So, anyone here read (or watch) Ao No Exorcist? I'm really liking the story so far. I've read the first 8 volumes and watched the first 7 or 8 episodes, and i've got to say, Bon's my favorite character. Although Kuro is the most adorable.... Makes me want a Demon/God Cat. _ _
What I like about the storyline and background is that even though I am atheistic, I can't see it as overdone and ridiculous compared to other manga with similar ideas. The plot of Demons, Satan and his sons, and Exorcists isn't approached in a way that shows everything in a 'holy', dumbed down, children's bible story light. The author created characters she cares for as well, and her art style is similar to that of a friend of mine. Plus Kuro's an adorable Demon Cat in both versions, so there. xP
What do you guys think?