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News for Movie 16?

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I found this on a Chinese website, and I'm hoping that it's true (though I doubt it is). I copied and pasted everything from the site, and put it below.


日文名: 鲜血の兢技场   

英文名:Blood arena with   











来源:名侦探柯南16弹官网。日本国际漫画舞台,青山老师颁奖名侦探柯南15周年几年奖,当时说:“名探侦コナンが一段落し、感谢して、読者たちは、コナンは15年ぶりに、大きな関心を持っている」とし、「しかし、コナンは、再来年にある2014おさらばする私达しました!2012年。名探侦コナン16弾——血の竞技场が全面的に登场します!2014年シルバー弾も、舞台でもあった。観客があるかもしれないと闻いては、ふうだったのだろうか。コナンは一年登场一话映画版だったのだろうか。そうだ。しかし今回の列の外では、以前は私はすべてわずか数ヶ月の时间の创作柯南剧场版が、17弾私は半年余りで作られており、柯南剧场版漫画ページ数が増えているという。” (日语,原话。来源:日本官网。)【翻译:名侦探柯南即将告一段落,感谢读者们对柯南15年来的关注,但是,柯南在后年——2014就要告别我们了!2012年.名侦探柯南16弹——沾血的竞技场全面登场!2014年银色子弹也随着登场舞台。也许会有观众会问,唉?柯南不是一年登场一集电影版吗?没错,但是这次列外,以前我都是用短短几个月的时间创作柯南剧场版,但是17弹我将用半年多时间创作,而柯南剧场版漫画页数也增加,相当于两个剧场版漫画。】   



Here is the link to the site I got all this info off of: here.

Another website with the same info can be found here.

From what I can understand from what's copied an pasted above, there will only be a total of 17 movies before they end the movie series. The 16th movie will be released not next year as expected, but 2013. The 16th and 17th movies will be connected in some way (maybe plotwise?) and the 17th movie has something to do with the "silver bullet". As of right now, nothing has been confirmed.

I really don't know what to think, especially because I'm almost 100% sure this is all false. Just decided to put this up here for some speculation.

Please do not yell at me for putting up "obviously false information". I know this is most definitely a hoax, but I posted this for those who want to stay up to date with any info, even false info.

So,the conclusion for this is fake,right? :o

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Movie 16's title, poster and release date will be revelead in the 52th issue of SS published on the 22nd of November :


Thanks Wakarimashita! Hm, the info seems like it's coming out earlier than usual. Aren't most of the posters revealed about mid December? Well, there's only 11 more days to wait! Looking forward to it!

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It will be called "Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker". And yes, its the official title.

Which also means it will be based on Football and not baseball.

Have a nice day :)


Where did you get this info from? Wow!!! At last, some believable info :)

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