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Read Any Good Books Lately?

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We read To Kill A Mockingbird in class this year and now the new school I'm going to makes their students read the same book over the summer but I don't have to because I already did ha

Anyway, this book is a classic and if you haven't read it then I honestly do not know what you're doing with your life

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A Court of Mist and Fury

I'm dying for the final book to come out. Hopefully, Tamlin dies in a hole, Rhys becomes a little less like the personification of PC-ness (don't worry I still l love you), and Lucien continues to be MVP.

EDIT:: seems the author went TMI on us. There will now be 6 books to this series.


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  On 7/2/2016 at 2:06 PM, chinese said:

The Communist Manifesto

I think it is good book..But seem not everyone like it.what do you think?

It is a very extremist ideology(communism) and not something everybody likes.


I just read the Giver by Lois Lowry

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Defy by Sara B. Larson.

Anyone who likes super badass heroines should read; it's exciting and suspenseful and I couldn't put it down until I finished the third book of the series oops

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Currently doing a unit on Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck in English class

One of my favorite books I've had to read for school so far

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Some of the readings I have to do for an econ class are actually pretty engaging, no joke.  They cover practical and historical examples of concepts, especially as they relate to current issues, and it's a lot better than just reading about theory.  Too bad my professor just boils down the lectures to theory anyway so it kinda defeats the purpose.....

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I just finished Star Wars: Cobalt Squadron by Elizabeth Wein yesterday. It's an excellent lead-in for The Last Jedi and gives us background and development of some of the new characters, especially Paige and Rose Tico. We get to see where they and some other new characters were during the events of The Force Awakens. The book also shows the growth of the characters, particularly Rose. 251 pages,  and DEFINITELY worth the time to read. If you've already seen The Last Jedi and are planning to go see it again, pick up Cobalt Squadron first; it will add to the experience.

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Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. It's about a man of IQ 60 who undergoes an experimental treatment to increase his intelligence. However, with increased intelligence comes increased awareness of the cynical world around him--those who laugh at him are not doing so out of friendship, but of mockery. As he reaches genius levels of thought, his predecessor, a now-genius lab mouse by the name of Algernon, starts to go crazy. dun DUN.


I'm doing this book no justice with my synopsis, but would recommend looking at some reviews if you're interested! It's a great insight on the human condition (lots of Freud to be found here) from a pretty unique perspective. I really liked it and 11/10 would recommend!

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  On 6/10/2020 at 4:26 PM, Kirsch said:

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. It's about a man of IQ 60 who undergoes an experimental treatment to increase his intelligence. However, with increased intelligence comes increased awareness of the cynical world around him--those who laugh at him are not doing so out of friendship, but of mockery. As he reaches genius levels of thought, his predecessor, a now-genius lab mouse by the name of Algernon, starts to go crazy. dun DUN.


I'm doing this book no justice with my synopsis, but would recommend looking at some reviews if you're interested! It's a great insight on the human condition (lots of Freud to be found here) from a pretty unique perspective. I really liked it and 11/10 would recommend!


I've been meaning to read for this a few years to be honest! I've seen several people in recent months rave about it though so I might have to bump it up on my to-read list. Is the book as much of a tearjerker as I've heard it is?



I wouldn't say it's necessarily "good", but I picked up a really pristine copy of Podkayne of Mars by Heinlein from a secondhand bookstore not too long ago and I've been enjoying it for what it is haha It's a great read if you just wanna turn your brain off for a short while. I also just started Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller the other night, and while I'm not far enough along to really have any thoughts on it yet, I've been enjoying it thus far

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I'm slowly slowly slowly working through The Fixer by Bernard Malamud. It's not a long book by any means, I just only ever read before bed and I've been super tired lately so I haven't been reading much lmao

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I'm reading The Sound and the Fury - the magnum opus of the American writer William Faulkner. It is quite difficult to perceive the text. In the novel, the author uses the principle of "double vision" to reveal the same problem and the flow of consciousness.

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