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Things that girls do to me at school...

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20 THINGS....

1. Take picture (ㄱ-;;.. )

2. *Whining voice + Charm* Hey~~ Can I copy your homework? (Goose bumps;;;;.. )

3. Sit on my lap (O_O;;;.. )

4. Punch/Slap/Throw things on my back (>∧<)

5. Kicking randomly (ouch...)

6. "When is your birthday?"

----Sept. 28

----"Oh, OK!"

----*5 min later*

----"When is your Birthday?" (Takes out a gun)



----Today isn't my birthday..

----"oh. HAPP-"






----I get it. (You can or Can I) do (your or My) work now?



7. Walks around me in circles...

8. *Takes away my phone*

9. "Look!" *looks* "Made you look!" :evil:

10. Putting on perfume... I hate that smell...

11. Steals food/ drink


13. Plays with my hair. (ㄱ-)

14. Tries to put make up on me.(ㄱ_ㄱ)

15. Chasing me. (>_<....)

16. (Mostly Korean girls) "Do you want to die?" *Evil face*


18. "Did you see/ read/ watch ______? "

----No. I'm not interested.



19. Blah blah blah Hanna blah blah Bieber blah blah blah....

20. *STARES* "Are you gay?"

----What the- No! O_o

----"Do you have a girl friend?" :-D

----No, I don't have one. I'm not interested.

----"What? You ARE Gay!"

----*Takes out and sharpens Katana*

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Poor you xP Not ALL Asian girls are like this :3 The only thing I do is the evil "Do you want to die" thing... but otherwise... wow... life must suck for you xP

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This post is the reason why I'm not interested in all girls. (Except girls like Haibara)

I think she is my type

Girls in my country are crazy about some Korean dudes, they talk about those guys all the time like:"A is so cute, i love him!! No, B is better, A is just a @%^$". No offence to anyone, but they look like a bunch of girls to me: Look so feminine, white skin, perfume... Girls interested in that kind of guys ?

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I think she is my typeGirls in my country are crazy about some Korean dudes, they talk about those guys all the time like:"A is so cute, i love him!! No, B is better, A is just a @%^$". No offence to anyone, but they look like a bunch of girls to me: Look so feminine, white skin, perfume... Girls interested in that kind of guys ?

Yea... supposedly Girls like guys who look cuter than they are or certain someone to make others jealous. So weird how the thing creature human girls work.. they are just mystery for men. Hard to deduce what they are trying to do.... At least Kudo can do that in DC...

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*shrugs* Just random stuff about apoptosis and stuff. It's actually programmed cell death which I find pretty interesting. The process is really complicated though. I think it would be hard to stimulate in an actual pill though...it seems to be natural and often beneficial for the body. It's the process that gives you fingers. The only way it could cause death might be if it lead to cancer (which is possible) or if all of the cells experienced it at the same instant. This, however, is unlikely.

Sometimes I think I sound too much like a college student.

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For me, I can be really mature at times, but really immature during other. Being with my friends is a good example of me acting immature. As for mature, I guess during class is an example.

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Oh I have my ways to get Haibara like me.... *Evil grin*

"Let's talk science!!!"

*Haibara walks toward storage room with ignorance* "Hm..."

*Breaks apart; No sign of moving* "..."

*Haibara gets broomstick and sweeps* "Poor kid..."

Now we learned that we shouldn't be evil.....

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Lol you want another?

*Fantasizes me and Haibara* ">//U//<"

*Haibara come up with vacuum, switches on, sucking in the thoughts* "Riiighttt..."

*I crash in the spot* "...."

*Vacuums up the corpse* "Yawn~~"

Now we learned that we shouldn't imagine such things...

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well, it was supposed to be-

*Haibara pushes me away from screen* "Be careful what you wish for..."

I was gonna say that!

*Haibara pushes again* "Shoo, lemme do this since you got me into this..."


*Haibara is dominating* "Is this still on going?"

If someone post or reply, yes. Are you leaving soon?

*Haibara sits* "No, I'll wait since I'm into this..."

Conan is not gonna like this.....

*Haibara stares*"..."


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