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Detective Conan World

Describe the Person Above You [Forum Game]

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Finished counting down yet? Cuz I'm still here, and finishing my ShinRan drawing (they're about to kiss in it! Kawaii!) Somebody who doesn't know their DC inequalities. :P

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It is among my friends. (or my friend.) We like using words that rhyme with 'eh'.

Someone who doesn't understand 'feh'.

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Me and Mohorovicic did forum games together for over an hour and a half last night, so he reached 2000+ and I reached 500... I posted over 100+ things yesterday, so I have a lot more posts now....

Somebody who loves the Kudos!

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Someone who is jealous. 069.gif

Me and Mohorovicic did forum games together for over an hour and a half last night, so he reached 2000+ and I reached 500... I posted over 100+ things yesterday, so I have a lot more posts now....

I take no credit for this scheme.

Somone who made a plan to increase her posts and far surpassed my record for the most posts in a day :mellow:

No one has beaten my record for most posts in a day: 217.

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