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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Kid22

  1. little sleepy right here,,, i'm done guys,,, ^^ bye bye,,,

  2. It's crazy things!!! ^_^d

  3. it's been long not here,,,

  4. hahahaha,,,

    yes, we friend,,,

    i haven't post on forum now,, because i'm so confuse what must i say to post,, ^^v

    btw, why i can "watch" on "watch section??"

  5. what's new here guys??!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hopes


      Eh, stuff... :P

    3. hopes


      Eh, stuff... :P

    4. Kid22


      @kiddo i'm new learning here,, ^^

      nice to meet u,, ^^

      @akakata what kinds of stuff u said pal?? ^^

  6. i'm glad to be here,,,

    more friends i get here!!

    nice to meet u all!!! \(^.^)/

  7. nope,,,

    i'm silent reader now,,,

    still learning,, ^^

    thanx for ur attention to me,, ^^

  8. hehehehe,, ^^

    yah, i'am a "kidders",, ^^v

    nice to meet you,,, ^^

  9. thanx for add me,,

    yes i like kid too,,,

    because i love magic,,


  10. want makes more new friends,,

  11. thank u for pasting on my wallpage,,

    nice to meet u,,, ^^

  12. thanx for comment on my wallpage,,,

    nice to meet u,,, ^^

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