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Detective Conan World
Metantei Kiddo

The MarkXJean thread :P

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I personally doubt it.


Okay xD Hehe... whoa... still shocked xD But it's not a bad thing :3 According to the clues that IU gave us before, she's not that much younger than you so at least it's not considered pedophilia xP

On the contrary...

I'm gonna shut up now.

She said she is 17, born after me. So yes, I guess. (pedophilla? dry.gif)

But this is going to end up in disaster...

I never said that. I said it was a possibility.

SHE'S 17 :o WHOA XD Never knew that... xDDD

The only disaster thing about this is the fact that it's only over the internet :( You guys HAVE to meet up some day :D

Chance of that? 0.

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Gosh, so pessimistic. You can't even meet up as friends? :P

*smirks* He could attempt to find me in Colorado. But I still have that tiny factor that'll prevent him from figuring out who I am.

Oh gosh both of you are so misleading... I thought you got most of her info :P

He's barely scratched the surface. Maybe even swallowed a red herring or two on the way.

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I did the same thing with the other things we were reading. But we're doing critical essays tomorrow...I can't think of an inconspicuous way to fall asleep at a computer...

Server connected computers are so fun to mess around with. :P

*types stuff on keyboard*

*computer across the room starts playing Friday*

*class goes WTF?*

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