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Detective Conan World
Metantei Kiddo

Guess where IdentityUnknown Lives

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KKLT knows me well. Make more sense?

Er...I don't know about the member title. :P

:PSomebody... That's me too. Cuz Im also Somebody :P

And yea... if you said I knew you ... in "Guess where IdentityUnknown Lives" thread... We will have a different understanding :P

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Of course I'm Somebody! :P You're not Somebody, I'm Somebody!

To me, you are somebody and to everyone else, I am somebody...

SO I am somebody. :P

I know that.

I live... *drumroll*

...You bothered to click through even though you knew I wouldn't tell you? I applaud your efforts. :mellow:

Spoiler war now? o.O

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