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Detective Conan World
Detective Rohit

Greatest Criminal And Favourite Criminal

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I agree with Kyuu

but still kaito kid will be an option coz of (most wanted)

BO is secret crime org after all so hardly anyone in police is even aware of their existence

AS ANOKATA has not been introduced

For me it will be vermouth and gin are greatest.

I HIGHLY doubt that kid is really the most wanted criminal in DC. Thieves almost never make it onto most wanted lists, mainly because their damage is purely financial and most times replaceable or recoverable. He is most wanted by Nakamori and Sonoko's uncle... And they have the funds to have police presence at his announced crime sites, but that does NOT mean that he is the most wanted.

The perception and reality of most wanted are quite different. In fact, theft is usually not considered a top priority for most LEOs unless if involves certain aspects. So to say Kid is the most wanted in DC is unfair. For all we know another person could be the most wanted. The only reason the BO members are NOT on the radar is due to lack of evidence. The members of the BO are bad enough to warrant the attention of both the CIA and FBI. I don't see any one else except Nakamori wanting Kid.

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Kid is my favorite and i would have picked best and greatest but that one wasnt a choice so i chose Bourbon because he does all undercover, they introduced all members of that organization as they were but they led us thinking that 3 different people were him or her :wink:

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Favorite criminal: Vermouth. Unpredictable, smart... she is the one factor that keeps changing, that you are never sure of.

Greatest criminal: Gin. Cold, ruthless. And smart. The stereotyped bad guy in balck trench coat with a black hat, the icy eyes... but so much more than a stereotype. Professional from the beginning.

I love the BO. They make the story so much more interesting by being the shadow of a threat, the threat of a shadow, all the time, never to forget and yet so easily pushed into a far corner of the mind ^^

I would have voted Kaitou Kid but I don't think of him as a criminal (ok, he is International Criminal n° 1412, but he just is NOT a real, hardcore criminal).

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