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Detective Conan World


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So, basically I was thinking about what would happen if we all ended up meeting each other in some way (no magic or fantasy, this is RL). The basics are that you are going to be yourself. So IdentityUnknown cannot be KKLT and KKLT cannot be Balthazar. If you are concealing your age/location, you may change it up so that you don't reveal it or you may use the one that most people consider you to be.

It will go something like this:

KKLT munched on several cookies as she boarded a plane in New York, headed for San Francisco. She drank some juice f529a952.gif and listened to some music.th_091_-3.gif.

Suddenly, she heard someone say, "Great. There's no internet on the plane. *sighs* I guess I won't be able to go on DCW..."070.gif

So that's basically it! It's a story without a true storyline except we meet each other IRL. Of course, there's nothing that says we will definitely know each other when we meet, so you can be as secretive as you want! You can manipulate others to a certain extent, like making them say something or seeing them walk around, however, if the person involved disagrees with the statement, you must take it out.

Rules are that you may use onion heads or other emoticons you find, provided they are appropriate. You may only write five paragraphs of text at most.

So, to start us off, I'll go. I will be pretending I live in New Jersey and I am 16 years old (yes, this is according to the poll results on the Who is IdentityUnknown? thread). However, I will start off in China, since those are the two places you guys know I've lived in.

Oh, and you can have different scenes and different places, you don't have to be in the same scene that the previous character was in.

IdentityUnknown boarded the plane towards New Jersey, stifling a yawn. It was only 8 in the morning and she had been forced to get up early. It was burning hot th_083_v2.gif but IdentityUnknown was looking forward to visiting New Jersey. It had, after all, been quite some time since she had visited New Jersey.

"Detective Conan manga! Finally, some time to spend alone!" someone said happily further down the aircraft.

Detective Conan...IdentityUnknown thought. She sighed, she didn't own many volumes and her kindle was enough for her reading material. She settled down in her seat.

Wait, wait, wait. Detective Conan? 5a6157d0.gif

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LOL This sounds fun. Let's try.

It was in another cabin in the plane... Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief (I'll just use my short form KKLT from now onwards) was sitting in her seat. She took out her iPhone and tried to access the internet.

However, it was not connecting since it was an oldern type of plane without any installed internet connection. With nothing to do, KKLT decided that she will order some drinks from the waitress and wait for the take-off.

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IdentityUnknown tapped her fingers nervously against the seat as she sipped some ice tea. f529a952.gif The fact that someone else who adored DC was on the plane made her nervous...oh dear, her paranoid self was starting to speculate again.1b38f9e2.gif The only thing she could do was seem as inconspicuous as possible. She grabbed her kindle and started readingth_096_K.gif, hoping nobody would think she looked too nervous.

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In the meantime, KKLT was waiting for someone to walk by. "No waitress seemed to be working on this plane..." She thought impatiently. 8dcf9699.gif

She finally decided to get out of her seat to see if she could get something to drink, and to get rid of the boredom. th_109_.gif

As she walked down the plane, something caught her eye...

Was that... someone... reading "DETECTIVE CONAN" discretely??? cd08785a.gif

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O.O Rum, who is eating an ice cream, look and observe everyone in the plane she then noticed a nervous or paranoid person and a person who is trying to use an I-phone and waiting for a waitress. She tries to look at the paranoid person and found out that she is reading a manga suddenly a girl block her gaze, and thought to herself, "Is she too a fan of DC? Gotta approach them".

She decided to approach them but then the plane moved that cause her to be dizzy and stay on her seat.

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KKLT realised that the girl was reading Detective Conan and decided to take a look. Suddenly, the plane jerked! What happened?? The plane hasn't taken off yet right? 8c460310.gif

An announcement was made through the speaker soon after. Well, it turned out it was just the door closing as the plane was about to take off. 154218d4.gif

KKLT then decides to go back to her seat first.

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IdentityUnknown closed her kindle after reading the Percy Jackson series for what must be the 20th time. The plane had taken off already and the waitresses were serving drinksf529a952.gif. IdentityUnknown ordered some ice water and settled down for a bit of a nap.th_095_.gif She was lucky that she had gotten a window seat this time, she felt unnaturally uneasy and was glad she had emptied her bag of all things that might identify her as a Detective Conan freak. Of course, she had her paranoid self to thank for this.044.gif

She settled down for a long plane ride.053.gif

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OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! This is going to be interesting... SORRY!! I tried a million times, but this thing won't let me use onion heads...

Chelsea yawned as she put DS down. She had been sitting on the plane for a while, and she was tired of playing Professor Layton. She took out her shining red laptop and tried to get on the Internet. Of course, it wasn't on yet. Just her luck... Chelsea took out her iPod and decided to listen to music.

"Guess all I can listen to is my Detective Conan songs..." She sighed out loud.

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O.o Are we all on the same plane?

After hours and hours of tenseness, the plane finally landed. IdentityUnknown quickly grabbed her backpack (she always travelled light) and got off the plane as quickly as possible.yociexp112.gif It was good to be travelling under her alias, she thought as she slipped out her green card so that she wouldn't have to go in the Immigrants line. All she needed to do was meet up with her friend, who should be waiting 5fc0f220.gif at the airport.

It was good to be back. The world felt so peaceful, so normal.

She jinxed it.

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Yes... Yes we are. Apparently. For some reason...

Chelsea yawned again. The plane had finally landed. She got off and saw a girl who was older than her sprinting away from the plane in a hurry. 'That's weird...' she thought. 'Well, I better get going. They're probably waiting around here somewhere...' She followed the crowd into the building.

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"Yo, S.! (Not Samantha, I'd call her by her real name but I'm not going to say it without her permission)" IdentityUnknown called. A girl with glasses and short black hair smiled up at her. "Hey! It's been a long time!"5fc0f220.gif

The two girls chatted for a while before making their way to the car. Out of the corner of her eye before the door slammed shut, IdentityUnknown spotted a girl standing a little aways, reading a DC volume. th_001_-v2.gif Was DC taking over the world or something?

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Rum got off of the plane. She still keeps on observing people, she noticed the paranoid girl before, who seems to be detective freak (she really wants to investigate her), running as quickly as possible. "In a hurry?" she thought to herself

When she got off the plane she buys some juice and reads a manga of DC in a corner, "It's really fun reading manga."

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KKLT have exited the plane and was waiting for her friend, who should be arriving soon on another plane... It was a horrendously boring flight and she was getting jumpy.

She entered a bookstore and took a look around. She caught a glimpse of something in the corner of her eye.. Again... -__- it was detective Conan. Wondering if it would be nice, she bought it. The first volume of detective Conan.

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An hour later...

IdentityUnknown sat down with her laptop in the small apartment that she had ended up renting, thanks to her mom and dad, who were currently in (random location) Singapore. She had had a transfer flight through China (let it slide, I dunno about schedules. XD) and was now surveying her new home. Most of the stuff was coming tomorrow but there was a comfortable mattress and a few housekeeping items. The fridge had some food and after dragging her suitcase into her room, she decided to put together that night's meal. After a few minutes of pondering, she put away the cooking things and decided to eat out at the Italian restaurant down the street.

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Oh my.. I thought, while walking down the road, That was an interesting chapter I just read there... Oh well, every DC chapters are interesting!

As I continued down the road, I heard someone say "Detective Conan"!! As I was looking after the one who said it, I crashed into a girl... "Ouch!" She said, "Oh, sorry!! I'm rea-" I was silent for a second and then I said, "Is that a Detective Conan manga you've got there??" The girl, looking at me, said: "Yeah, it is.."

Someone, please continue the story from there.. DX

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