Kirsch 95 Report post Posted March 2, 2015 The Theory of Everything - Stephen Hawking Pfft yeah I understand it... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitty Paw 34 Report post Posted March 2, 2015 Dracula Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akazora 293 Report post Posted March 17, 2015 Beloved by Toni Morrison I love this book to death. Words cannot describe this novel, I swear it's amazing. I was blown away by Handmaid's Tale over the summer, and while Beloved didn't have as strong or shocking an ending, the overall package was so poetic and so twisted I can safety say it's better than HT. It's impossible to explain what's so amazing about the book unless you read it. One of the best examples of how effective even a cumbersome language like English can be when put in the hands of a storyteller as talented as Morrison. (Do be warned though, the book is graphic and contains a lot of mature themes so tread at your own risk.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitty Paw 34 Report post Posted March 17, 2015 All Fall Down by Ally Carter Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rye 122 Report post Posted April 8, 2015 On 3/17/2015 at 2:42 AM, Akazora said: Beloved by Toni Morrison I love this book to death. Words cannot describe this novel, I swear it's amazing. I was blown away by Handmaid's Tale over the summer, and while Beloved didn't have as strong or shocking an ending, the overall package was so poetic and so twisted I can safety say it's better than HT. It's impossible to explain what's so amazing about the book unless you read it. One of the best examples of how effective even a cumbersome language like English can be when put in the hands of a storyteller as talented as Morrison. (Do be warned though, the book is graphic and contains a lot of mature themes so tread at your own risk.) Sounds interesting. What's it about? I'm currently reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, and it's pretty thorough. It's the first biography I've ever read in my life, and so far, I can say that Jobs's life is quite an interesting rollercoaster ride. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirsch 95 Report post Posted April 10, 2015 TFIOS Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akazora 293 Report post Posted April 12, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 1:31 PM, Rye said: Sounds interesting. What's it about? Ehh, it's really hard to explain without spoiling it, but it's this post American Civil War story that involves a baby ghost. It may sound silly, but it's really really dark and twisted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon Kid 16 Report post Posted April 20, 2015 The Throne of Fire - Rick Riordan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitty Paw 34 Report post Posted April 22, 2015 Legend by Marie Lu. I love this book Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phantomlady1101 59 Report post Posted May 11, 2015 By the pricking of my thumbs - Agatha Christie A little eerie but it's Agatha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted May 11, 2015 I have been poring over last school year's textbooks. Suddenly, they are interesting Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonymously anonymous 34 Report post Posted May 11, 2015 Confessions: of a murder suspect -James Patterson I loved the book only by reading the very first paragraph And it has an interesting story... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CadmiumSparks 0 Report post Posted May 23, 2015 On 5/11/2015 at 1:00 PM, Nara-chan said: I have been poring over last school year's textbooks. Suddenly, they are interesting Yeah, same with me. The textbooks tend to be annoying for the present year but get good when read after some years! The last book I read was Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte. Needless to say, it's so amazing to read from the perspective of a girl who is not stereotypically beautiful, or is flawless. Jane's narration of her life kind of felt as if related with me.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon Kid 16 Report post Posted May 24, 2015 My science textbook. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted May 26, 2015 Lately I've been sucked into a vortex called *not technically a book but whatever who cares* It's really nice, although I'm not yet done with it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenzi 146 Report post Posted May 27, 2015 I recently read I'll Give You the Sun, or rather, I got through it. Fantastic prose, but an average storyline. However, the way it was written felt very vernacular. The book can be a bit crude at times, but it still manages to get the point across. It's one of the best books I've read in a while, so I'm pretty mad that I had to speed-read it for a project instead of actually enjoying it at my own pace. I normally dislike reading first-person, but man, this book just blew me away. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted May 29, 2015 Man. I am so behind on books. All I can do is re-read the ones I already have. I re-read the Divergent series, and that just reinforced the feeling that the quality of the story declined over the three books. Allegiant just felt a little off from the story I projected in my mind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon Kid 16 Report post Posted June 5, 2015 Hardy Boys Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CadmiumSparks 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2015 A Thousand Splendid Suns- Khaled Hosseini My first try in reading contemporary ones. And it was such a magnetic book that I finished it within a week. Hats off to the way the wars in Afghanistan was depicted in it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CadmiumSparks 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2015 High school science textbooks as well Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon Kid 16 Report post Posted June 23, 2015 supernatural Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arima 58 Report post Posted July 2, 2015 Girl Online-Zoe Sugg Penny has a secret blog with the Online Girl Nickname where she writes everything that happens in her day-to-day venting their innermost feelings! But to be a very shy girl and you think well '' strange '' she prefers to remain anonymous blog. The only person who knows of the existence of your blog is Elliot, his best childhood friend who also earns a nickname in Wiki blog posts. (Wiki Wikipedia! The guy knows everything!) Penny, begins to have panic attacks since suffering a car accident with her parents, and it starts to bother enough. And when things start to go bad to worse her family takes her to New York where she meets Noah<3___<3, (the most bizarre way possible) a beautiful face, and she seems to have much in common. Suddenly Penny realizes that falling in love, and writes every moment of this history in her blog, anonymously. Only Noah also has a secret, a secret that could end up with Penny disguise forever! If I showed my book, I think would be surprised with the amount of post-it that I used in the first few pages! In the first few pages I thought the book would be an ordinary book of '' teenage sweetheart '' (That's been my favorite at the moment!) But when I came halfway through the book, completely changed my opinion. I loved how the author handles making us think of several things that can fit to be the secret of Noah, and I confess to you that I thought everything exactly everything but what it really was. I confess I'm in love with Noah, he is the sweetest person on earth! And even more in love with Elliot, I laugh a lot.. The book deals with the subject of homosexuality, shows how homosexuals suffer oppression and prejudice even inside the house. (Elliot suffers problems for being homosexual, and his father did not accept) Insecurity and acceptance, Penny was a super person insecure about her appearance, hated his hair and his freckles until she meets Noah and begins to see differently. (I wont give Spoiler) Finally, as people in special friendships should be exactly selected, after as Girl Online says, there comes a time that some friends no longer serve us! I loved the book, and I'm looking forward to the next \o/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A L 217 Report post Posted July 2, 2015 Just this past month I read: The Hunger Games Trilogy (Finally!) Divergent Trilogy (Why did I buy these?) All of Percy Jackson (& the Olympians + Heroes of Olympus) Of course I didn't touch my school work despite having to apply for universities this year and SAT etc- :') God help me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arima 58 Report post Posted July 2, 2015 The white queen(The cousin's war) by philippa gregory Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crimson Tide 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2015 Just read A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four. Why didn't I read Sherlock Holmes earlier? :| Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites