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Answer the Person Above You [Forum Game]

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SATO-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEFINATLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is someone other than me jamming out to techno music right now??

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I didn't post four times, I swear~! Don't kill me, Pyre~

Someone who likes Heiji?

I know, I know. I won't kill you today :twisted: . No, but if I killed you, MK would be after me. :mellow:

Well, to tell the truth.. I think we'll be attacked by aliens!!!! And that it'll be the End of the World!! DX NOOOOOOO!!! RUN PEOPLE, RUN!!! DX

Do you think that magic exist?

*chokes* Don't make me laugh so hard...

Depends on your definition of magic.

Does your music reflect your mood?

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Maybe, maybe not. 'No one knows the hour of Christ's return' <--- That is from the Bible

^ My question above :P

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