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Answer that riddle

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:mellow: Did I mention there cant be two white hats? :blink:

KKLT, please run me through it again. You said that there can be one black hat and two white hats. I am slightly confused.

And for some reason...I am intrigued by the word King. You put it in all caps. That stands out to me...

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Once upon a time, there was a KING who wanted to appoint an advisor.

In his country, there were three wisest men and so the King invited them to a test.

The king blind folded them and put a hat on each of them.

The kind told them. I have put either a black or white hat on each of you.

All I can tell you is that there is at least one black hat. There could be one black hat and two white hat, two black hats and one white hat, or there could be three black hats.

There will never be Three White hats.

The first person who tells me what the colour of his hat is will be hired for the job.

However, if anyone answers wrongly, they will be beheaded. If nobody answers after two hours, we will ask all of you to leave.

The king then took out their blindfolds and the first man saw two black hats. The rest of the men seemed to look confused as well. After what seemed to be forever, the first man stood up and said "The colour of my hat is ...! "

He was appointed as the next advisor.

How did he do it?

@pyre: yep there CAN be two white hats.. But lia-chan said there can't be so many white hats. So I asked her if I mentioned that there can't be two white hats. And the answer is no.

Edit: don't mind the caps... I guess I could have put it for fun XD

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No it can't be white because if my hat is white then the person with black hat will guess immediately that his hat would be black by looking the two white hats and said that there can never be three white hats so in another words he is also confused because there is only one possible.There are three black hats.

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No it can't be white because if my hat is white then the person with black hat will guess immediately that his hat would be black by looking the two white hats and said that there can never be three white hats so in another words he is also confused because there is only one possible.There are three black hats.

Thats correct!

The guy sees two black hats. It means his hat is either black or white.(There are only two choices so .. yea)

If his hat is white,

it means his opponents would have seen this:


ASSUMING that his WISE opponents are actually WISE (though i doubt this is something we would want to argue about)

...they would know very clearly that if their hats are white,

then there would be TWO WHITE HATS and the last remaining person with the Black Hat will IMMEDIATELY know that his hat is black.

However, this person with the black hat had not IMMEDIATELY realised his hat was black. And why was that? That was because he DID NOT SEE TWO white hats! Which means what he saw, was A BLACK and a WHITE Hat. Since the one who is wearing the WHITE HAT is the first wise guy, it means their own hat is black.

Therefore, his opponents would have guessed after a very SHORT while that their own hat is BLACK.

However, that was not the case. ALL of them were confused and nobody knew what to do? The only reason is that, there were THREE BLACK HATS.


Great job!

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That's right!!!









The bottom describes what is supposedly on top.


1 -> 1 ones -> 11

11 -> 2 ones -> 21

21 -> 1 two 1 one -> 1211

1211-> 1 one 1 two 2 ones -> 111221



1 3 11 222 1 -> 11 13 21 32 11 -> 1113213211

Great job!!!


Ok. Lets have a difficult one :)


The KING takes 8 stamps - 4 red and 4 green, and sticks two to the forehead of each of the wise men so that each of them can see all the other stamps except those remaining 2 in the King's pocket and the two on their own forehead. He then asks them in turn if they know the colors of their own stamps:

A: "No."

B: "No."

C: "No."

A: "No."

B: "Yes."

What color stamps does B have?

Seeing its rather difficult, I have added some hints:

(Try not to go onto the next hint unless you really cant think of anything)

General Hint: Remember- 4 Red, 4 Green. 6 were used. 2 were kept.

Sherlock Holmes Hint:

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

Hint 1:

Lets assume B had red-red, is it possible for A or C to have red-red? If no, what are the options left for A and C?

Hint 2:

If B had red-red, is it possible that A had green-green? No? Why?

Hint 3:

If B had red-red and A had green-green, then C can only have one choice left. Don't you agree? So did C know that? Why didnt C know?

Hint 4:

So what will A be if B was red-red?

Hint 5:

If A and B are as of above, and C is green-green, means A sees a green-green and a red-red. Sounds familiar? *see spoiler 3*

Hint 6:

So what will A, B and C be? Is this possible? Try it with the conversation.

Hint 7:

After you have SOLVED the above hints and you still cannot get it... then ask me for it.

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