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i feel like a total idiot whenever i meet that guy.... DANG IT!!!!!!! i can't frickin' move on that guy >.<

can you guys give me advice somehow? pls. help me kaichou coz' my classmate keeps on telling me to do MOVE ON

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@ Kaichou and Je-chan, I'm sorry your love lives are a fail. But at least YOU don't have to deal being called a couple by your classmates when hanging out with one of your best guy friends, and when saying it's not true, they don't believe you. OR being asked by other girls if you like a boy, being asked out for a dare, if you would date a boy, or get asked if you like a guy who you get along with, and when denying it, they don't believe you! Sorry... Ranting about my past...

@ Glee-chan, (Xenonkid's new nickname!) I can try and help. But a little more info would be nice...

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Wow. I wish I could make a signature like that... :mellow: Did you try asking Senpai? I heard he was good at doing photos and avatars and the like.

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i feel like a total idiot whenever i meet that guy.... DANG IT!!!!!!! i can't frickin' move on that guy >.<

can you guys give me advice somehow? pls. help me kaichou coz' my classmate keeps on telling me to do MOVE ON

Hmm, so basically you're saying you have a crush on this guy who doesn't like you back and your friends want you to move on? That's happened to me once, and the only thing it really took was time. If something abrupt happened, that could also work, but time is the essence. In time, it'll gradually fade away.

Of course, not all relationships are like that, so a little more info please?

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Wow kaichou, you're so nice. :)

Er, how?

Oh, and Xenonkid, if you don't want to give up on him, the only way your heart's not gonna break is if you somehow get together. That'd mean a lot of work on your part. If he doesn't like you naturally, first think if you irritate him or anger him a lot. But if he's okay with you naturally, don't change it. These things take time.

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I know this is totally inappropriate to do right now but...

I didn't get to talk to him. I said hi.. and he made face, sort of acknowledging my existence for a split second, then his eyes moved to Paula-chan.... and then poof. I've also discovered something. Even though I've been around there for 4-5 years... no one talks to me. Some people know my name. Some. I swear.. I'm invisible. I've been looked over so many times. It's just worse when I happen to like one of those people who overlook me (who happens to usually NOT overlook me which is why... I need to shut up.)


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I know this is totally inappropriate to do right now but...

I didn't get to talk to him. I said hi.. and he made face, sort of acknowledging my existence for a split second, then his eyes moved to Paula-chan.... and then poof. I've also discovered something. Even though I've been around there for 4-5 years... no one talks to me. Some people know my name. Some. I swear.. I'm invisible. I've been looked over so many times. It's just worse when I happen to like one of those people who overlook me (who happens to usually NOT overlook me which is why... I need to shut up.)


There's a difference between invisible and shy. And you don't have to be outspoken to be a leader. There's such thing as a quiet leader, you know.

Most people in my grade know who I am by face and most of those people know my name. The only ones who don't are the popular airheads.

Good luck, Xenonkid. You may be the only one in this sad, sad group who actually succeeds. I made a stupid mistake, and now I'd rather help others with their love lives.

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When people get me talking.. I'm loud and often obnoxious. I'm selfish and annoying, so people regret trying to get me to speak. I hate myself. I don't belong in their world... I definitely don't belong in his.. and so I should just shut up and keep being invisible. 'Cause that's just the way it works. I'm written off as incompetent because I start getting nervous and have a habit of playing dumb. Oh just shoot me. Please. I need to shut up. Now.



Don't mind me.

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When people get me talking.. I'm loud and often obnoxious. I'm selfish and annoying, so people regret trying to get me to speak. I hate myself. I don't belong in their world... I definitely don't belong in his.. and so I should just shut up and keep being invisible. 'Cause that's just the way it works. I'm written off as incompetent because I start getting nervous and have a habit of playing dumb. Oh just shoot me. Please. I need to shut up. Now.



Don't mind me.

*hugs* (Yes, I do have circumstances under which I will hug)

We care about you! This is why we have LHC, so we can support each other! Never give up hope (I am a hypocrite, yes, I know)! Your chances are much higher than mine.

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*hugs back* Thanks..

My chances will never be better than yours... I'm ugly, stupid, and I look like a diseased freak because of my eczema, and whenever I'm just sitting there I look like I'm going to kill someone.. when I smile I look high... I'm also considered socially awkward because I'm too honest with people. So.. just so you know.. your chances will always be better than mine at ANYTHING XD

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*hugs back* Thanks..

My chances will never be better than yours... I'm ugly, stupid, and I look like a diseased freak because of my eczema, and whenever I'm just sitting there I look like I'm going to kill someone.. when I smile I look high... I'm also considered socially awkward because I'm too honest with people. So.. just so you know.. your chances will always be better than mine at ANYTHING XD

You have no idea what you're saying...and there's a lot you haven't taken into calculation.

But thanks. You're not stupid or ugly. And anyone with the name "Jeanne" is fine by me. :P

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EDIT: You know what? I'm acting stupid. S.T.U.P.I.D. I'm going to get out of the "talking about the other gender" mode.

Edited by IdentityUnknown

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Wow, I missed... A lot.

@Kaichou, to answer your question, I called you nice because you're helping other with their love lives when your's is failing. Good luck crushing thoughts about your crush.

@Je-chan, *slaps her* Shame on you! I don't want to hear you talk bad about yourself! You're great the way you are, and all of us here love you. So screw men, you got us. We're a billion times better! *gasps* Oh no! I'm so sorry Je-chan! I hit you! TT^TT Here, let me make it up to you! *gives her a big cookie and a bear hug*

@Cure-kun, when I say, "Screw men," I wasn't talking about you. Just to clarify. Also, *pats head* I'm sure that heartbeat was a fluke.

PLEASE NOTE: I can be a bit bipolar sometimes... Sorry about that....

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Guess what.

I have mission impossible now. I have to somehow read a 400+ page book in two days and write an essay about it. While waiting on my eternally slow teachers. Screw my life.

Femininity? GO DIE :D


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Awww I love you guys! (now i understand why girls say i love you to anyone)*Hugs*

You might know this but just to be sure...

Girls are psychologically more mature than men (around 10 years or so, I herd).

So girls get easily broken down in self consciousness because even the brain is being competitive against other girls without even thinking of it.(based on what I know. If I'm wrong then I better review that.)

Dunno if I'm right to say this but,

You will start to see (around after puberty or beginning of ovulation) yourself comparing with others, and thinking "I NEED to look better than them." When you look at yourself, "Why do I look so ugly? fat? unattractive?" (no offense.)

Girls are physically structured way BEYOND more complicated than men, so is the mentallity of girls. We, men, don't really care what we wear, or when should we wash(I rarely do;; lol), because men are not competitive against each other until they find a love. (if you have seen discovery channels or some sort, males often fight over females). That's the only time men are usually competitive.

Hating yourself isn't going to help. I don't know why, but it's pretty common for girls to think them selves as an enemy and hate themselves.

Usually it can be a sign of depression, but you aren't really in it, you're just being a normal girl.

I know and and I understand how it feels, I've been in depression for couple of month before joining DCW.

So start thinking positive(how I recovered from depression, it is better than taking weird medications).

If you keep hating yourself you will feel really lonely, even though you are with your family, and start to be silent as ever. (my first sign of depression.)

Whoa, am I off topic? I'm not sure what I'm doing...

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Wow, I missed... A lot.

@Kaichou, to answer your question, I called you nice because you're helping other with their love lives when your's is failing. Good luck crushing thoughts about your crush.

@Je-chan, *slaps her* Shame on you! I don't want to hear you talk bad about yourself! You're great the way you are, and all of us here love you. So screw men, you got us. We're a billion times better! *gasps* Oh no! I'm so sorry Je-chan! I hit you! TT^TT Here, let me make it up to you! *gives her a big cookie and a bear hug*

@Cure-kun, when I say, "Screw men," I wasn't talking about you. Just to clarify. Also, *pats head* I'm sure that heartbeat was a fluke.

PLEASE NOTE: I can be a bit bipolar sometimes... Sorry about that....

Why thank you, Misaki-chan. I'd help someone with their love life any day. I'd give up my love life to help somebody else's any day as well. I'd give my feelings up to help somebody be happy (including my crush) if I had to. It's just my personality.

... You can be very bipolar sometimes...


Guess what.

I have mission impossible now. I have to somehow read a 400+ page book in two days and write an essay about it. While waiting on my eternally slow teachers. Screw my life.

Femininity? GO DIE :D


Essay and 400+ page book? What type of books is it? Oh, and I'm acting stupid all right. Very stupid. Stupid from the very beginning.

Cure-kun: I don't hate myself. I just call myself stupid. :P Nor do I care about my appearance much.

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I'm gonna guess that 98% of that was aimed at me from Cure-kun... XD Sankyuu :)

MISAKI-CHAN *wails and curls up in a ball, then munches on cookie* o.o'''

Kaichou, it's this old old old old book that I must read and compare it to Legally Blonde and then come up with some freaking long research essay (my deadline for school is dangerously close.. and my teachers in English are freaking LAZY) and I don't have a clue where the crap I'm to find it... I don't care about femininity but I must do this or else face a whole unit of fail in English :// DIE ENGLISH DIE. This is why I speak so much Japanese. It's nicer to me than English is, 'cause I'm not formally learning or studying in it.. (yet).

Oh no.. Am I actually going to work hard and study... Oh ... NAAAH THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE.

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