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My take on Rum's message To Bourbon

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First things first, the message which Bourbon received was 
"I want information on Kudo Shinichi, Time is money(Toki Wa Kanenari), Hurry up Bourbon."................RUM

Now this is an odd construction of the sentence as "Hurry up Bourbon ." is a directive assertion, which really negates the meaning of the idiom. It would have been a proper sentence if the idiom was at the end.(As then it would have meant that why Bourbon is being told to speed up.)

Now this idiom in Romaji is TOKI WA KANENARI>> rearranged a little and we get Wakita Kanenori.
So why is Rum cryptically taking Wakita's name??
Now a likely solution is that somehow Rum was hinting to Wakita, but then the question is why?(If he wants Bourbon to defeat Wakita in the race of getting info about Shinichi, then Hurry up Bourbon would have been just enough.)

The real solution to me is Rum wants Bourbon to gather info on Kudo Shinichi as well as Wakita Kanenori. Now the latter is named in a cryptic way because of obvious reasons. As Wakita being a BO executive would have some allies in BO, if Bourbon got a direct order about gaining info on Wakita, then the message might just be too easy to interpret and Wakita will get warned. But even if this message is leaked, nobody will think it alludes to Wakita and btw the most insightful mind in BO is expected to decode this rearrangement quite easily.)

The sweatdrop on Bourbon after receiving it also shows his dillema, probably he somehow knows Wakita personally and probably thinks that wakita is a possible infiltrator in BO, so when Rum asks him to get dirt on Wakita Bourbon finds himself in the exact same place where Rye found him when he was ordered to kill Scotch.

Given my current speculation, that wakita=Tsutomu, this development might just be the bridge needed to be there to further that Suichi vs Amuro plot.

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