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Found 6 results

  1. Naturally, they are the same person, but it's rather difficult to associate Conan as Shinichi sometimes because the two feel individually different. It may be just me, but I find Shinichi more captivating to watch than his younger counterpart. I know a lot of people can probably explain better than I can, but there's definitively something magnetic about Shinichi's screen presence that makes the scene feel more engaging and important. That was probably poorly written and there's probably a inconstancy error in this concept somewhere, but I'll ask anyway. Whose your favorite & Why? <3
  2. Hey I am new to this forum but not new to Detective Conan. It's that one anime series that has accompanied me throughout my entire childhood and I still love it now as much as I did back then. I am also a singer and a selftaught composer and the soundtrack of DC has always been one of my favorites so two weeks ago when a friend told me about Gosho Aoyama's hospitalization I immediately sat down and wrote this song for him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H756L7JrX50 I guess he's never going to see it and it was probably dumb to write a song for him if he won't ever listen to it but I guess I was just caught up in the moment Anyways I thought maybe some of you might like it. Let's all hope that Aoyama sensei will get well soon ( Some people have told me he's out of hospital again and some claim he's still in but either ways we know his surgery was at least successful so I just hope he does not have to face any more complications after that and that he will recover soon ) Have a wonderful day
  3. When you first found out about Detective Conan and first started watching the Anime and/or reading Manga, what were your first thoughts about it? I always thought that the show was about a little kid who was a detective. And literally just thought that. I didn't think he was actually a highschooler stuck in a kid's body until I first watched the anime. But before that I saw an opening of Detective Conan by stumbling upon it while looking up songs from one of my favorite J-Rock bands, Breakerz. At first I thought "So, wait. When he takes off his glasses, he becomes an adult?" lol. But then I started to watch it, and soon, everything started to fall into place. Oh yeah, and I always thought that Kaito Kid was just Shinichi in disguise. Until I saw episode 76, then everything started to make sense.
  4. What if Conan (aka Shinichi) became insane after experiencing all those tragedies and dreadful crimes scenes and became a murderer himself? Watch this amazing clip featuring Conan as a ruthless murderer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_UZXXER_I8 Can't get enough of it... it's so epic...
  5. Hey people! I'm glad to finaly join this forum. I have been watching/reading about Detective Conan for years now and never grown tired. Feels good to find people that share my interest, and knows a lot about the series. Hope we get to talk together and discuss the incredible holmes fan/detective we all love. I myself have watched all the episodes of the series. I think i've also read them all, mostly.. I know for sure i've watched them all, some many times. I have seen all the movies atleast twice.. I kind of feel like a nerd, but it's not any anime is it? I generally never get addicted to stuff, and i find that this anime got me so hocked that i can't really not watch it lol! Ok, that's enough about my sorry life. Hope i will talk to ya all and maybe learn some japanese while i'm at it Thanks guys! - Madosu
  6. Helllooooo everyone.....!!! I am new here but i am not new to detective conan...i have been watching it from 4th grade and i am head over heels for shinichi!!!!!!!!! I love shinichi and love sherlock holmes too.... i really would love to make frndz here...so plzz plzz plz do reply guyzzz )))) byeeee shinichi kudo forever ps- i like taylor swif too
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