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Detective Rohit

Greatest Criminal And Favourite Criminal

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Gin, I guess,because i am looking at him as the face of the BO...

i was going to say anokata but since nobody knows who he is yet and what are his motives, he can't be the greatest criminal yet...

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"The Criminal" by a mile. Kaito Kid is pretty much comic relief, BO members are but pawns in a bigger plot and Anokata, for all we know, is just an imaginary figure Gin uses to control the BO members. I really don't know enough about Snake to judge him, but I doubt he can outdo the immortal master of all crimes who has a perfect disguise and manages to perfectly frame others for his crimes, often with irrefutable evidence, going as far as to have them confess.

Or, if I want to be all profound, I can instead go on about how "The Criminal" can take over the negative feelings people harbour towards others and turn them into real crimes with painful reprecussions for all parties involved regardless of the usual natures and personalities of these people.

Beat that, Conan. The best you can do is force a criminal into a suicide she he likely would have committed anyway and even the best of lawyers would have much difficulty convicting you for.

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you are not serious

I'll say it again: "for all we know", :P.

I rather doubt it personally, but until he or she has a name and a face, there's no real certainty to his or her existence.

Besides, I still put "impossible to convict" or "psychological control" ahead of having a big, evil organization.

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Even though gin, vodka, and vermouth all know who he is? :P

It's a conspiracy, I tell you!

Is there actual proof that they have met him/her/it in person and aren't just contacted by phone and such? I didn't know that.

I mean, if DC follows up on its overly sci-fi plot, Anokata could even be the codename of a supercomputer or something and not a person as far as I'm aware.

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Vermouth * I voted Vermouth because I just love her character okay?*


"The Criminal"

I haven't caught up with DC so I have no clue who Anokata is.. :P

No one does except Gosho... Anokata is the leader of the BO.

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The first thing I think of when I hear "detective conan" and "greatest criminal" is Gin. I mean he is the EPITOME of a criminal. Considering that the boss hasn't been revealed yet, I wouldnt classify him/her as the greatest. And I don't think I'll ever identify Kaitou Kid as a criminal, I mean he always returns the things he has stolen, and he would never kill a soul. What criminal cherishes the lives of others? I'd say he is the greatest trick master of the series rather than the greatest criminal.

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