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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hstar

  1. Wishing you all a happy Remembrance, Armistice, Independence, Veteran's Day. Oh and Happy Birthday if today's your birthday!

  2. The gallery for Emergency Situation 252 is complete! Finally after ages. I'm going to my Grandads for a couple days so I can't work on that other finished gallery but feel free to check out this one whilst you wait! http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Emergency_Situation_252/Gallery

  3. I'm great thanks, hope to finish emergency 252 today - I say that but if I don't I know I'll have done quite a bit!

  4. I wish they had a forum chat. Meanwhile I'mma find me your wiki profile page :P

  5. Hiya! We should talk sometime on the IRC!

  6. The Pictures for Part 1 in the Emergency Situation Gallery are finished. I'm now going to start on Part 2.

  7. I want to apologise for starting about three galleries and not finishing them, if people could remind me what they were I'll get right back to them. The website I was using to watch videos was broken and now it's fixed so i can start capturing images again! That and I'm struggling a little because I have school!

  8. Thanks to Everyone who said Happy Birthday - I haven't been on the internet for a while because I've recently been camping.

    1. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      It's no problem! Nice to finally meet you!

    2. hopes


      Welcome back!! :D

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      You're welcome!! :D Hope you had a great Birthday!! ^_^

  9. Im gonna abandon this post, feel free to delete it all. The updates are on my profile.
  10. As it was my dad's birthday recently I'm going to do an up-to-date Episode Gallery of 622-623 however it may take slightly longer as I have GCSE work to do. The images will have english subs on them as I have yet to find a raw website that streams it. However that doesn't mean I won't try my hardest.

  11. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/The_Shinkansen's_Bomb_Case/Gallery The Episode Gallery for Shinkasens Bomb Case is complete, check it out and enjoy!
  12. Does anyone know where I can watch Raw Detective Conan? I've got plenty of places where I can watch it with English Subs but I really want to watch it without any subs - although I'm not too fussed if it's Japanese Subs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hstar


      @Moonlight Magician thanks but I alreadt use that - also it has subtitles. I'm not fussed about what language the videos are in as long as there are no subtitles.

    3. Hstar


      The problem is barely anybody uploads Raw Detective Conan.

    4. chiro


      oh, maybe not. 'space' & '-eng' following '名探偵コナン' means searching '名探偵コナン' except for related 'eng (in many cases, English subs)' are you Okey? i hope you'll understand me.. X(

  13. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it 'The Present'... I love that quote from Kung Fu Panda!!! ~~~~
  14. I know I'm from England so I should be kinda offended that nobody liked the London Arc but it's true it wasn't very good. I liked Hades getting hit with a tennis ball. The braill confused me... I am not looking forward to making captions for galleries in the Arc!!! Even though I'm not gonna for a while :L maybe I'll do an up to date Episodes on my birthday month as a treat and take requests.
  15. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/The_Shinkansen's_Bomb_Case/Gallery It's not finished yet but I'm giving you a head's up so you know I am working on it.
  16. Because my computer screen has gone weird and it's and squidged together slightly gallery pictures might not be their usual size so I will have to upload test samples and compare them until I find the right size, I will let you guys know when I'm done with the test samples so an admin can delete them.

    1. Arima


      good luck with that, I hope you can fix it as fast as possible!

    2. Hstar


      Actually I've checked and the difference isn't that much - only about 10 pixels out or so. It doesn't look too bad.

  17. Just watched Episode 8 and I guessed correctly who the murderer was an part of his motive!!! :D I might start on 5s gallery today!

  18. My computer's repaired so I'm back and ready for action! I'm hoping to start work on Episode 5s Gallery on July 16th, but for now I'm going to watch Episode 8.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hstar


      Yes that's how I work, watch an Episode,create a gallery, watch an episode, create a gallery etc. i treat myself :D

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Hehe, I like what you're doing!! ^_^ You're doing it great!! ;D

    4. Hstar


      Thx! And yeah I'm good I look forward to watching Episode 8 and doing a gallery for 5 - I guess who had the bomb and was right!

  19. I'm guessing English isn't your first language 'cause the grammar of those questions weren't very good. Great poll nonetheless!
  20. The raw version of 623 is available to watch on Anime44! http://www.anime44.com/detective-conan-episode-623

    1. hopes


      OOH!! :D It's out?!

    2. Hstar


      Lol Yh Ikr! Watch it soon though - I'm not sure if anime44 replace them with subs or if they replace them and give a link to the raws.

  21. My Episode Gallery for Episode 4 is finished! It was tricky but it's finished! Check it out at http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/The_Coded_Map_of_the_City_Case/Gallery

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hstar


      Thank youuuu! Can I ask the reason behind the A+ other than that this wiki doesn't do galleries for episodes/volumes and that it's different? Or is that it?

    3. Hstar


      I don't mean to sound rude it's just everyone's complimenting me and I don't want to overdo the thank you-ing and get all big headed as if the galleries are the best thing on the wiki (which they aren't but they're fairly good.)

    4. CarpetCrawler


      We never got around to doing it? There's a lot of stuff that has to be done on the wiki, and everyone is doing something totally different. Can't do everything at once.

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