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Who is IdentityUnknown?

How Old is IdentityUnknown (on May 16th, 2011)?  

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  1. 1. How Old is IdentityUnknown?

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Hmmm... some of the points you make are good but I don't think you can accurately base someone's age off maturity, for one thing: this is the internet, it doesn't really bring across personality well. And, of course, maturity for certain ages only really works in averages, people can widly vary.

Still, I agree with quite a lot of what you're saying and am wondering what IdentityUnknown thinks of this...

it can bring across some personality.. Most of us don't hide our personalities to the extent you wouldn't be able to tell anything. For example, I can be random and technical at the same time in real life too. And I've seen 'average maturity' and I would like to guess off of that. *studies school* JK, but it is helpful... But there are differences. I'm just trying to get Pyre to give us some more clues. :P

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She gives a hint: night. Three words pop in my mind is Night of Caribbean. I think her state live between Florida and Colombia! I can confirm her state live near to sea, when use the word 'night', you can think of events taking place in sea during night! Dancing in Hawaii, treasure hunt in deserted island and being stranded in night, the guy from CSI Miami who wear black suit and pants walking like a wind in dead of the night... it is interesting to associate with a word of 'night.' could it be one of the place is either Miami, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and The Bahamas...?

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I can tell you don't live in UK or Australia so your likely living in America or Canada becuase:

1. You use American words like mom , grade and other stuff.

2. You have different Time zone becuase when I had 7:00 , you were sleepy and you said you can't be bothered.

3. Most English DC fans come from America or Canada.


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OF COURSE THIS IS THE ONE YEAR I'M NOT GOING TO COLORADO IN THE SUMMER!!! Darn... You'd never see me coming, right Pyre? :P I'd take care of Moho for you... *rubs hands evilly*

Aeyra, I know what you look like...I think that I'd see you coming.

Yes, this is the one year you're not going to Colorado. :P Though I did go there last summer to climb Longs Peak...

I'm not actually worried about Moho or at least I don't think I am. There is one tiny, almost funny factor that would prevent him from ever recognizing me.

You are not 10 because 10-year olds tend not to make clues like 'night'.

Hey, what's wrong with the clue "night"? If you actually knew what I was talking about, you'd know my location in about 2 seconds. Probably less.

If you're younger than Moho, you are probably somewhere in the 15-16 age range

15-16? Interesting...

...due to the maturity and skill of your writing...

*bursts out laughing*

And no, I won't tell you why.

However, contradictions to this are when you come on during what I call 'weird' hours.

Weird hours, huh? Would you like me to completely blow apart your thesis by getting on at a weird hour? *grins evilly* Except...I need to catch up on sleep, so I think that'll have to wait.

To announce yourself as a loveless member and start the LHC, you must have reached some level of maturity that I only see in my friend who is unbelievably mature for 14. (she already says she'll never have kids and won't marry... worst part, the rest of us believe her) You've probably had experience that would show this, and you got over your crush quickly enough for us to know you cared, but slow enough for us to know you're not the kind of person who falls in and out of love every week.

I announce myself as a loveless member for various reasons that may take several years to go through. *chuckles* And no, I don't fall in and out of love every week. I'd find that a crime. Of course, nowadays, I try to get rid of crushes ASAP.

That was a very long blob that will most likely take forever to read... I will make it a little more light-hearted...

*scratches head* Forever? It took me about 30 seconds to go through...

and Kaichou, if you need to run away from Mohorovicic, there is one thing you can do... and i'm pretty sure you know how.

What? Plan Z: Run for dear life? :P

Anyways, as I've said before, a certain factor prevent Moho from even seeing me. There are other ones as well, he doesn't know my age, how I look, how tall I am, etc. etc. In fact, the chances of Moho catching me in Colorado...or even seeing me in Colorado are quite minimal.

Hmmm... some of the points you make are good but I don't think you can accurately base someone's age off maturity, for one thing: this is the internet, it doesn't really bring across personality well. And, of course, maturity for certain ages only really works in averages, people can widly vary.

Still, I agree with quite a lot of what you're saying and am wondering what IdentityUnknown thinks of this...

What do I think of this? I spent half my day laughing... :P Was on as a guest again...

Aeyra, you've made some good deductions. But I won't say they're all correct.

And Stopwatch, it's true that it's difficult to base someone's age off of maturity. When I was younger I held intelligent conversations with neighbors who were 3 years older than me, and I was the youngest one in my church group (everyone was in middle school while I was still in 3rd grade *sighs*) in NJ.

it can bring across some personality.. Most of us don't hide our personalities to the extent you wouldn't be able to tell anything. For example, I can be random and technical at the same time in real life too. And I've seen 'average maturity' and I would like to guess off of that. *studies school* JK, but it is helpful... But there are differences. I'm just trying to get Pyre to give us some more clues. :P

More clues? *ponders* Maybe.

I had a dream of being in Colorado and getting stopped by this random police officer...I think we all know who this police officer is. :P But I read Moho's status and it said he was going to Japan or something, so I guess I'm safe. And even if my dream did happen, Moho would never know it was me. All because of that teeny factor *chuckles*. So even if Moho was there...he might as well give up. You'll never discover my identity.

*laughs* How'd you come up with that? The clue is very simple, but you'll need to do some digging...and I told you to not take it literally!

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... .... ... BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE THINKING!!! *sigh* Night, night, night, night, night..... Could it stand for something? You just said a church group in NJ... But somehow I bet you moved because you wouldn't reveal your location so easily... And... ... ... ... Someone get DK over here now...

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... .... ... BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE THINKING!!! *sigh* Night, night, night, night, night..... Could it stand for something? You just said a church group in NJ... But somehow I bet you moved because you wouldn't reveal your location so easily... And... ... ... ... Someone get DK over here now...

Yes, I moved. Not to mention I lived there under a different name. So the chances of you finding out are pretty much nada.

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You lived there under a different name? Oh, um... Okay then. *sigh* DK GET OVER HERE NOW!!!!

Yup. I changed my name. Or rather, everyone started calling me a different name. *smiles mysteriously* However, most of my friends in NJ still call me by my old name (most don't even know my new one) so searching there is useless.

Lol. Even DK is off track for my identity. He's asked me about it before.

Oh, and suggestion to the world? Don't come find me. It's not worth it.

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Aeyra, I know what you look like...I think that I'd see you coming.

Yes, this is the one year you're not going to Colorado. :P Though I did go there last summer to climb Longs Peak...

I'm not actually worried about Moho or at least I don't think I am. There is one tiny, almost funny factor that would prevent him from ever recognizing me.

Hey, what's wrong with the clue "night"? If you actually knew what I was talking about, you'd know my location in about 2 seconds. Probably less.

15-16? Interesting...

*bursts out laughing*

And no, I won't tell you why.

Weird hours, huh? Would you like me to completely blow apart your thesis by getting on at a weird hour? *grins evilly* Except...I need to catch up on sleep, so I think that'll have to wait.

I announce myself as a loveless member for various reasons that may take several years to go through. *chuckles* And no, I don't fall in and out of love every week. I'd find that a crime. Of course, nowadays, I try to get rid of crushes ASAP.

*scratches head* Forever? It took me about 30 seconds to go through...

What? Plan Z: Run for dear life? :P

Anyways, as I've said before, a certain factor prevent Moho from even seeing me. There are other ones as well, he doesn't know my age, how I look, how tall I am, etc. etc. In fact, the chances of Moho catching me in Colorado...or even seeing me in Colorado are quite minimal.

What do I think of this? I spent half my day laughing... :P Was on as a guest again...

Aeyra, you've made some good deductions. But I won't say they're all correct.

And Stopwatch, it's true that it's difficult to base someone's age off of maturity. When I was younger I held intelligent conversations with neighbors who were 3 years older than me, and I was the youngest one in my church group (everyone was in middle school while I was still in 3rd grade *sighs*) in NJ.

More clues? *ponders* Maybe.

I had a dream of being in Colorado and getting stopped by this random police officer...I think we all know who this police officer is. :P But I read Moho's status and it said he was going to Japan or something, so I guess I'm safe. And even if my dream did happen, Moho would never know it was me. All because of that teeny factor *chuckles*. So even if Moho was there...he might as well give up. You'll never discover my identity.

*laughs* How'd you come up with that? The clue is very simple, but you'll need to do some digging...and I told you to not take it literally!

*whines* No one pays attention to my mindless guesses!!!!! It's not fair >3>

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Pshhhh so I can't make awesome mindless guesses?! It's no fair >3>

Actually I have basis. But. It's basis only enough to pull a random guess from.

16ish = 'cause you have a proper vocabulary and understand a few things that someone younger normally would otherwise not. I have a friend who's 13 and rather mature, but she is incapable of properly using many words and is clueless on some things we talk about around her. So not entirely as a matter of maturity. However... that could also mean you're more like me, especially because of your brilliance, but you don't act out like many younger people do online.

Fusae Ui as a codename = Psh. I gave it to you :3

Living in Illinois = Simply because I looked up something you said and it was based in Illinois. Plus it'd make sense with some of the things you've said regarding timezones.

THERE. Gosh. Why can't I have no basis?!

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It was a unique idea! I knew chances were unlikely BUT HEY why can't someone live somewhere in America and not live in freaking Cali for once?! Or in Florida. Or in some freaking popular state. *grouchy*

I'm not sure how to explain that. But a ton of 11-14 year olds have this habit of acting out online. It's rather impulsive.. When you do things like leaving, I don't get the feeling "acting out" like.. you have a proper basis, and it's not whiny pity party or attention show. You don't cuss unnecessarily or insult people for no good reason or act brashly. That combined with your vocabulary and 'maturity' really really leaves the impression of being 15 or 16. (But then again, 18 year olds can act out like the 11-13 age group >.> soooooo *has witnessed this many many times*)

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It was a unique idea! I knew chances were unlikely BUT HEY why can't someone live somewhere in America and not live in freaking Cali for once?! Or in Florida. Or in some freaking popular state. *grouchy*

I'm not sure how to explain that. But a ton of 11-14 year olds have this habit of acting out online. It's rather impulsive.. When you do things like leaving, I don't get the feeling "acting out" like.. you have a proper basis, and it's not whiny pity party or attention show. You don't cuss unnecessarily or insult people for no good reason or act brashly. That combined with your vocabulary and 'maturity' really really leaves the impression of being 15 or 16. (But then again, 18 year olds can act out like the 11-13 age group >.> soooooo *has witnessed this many many times*)

Hmm...yet I feel that I ask for too much attention and am a spoiled brat sometimes.

Maturity? Maybe. Vocab? *chuckles* Cussing? No. I just don't. I feel it's sad that my younger sister's innocence is being broken at such a young age. Leaving? I'm assuming you all know why.

And why would I live in California? :mellow:

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I was desperately attempting to try to explain what I mean. It's hard. I don't believe you look for too much attention, if I did, I wouldn't have mentioned that. (I feel like a spoiled brat all the time... and I'm older than you >.>;)


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I've visited California, yes, but never lived there. And I don't plan on living in Florida either. Maybe I'll move back to NJ someday. I hope I do.

Hah. I still feel I look for too much attention.

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Things I know about you for SURE:

Name: Jean

Age: Probably between 12 and 17

Location: Not NJ, not on the West Coast, not in Colorado, not in Hawaii :3

Ethnicity: Chinese

Interests: DC, fanfiction, going on DCW, playing Mini Mafia

For some reason, I keep picturing you as a 15 year old with glasses that lives in Connecticut O____o (most random description ever xD)

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Things I know about you for SURE:

Name: Jean

Age: Probably between 12 and 17

Location: Not NJ, not on the West Coast, not in Colorado, not in Hawaii :3

Ethnicity: Chinese

Interests: DC, fanfiction, going on DCW, playing Mini Mafia

For some reason, I keep picturing you as a 15 year old with glasses that lives in Connecticut O____o (most random description ever xD)


I don't wear glasses...used to, but don't anymore.

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For some reason, I keep picturing you as a 15 year old with glasses that lives in Connecticut O____o (most random description ever xD)

Wonder what Pyre thinks of that description.. Personally, I am laughing. Hard. For some reason I also feel Pyre is in that age range, just because. She just seems older than me, but maybe that's kind of normal because excluding one person, everyone in my grade and a bunch of seven graders are older than me.

@ForeverLost: I live in PA. That's not a famous state, is it?

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Wonder what Pyre thinks of that description.. Personally, I am laughing. Hard. For some reason I also feel Pyre is in that age range, just because. She just seems older than me, but maybe that's kind of normal because excluding one person, everyone in my grade and a bunch of seven graders are older than me.

@ForeverLost: I live in PA. That's not a famous state, is it?

I am laughing. Or rather, trying not to.

<3 Pennsylvania. My dad's co-worker and so-called "Senpai" used to live there. We'd go over there every summer...

What if I'm younger than you? O.o

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