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Describe the Person Below You [Forum Game]

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No... I sing terribly, but when I was a kid I used to be able to sing Opera (then I stopped singing altogether and somehow lost the ability *shrug*

Someone that laughed at this Watch at 0:54


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(ehehe *rubs back of head* Merci~!)

Detective Conan should have a good ending or else I'll be really disappointed

Someone that jams out to their favorite song... which is _______<---(fill in blank)

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And DC song! XD

(By the way, I just noticed, but you should have written "Parle Française". Because, 1: You're a girl, so you would use the feminine form of 'français' which is 'française'. And 2: Since you're talking about yourself, you would have to congregate the verb, in this case 'parler', and use the correct ending, which in this case, is -e. You need to do this or else you would be saying "to speak french" rather than "speak french".)

Someone who ________. <----fill in the blank

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feels like an idiot...

(but yeah- I knew I need to congegate the verb... It's just it didn't sound right without the r so I added it -___________-)

Someone who hates doing __________ <---- (fill in blank)

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