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What Gets on Your Nerves?

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:V When I hate someone, I never talk to them. Ye know.


Haters. They are part of thy life though.

They are in everyone's life.


When someone hates me without a reason or they hate me even before they met me. I know a hater that's both.

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O.O How even..?


Crappy quality stuffs.

Like, my friend was saying how she had another friend from this other school (me) and the person she was talking to already hates me. Idk why


my alarm clock

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When you sneeze and can feel a second one coming but it never does and you just sit there for a couple seconds unsure if the second sneeze has passed or not

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People who talk during a movie

I am that person. It's always my dad's glare that shuts me up .-.

People who don't appreciate good commentary :P

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I am that person. It's always my dad's glare that shuts me up .-.

People who don't appreciate good commentary :P

Uhh, but what if it's bad commentary?  My mom always talks during movies, and in all honestly it's not really good commentary...


"Ah!  See?!  I knew he was the killer!  See?!  I told you!  I told you!  He looked so evil during the other scene, you know?  When he said, uh what was it?  Anyway, he looks like this guy I knew in college.  I don't think he ever made it to America.  See children?  That's why you have to work hard in school.  Otherwise you might turn into a killer.  ....  I knew I was right.  I had a feeling you know?  You know, when like, he said "tomorrow was" uh, you know that--  Oh wah, what's happening!" [plot twist happens on screen] "What was that?  Eh?  What was that?  Did he die?  I think he died.  Did he die?  Hey, did he die?  What happened? ........  Did he die?"


^My mom watching every movie ever, except most parts are in Mandarin and the rest in Engrish.

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I am that person. It's always my dad's glare that shuts me up .-.

People who don't appreciate good commentary :P

I was that person. But then, I've changed cause my mom, dad, and sister told me to shut up way too many times


Uhh, but what if it's bad commentary?  My mom always talks during movies, and in all honestly it's not really good commentary...


"Ah!  See?!  I knew he was the killer!  See?!  I told you!  I told you!  He looked so evil during the other scene, you know?  When he said, uh what was it?  Anyway, he looks like this guy I knew in college.  I don't think he ever made it to America.  See children?  That's why you have to work hard in school.  Otherwise you might turn into a killer.  ....  I knew I was right.  I had a feeling you know?  You know, when like, he said "tomorrow was" uh, you know that--  Oh wah, what's happening!" [plot twist happens on screen] "What was that?  Eh?  What was that?  Did he die?  I think he died.  Did he die?  Hey, did he die?  What happened? ........  Did he die?"


^My mom watching every movie ever, except most parts are in Mandarin and the rest in Engrish.

That is like my aunt, except she says it in Mandarin and goes like: "Wow, that's terrible. Anna turned into ice. But Elsa saved her sister...Blah, blah, blah" Her when watching Frozen. (But not that bad. I was exaggerating)



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