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Detective Conan World

Which volume is this from?

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Just thought a new topic on this as I saw this picture but have no clue which case or volume it came from? I'm not sure if the words are exactly from the Manga (it might have been a parody), but if anybody recognizes the box or where it came from that would be great.


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Er... This might be a bit weird, but a fellow DC fan friend of mine gave me a link to a fan made chapter in the series that's a bit, let's say, "rated R". That's where this picture came from. I recognize it. It's not appropriate for the forums, so I can't exactly put the link on here, so I'm just going to have to say you're going to have to stop searching for it. You might not want to see it anyway...

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I think I remember this when Haibara went to see Jodie and say that she does not want to be in the Child support program. Later she tell Conan about it and think it was that scene.

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