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Detective Conan World


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Blunch last won the day on June 20 2011

Blunch had the most liked content!

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3 Neutral

About Blunch

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/13/1997

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  1. Blunch

    Movie 15

    lol thanks for the answers. yes, I'll wait! just lemme know if its out. thanks!
  2. Got twitter? Follow me. :bd Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. conankoibito


      sure.I will follow you.. this is mine @conankoibito

    3. Sherry Vineyard

      Sherry Vineyard

      me @nisawardan I'll follow u back, mention me if you did follow me :)

    4. Blunch


      @kidthephantomthief, you should make one! :) lol

      @conankoibito lol thanks! :)

      @sherryvineyard, sure :D

  3. 143 views. Thanks everyone! :)

  4. Can anyone help me make my own Signature here? Please and Thanks. I don't know how to make and add one. THANK YOU!
  5. Blunch

    Movie 15

    Is Movie 15 out now on English Subtitles? Thanks!
  6. Sorry for not being so updated here -____- Been busy, but now, Im back! Hello Everyone >:D<

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Blunch


      But I'll TRY* my very best


    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oh, good luck!! :D I hope it'll go well!! ^_^

    4. Blunch


      LOL Thanks! I hope so. ;)

  7. 101 views. Thanks. Add me :bd

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Hehe.. :D I've already added you!! :P

  8. LOL its okay :) Haha thats good :bd

    I got it from my real name, Blanche. Hihi :)

  9. I'm doing great, thanks! :)

    Hey, your username is cool~! How did you come up with that? :D

  10. Wah, I indeed double-posted! Sorry, didn't notice it :(

    I'm doing great, much less :)

    Hey, your username is cool~! That's somewhat rare. How did you get that? :D

  11. Wah, I indeed double-posted! Sorry, didn't notice it :(

    I'm doing great, much less :)

    Hey, your username is cool~! That's somewhat rare. How did you get that? :D

  12. Wah, I indeed double-posted. Gomennasai, I didn't notice it :(

    Doing good, thanks! :)

    Hey, your username is cool~! (it's kinda rare lol), may I know how did you get that? :D

  13. Oh, hehe.. :D I didn't know that!! :D And talk to you later, my friend!! ^^

  14. Thanks! :) Am doing fine, How about you? :) Thanks for asking btw. No prob :D

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