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Detective Conan World

10 Years Later

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Some scientist believe that our religion exists in our minds.

The way our brain work, they say that when ever we get religious,

there are some kind of reactions in our brain that makes us feel "holy"

... and they say that it could be caused by a chemical that they do not know of yet.

They say this because if you think of Natives, they smoke this substances they consider "a gift from (their)god"

They say that it cures diseases, curses, and many others.

Researchers could not get the hands of it, but people who experienced it said that they saw their relatives and ancestors. Some believed they saw the gods they believe in.

This spiritual/religious vision they see, the scientist think that it is a type of hallucination, and some kind of delusion... They say that it is most likely a chemical substances... hm. I can't remember....

Interesting subject. My teacher told me about this, and I think I should research on this... someday..

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