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Describe the Person Below You [Forum Game]

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16th of April (hence the day the new shinichi arc is supposed to come out... hence the day the 4th naruto movie in which the 4th HOKAGE and naruto are together.... henced the day that the 15th movie of DC comes out.....!!!!!!!)

And no... I went through a HeiShin phase, but it passed when I found KaiShin 4e5dd44a.gif

Someone who who would rather skydive than go rockclimbing

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No way. I was KaiShin until I discovered the adorability of HeiShin. (in my yaoiness.)

Someone who acts like icon_twisted.gif sometimes.

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Never been to the West side of the US ...sadly, I'm deprived of traveling *tear, tear, sniffel, sniffel*

Someone that likes there apple sliced compared to whole

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