTW~! x3

  4. Below~! :3 The beginning or the end?
  5. Guess who lost? Yes, I did~! :3
  6. Thank you~! <3 Yes I can~! :3 Is Mabel-chan cute? :3
  7. Thank you Mabel-chan~! <3 :3

  8. Yes, your member title says so, I guess. :3 Am I cute? <3 :3
  9. Well, both, because I'm above you and below you! :3 :3 or x3
  10. Well, it's still wrong to kill him! I don't know who you're talking about, but I didn't say it was Osama, or whatever! And I'm pretty sure that God wouldn't choose to kill him! That's not how he is! He sees the good thing in people! He believe they can become good again! Killing him doesn't solve anything! I do hope you understand.. x3
  11. Insomnia (from Latin "in" meaning "not", and "Somnus" meaning "sleep") is most often defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties.[1] While the term is sometimes used in sleep literature to describe a disorder demonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response to either of two questions: "Do you experience difficulty sleeping?" or "Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?"[1] From Wikipedia :3
  12. You're welcome, Eiha-kun~! :3

  13. Someone who's wrong about both things.. :3 I DO have a signature and you STILL have more posts as me x3
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