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  On 12/10/2014 at 12:25 PM, Kid the Phantom Thief said:

Ah, well I just watched Interstellar a few weeks ago. Don't remember exactly when.

I'll be watching the Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies next week.

Was the movie good? I'm planning to watch it soon too. (Both of them)

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  On 12/10/2014 at 9:40 PM, Professor Balthazar said:

everyone here should watch birdman 

Oh man, I've heard some awesome things about that movie.  Can't believe I have such a huge backlog of movies to watch.  Still haven't gotten around to watching Snowpiercer yet. 

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  On 12/11/2014 at 1:27 AM, Akazora said:

Oh man, I've heard some awesome things about that movie.  Can't believe I have such a huge backlog of movies to watch.  Still haven't gotten around to watching Snowpiercer yet. 

it didnt do well at the box office, but its praised by everyone 

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  On 12/11/2014 at 9:14 PM, Santa said:


Adding to the list:

  • Unbroken
  • Interstellar
  • Mockingjay (sorta-kinda)
  • Fury


Fury is awesome, I say. I have to watch it again, though, since it's pretty a little bit inaudible when I watched it.



I can finally watch The Hobbit: Battle of Fiver Armies \o/ Gonna watch it very soon. I'll probably watch HP Deathly Hollows 2 first though, since it's in queue.

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I was going to go see this with a bunch of friends, but the plan got thrown out the window when their parents found out it was rated R. Gahhhh I need to find someone to watch it with me; I've never seen a thriller before ;A;

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I need to finish Whiplash because the 3/5 of it that I watched were giving off a "Best movie I've ever watched" vibe, thanks for reminding balts.

A movie/doc I watched a few days ago with Edward Snowden and some famous activists/journalsits was quite interesting and I would probably recommend it.It was about the US gov/laws and how somebody is reading what I'm writing now and going yea that's true I did put Peunile down on my To-Investigate-Further list after she watched that movie on Wednesday 19:33 till 21:21 while texting these two people on these three topics and purchasing this item at 14:34.

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I plan on watching Perks of Being a Wallflower, Wreck it Ralph, and We Need to Talk About Kevin and a random assort of old, silent movies soon. I dunno when I'll get to them all though

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Adding The Skeleton Twins, Clockwork Orange, and Dear Zachary to my list of movies to watch soon. 

...just gotta figure out when I can set aside the time to watch all these movies 

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  On 6/21/2015 at 12:05 PM, .MK. said:


Omigod, Another Interstellar coming up xDD


My brother's in the other room, planning the movie night out this weekend. And this is different from Interstellar—Interstellar walked into the mystic, paradoxical realm of Sci-fi not long after it started. The Martian, from the few pages I've read from the book before my brother called dibs on it, is all hard-science. One thing I'll miss about Interstellar though is the Hans Zimmer soundtrack. 

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