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Chekhov MacGuffin

Unresolved plots in Detective Conan!

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  On 4/5/2015 at 5:31 PM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Andre (French and Portuguese form of Andrew)

Camel? (A word that came from arabic/hebrew --> Greek --> Latin ---> Northern French before finally entering middle English?)


I am in no way buying that Andre Camel sounds German in the slightest...


Well, I just meant I wouldn't bat an eye if someone here in Germany would have that name. Andre is a pretty common name here, I think there are some stats that have Andre in the Top 50 names for boys between the sixties and nineties and Camel is just one letter off the word in German (Kamel), maybe his parents immigrated into the U.S. and changed it or something.

Anyway, it's probably not that important.

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That reminds me, I need to update the list...


I assume Elena, like the many other times she was talking about it, was referring to her eventual disappearance. Rei seemed to be about 7-9 in that scene which would place it ~20 years before the current timeline since Amuro is 29. That fits with somewhere around the time (+- 2 years or so) when Akemi was 5 and the Miyanos visited the Dejimas. The real question is why would Elena go get herself knocked up with Shiho if she knew she was going to disappear well before Shiho was conceived.


We also know the Miyanos were recruited about 30 years ago, so we can guess Silver Bullet related research started then. The meeting with Amuro would be 7-9 years after Atsushi joined the BO.

I'm pulling all these reference points from the relevant wiki articles btw.

Honestly with the way the Gosho's plot breeze is blowing, I'm kinda worried that Elena will turn to be MI6 or something and her disappearance was a fake death to boost her and Atsushi out of the Organization. (Why her kids were left behind is a problem of course)

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I previously think that silver bullet is being made to make an antidote for people who have a rare disease in which they reach a certain age and then they age backward, becoming younger and younger->mystery child is akai mother's and afflicted with this disease. one of the reasons why shuichi interested with miyano sisters.


silver bullet is made to make they age normally, atsushi college think that a stupid and pointless research when people is interested with becoming eternally young. 


but when elena's voice recording for shiho about drug was revealed, i'm not sure with this theory. 


i do think that vermouth is like that because she is being tested with silver bullet (sample) and unable to age. she hates miyanos for that. she doing her best to kill shiho so the silver bullet research is completely over.


more plot is needed, obviously

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I'll try to answer all:


Items and things
• What is in the P.S. of Akemi's last text message to Akai?


Presumably she asked him to take care of Shiho as it is known that they were very close and Akai said that "he made a promise with her" and the promise concerns Shiho, however it's not 100% proven that the one he made a promise with is Akemi.


• What (besides drug data) is on the bloody disk that Haibara lied about losing at the Haido City Hotel?


I think it's some really important information about BO like their goals, some important agents and maybe some important facts about the boss.

• What was the program about that Itakura couldn't complete for the sake of humanity?


There's something that is trying to be achieved by technology (according to what my Biology teacher said once) and it's something related to immortality. It's saving all the information in our brain and nerve cells to put these in another person's body. This way, someone's ideas and memories could last forever and it will be something like being immortal.

• What is the goal of the APTX 4869 project?


Many people say that it was to de-age or to achieve immortality, but there's something strange about it: the fact that Gin said it was a venom. He used it to try to kill Shinichi, so he wouldn't have done that if it were that, as he obviously didn't want Shinichi to be immortal. I think Haibara said it was a nostrum to raise the dead so it could be more about resurrecting corpses. If the answer was that, it would be interesting to know what effects it would have on alive people.

• What kind of drug is Silver Bullet? Is Silver Bullet a different/early name for the project called APTX 4869?


I think it's something different, but after time it gradually changed and ended up in what we know as APTX4869 today. It could be raising the dead, deaging or achieving immortality.

• Night Baron Virus - the Org used it once and it was in another case. What does it signify and is their more plot relevance to it?


It's not really clear what it's about but there are some suspicious things about it. As a Greek man (don't remember his name) said, "don't put a gun in stage if you don't have the intention to shoot". If Gosho dedicated one whole case to the Night Baron virus and it later appears, it's clear that there are more relevant things about it. Besides, we can all agree about the fact that Conan noticed Kaneshirou wasn't really blind but this detail was never revealed at the case resolution, it was just hinted as he was seen running with his secretary (possibly Vermouth). Anyway, these things are not enough to say that he's the BO boss as we need more proof. Another interesting fact is that Gin and Vodka make a cameo in Conan's thoughts in this case so it's possibly something important. In the early chapters, something relating the BO occured when they were mentioned or remembered by Conan.

• What happened to the handkerchief that Vermouth as Sharon gave Ran in the New York case?


It must be somewhere in Shinichi's house. Maybe it's not something much important, but it contain some precious information like fingerprints, DNA, or whatever other things you can find in a handkerchief. I'm also intrigued by the fact that Rose Hewitt almost died but it wasn't revealed who prepaired the trick to make that knight disguise fall.

• What else is on the four tapes left for Haibara by her parents? Why were certain portions blank?


Don't really know what could be in the tapes so I'm going to skip this one.

• Why were the BO at the mermaid island and are any of the names in the guestbook besides Sherry's, Gin's alias, and Vodka's alias important? (Some discussion is in the main boss thread)


It's strongly presumed the BO tries to give immortality to its members so it could be they wanted to see if the arrows really worked.

Plot people
• Vermouth's aging issue, her connection to the Miyanos, and APTX4869


I have an idea in mind and it is that Sharon and Chris are actually two different people. Her ideas and memories could have been passed on to her daughter with a programme like the one I said Itakura was supposed to develop a few questions above. Of course, their fingerprints were the same but we know we can't trust Gosho when it comes to fingerprints (example: Akai and Kusuda). My guess is that Chris killed Sharon, or Sharon killed herself to have her brain in Chris' body. Why do I think this? Because of the way Sharon spoke about her daughter in the New York case. If they were the same people, she wouldn't have had to invent such things like disguising as her dead father and other things.

Another idea is that she deages with some drugs from the BO and can't stop deaging or has become addict to these drugs. If she can't stop deaging but wants to, it would explain why she says depressing things, as she wants to be a mortal but is forced to keep deaging. It's clear that leading a life like hers can't be happy, when no angel has ever smiled upon her besides Ran. Perhaps she's the BO guinea pig. This can explain why she hates the Miyanos, as they were the ones who developed those drugs.

• What is the reason for the antipathy between Sherry and Vermouth? Why does Vermouth hate the Miyanos?


The Sherry-Vermouth rivalry can just be because both were Gin's couple. Anyway, Sherry dislikes Gin so probably it's not that as she wouldn't mind him having a relationship with Vermouth. I've already said why I think Vermouth hates the Miyanos right above.

• Why is Vermouth the boss's favorite when she is somewhat treacherous?


Perhaps because she's his/her guinea pig for the BO drugs.

• What secret does Amuro know about the boss and Vermouth's relationship that he is using to blackmail her? (File 898)


I don't know what it could be so I'll skip this as well.

• "Silver bullets": What is Vermouth plotting by collecting people with the capability to destroy the Organization?


I don't think she's collecting silver bullets, just casually finding them. However, she might hate the BO because she doesn't want to be immortal.

• What is Vermouth's precise reason for hiding Shinichi and Shiho's deaging from the rest of the Organization?


I think it's because Shinichi saved her once.

• Where was Vermouth telephoning Itakura from that had a cat or something that sounds like one?


Instead of an actual cat crying it could be a human whimpering because of pain or something like that, in case the BO was testing drugs on someone.

• Why did Vermouth as Sharon and Itakura have a bad relationship? (Volume 78.)


Perhaps Itakura didn't want the programme to exist, or it could be just because they have different personalities.

• Jodie’s father - how did he find out about Vermouth and what did he find that forced Vermouth to take direct action, kill him, and burn his house down with all the evidence inside?


I don't think we should pay too much attention to what did he knew, but maybe it was some important murders she committed or vital information about BO.

• The husband of Vermouth as Sharon Vineyard - who is he?


There are no hints about this so I'll also skip this one as I don't think it is very important.

• Elena and Atsushi Miyano: their lives, their supposed death by accident that they seemed to know about in advance, their connection with Agasa


In my opinion, the boss decided to get rid of them as they weren't necessary anymore as he/she did with Akemi. Shiho might be far more intelligent so if Atsushi and Elena weren't needed any longer getting rid of them wouldn't mean a big loss. It could also be that they were trying to reveal information about BO. Their connection with Agasa isn't very important, he could have just met him as they were both professors.

• What secret thing did Miyano Atsushi want to tell Dejima Souhei, but was unable to, when he came to visit with his wife and Akemi 20 years ago?


I'm not sure, maybe something about their research.

• Shiho and Akemi: why their different fates within the org? One became a high ranked member, the other lived a more normal life.


I think it was because Shiho was far smarter.

• Why does the boss fear Akai is a silver bullet?


He's really intelligent and always pursues justice.

• Gin and Akai: how did the personal rivalry start when they probably hadn't met each other much if at all before Akai was ejected from the Org?


It could be just because of their personalities.


• If Jodie Starling went into the witness protection program, does that mean Jodie Starling is not her real name? If so what is it?


Wasn't Jodie Starling her real name and Jodie Saintemillion the one from the witness protection program=

• Amuro's past with Date


They surely met in the Japanese Secret Police.

• Amuro's past in the Organization and childhood connection to Elena Miyano


Don't know pretty much what it could be so I'll skip this question.

• Bourbon's promise with Vermouth (File 800 or so)


Also skip this one.

• How or why did the Secret Police agent known as Scotch die, and how was Akai Shuuichi related to his death?


Perhaps Akai tried to save him when he was about to be killed and failed to do so.

• Who was the mysterious man who staked out Akai's meeting with Gin that Camel ruined?



• What is the connection between Gin and Sherry?


Sherry hates him and Gin is abnormally attached to her.

• What was Conan going to ask Ai after the showdown with Gin? "Hey… Could it be that when you were in the BO…". (Volume 24.)


Maybe something about the drugs, but idk so this one will be skipped as well.

• Shiho's foreshadowed meeting with Akai


I don't remember when this happened.

• What was Conan going to ask Haibara about at the end of Reunion with the Black Organization? (File 242)


Isn't this question the same as two questions before?

• Okiya's/Akai's promise with a certain woman. (Probably Akemi)


To take care of Shiho.

• Agasa's mysterious friends/connections - to the Miyanos and to unknown parties.


He's a professor so he might have met important people and science discussions or something similar.

• Magic Kaito's Organization related to the Black Organization? How much of Magic Kaito's Pandora story will carry over to DC?


I don't think they're related. If it were the case, DC and MK would have to finish at the same time as both will surely end with the fall of their organizations. It wouldn't be interesting to see the BO fall in MK if it has already happened in DC.

• Toichi, Vermouth, and Yukiko - how did that master-apprenticeship start?


I don't think this is something important to know.

• Kogoro's absent past and relatives. What was he doing (besides romancing Eri), why did he decide to join the police in the first place when he seemed like a delinquent at school, why did he leave the force, who and where are Kogoro's family, and why do they never appear?


I had never thought about this, but maybe some of the Mouris will appear in the future. Kogoro isn't a bad person and he seemed like a delinquent, I doubt he was really one. It's no big deal if he became a policeman.

• Calvados: was he important for anything other than making Chianti and Korn angry at Vermouth?


I think more about him will be revealed in the future. A BO member must have something interesting, I don't think he just appeared to commit suicide because it wouldn't be a shock to readers/viewers as he just a new character.

• James Black: Does he have more relevance or a past?


I think so.

• Shizuka and Heizo Hattori: what are they doing, how are they connected to the story and why don't they come back?


Connected to the story? They're just the parents of an important character, I don't there's much importance about them.

• What is the relationship to the plot, if any, of minor recurring characters such as Okino Yoko, Sanada Kazumi, Azusa Enemoto, Akagi Hide, Osamu Kenzaki, etc...?


Maybe some of them are relevant to the plot, maybe some of them are just minor characters. I think Yoko will be really important, as there was one episode in which crows appeared after she was being watched by Kogoro in TV.

General issues (please see relevant threads)
• Boss's identity


This has already been discussed too much.

• Purpose of the Org and their research: Biochem, computer agenda?


Immortality and resurrecting dead people.

• What's the Org's connection with America? Why did the FBI and CIA get involved in the first place?


It's probably due to the fact Vermouth is American.


  • What is the real name of the Black Organization ?

Nobody knows that, it's something related to the boss' name. Only Gosho can answer this.

  • The true significance of the Black Organization. Is the BO international ?

Probably it is.

  • Besides Vermouth, Kir, Rye, Sherry and some known Japanese operatives, where do the rest of the BO come from ?

It's presumed that there are hundreds of BO agents from many parts of the world, so they are just people who want to raise the dead or be immortal.

  • The true age of all the BO members (including The Boss).

Maybe some of them are really young, maybe some are hundreds of years old.

  • How many code-named operatives does The Boss have ? Is there any unknown executive member other than Gin, Vermouth and Pisco ? How highly ranked are Sherry and Bourbon ? Is Vermouth The Boss' only favorite ?

Dozens. Surely, there must be much more. Gosho said that all codenamed agents are at the same rank. Yes, I think Vermouth is the only favourite.

  • Where exactly is the Black Org. Headquarter/main hide-out/The Boss's living place ? Is it located somewhere in Tottori after all, or another location ?

If it's a character that has already appeared, maybe the boss living place is just their house. Gosho said Tottori is unrelated to BO so maybe they're in some of the other cities like Tokyo (if I'm not mistaken, no BO members appeared in Osaka, Nagano or Gunma.

  • The exact time of when the BO was established. And who are the original members ?

Half a century. I think the first members were the boss and Vermouth.

  • Has there been any boss-changes during all these years ? Or is Anokata the only Boss from the beginning ?

I think there's only been one boss.

  • Has The Boss ever changed his living place/hide-out ?

Maybe, maybe not.

  • For exactly how long has he/she used "Nanatsu no ko" to encode his/her phone number ? (I.e for how long has he/she used the number #969#6261, which may have Tottori's area code ?)

Half a century?

  • Why does the boss use Nanatsu no ko? Is it a reference to something or some kind of inside joke?

Maybe to the crows they ressemble with their clothes as the song is about crows. Perhaps there are some seven children that are relevant to the plot and we don't know yet.

  • Where exactly do the other BO members (except Vermouth) spend their time when they're not having any mission ? Do they "return to The Boss's side" or do they have their own hide-outs ?

They must have their own houses.

  • What do they eat and where do they sleep everyday ? Why are they usually shown hanging out at shipping yards for various reasons ?

They must have their own houses as I said before. The shipping yards are quite places and there's no many people there so it could be to speak aloud without worrying.

  • Besides Vermouth, are the other operatives even allowed to meet The Boss face to face ? Do they even know his/her identity ?

We don't know yet.

  • Do The Boss and the rest of the Org. know about Vermouth's non-aging condition; or they just simply think that Sharon & Chris are 2 different operatives ?

If the FBI knows, surely the rest of the BO knows she deages, but maybe they don't know exactly why as it could be an issue between her and the boss.

  • Do they have missions anywhere other than Tokyo ? (Notice the robbery syndicate in Tottori).

Surely they do.

  • The Boss's, and all of the operatives' past or childhood in general, and how they ended up in the BO.

It might be explained in the future.

  • Aside from the APTX-project and Itakura's program, does the BO have any other project/interest ?

Surely they do.

  • What, after all, makes Gin so suspiciously loyal ?

He might be a friend of the boss, or really interested in the project.

  • Does The Boss trigger Haibara's "BO sense" ?

We don't know but I'm sure it will be interesting in the future. Anyway, I think Haibara knows who the boss is.

  • What exactly is the purpose behind this whole "crow symbolism" thing ? Does The Boss really like crows that much ?

There must be something behind it, but I can't imagine what it is.

Specific "current" issues
• Ran wondering about when Shinichi touched and got fingerprints on Heiji's omamori and the effect on the plot. (Volume 66: Files 8-10 (693-695))


She's suspected Conan many times, this is just another one.


• Sera Masumi's identity and reason for coming to Japan (Partially resolved Masumi is Akai's sister)


Akai's sister and meeting the wizard.


• Sera's past connection to Shinichi. (general thread)


She surely met him when he solved a mystery in his childhood, so she thought he was a wizard. If she wanted to meet him again in Japan, it might be something concerning her father or mother, or brothers.


• Why does Sera think she is a bad kid while watching Ran treat Conan's injury?

• The identity of Masumi's "Wizard" (general thread)


• The identity of the Akai family middle brother

Haneda Shuukichi.
• The identity of the small child from the hotel

Sera's mother or aunt.

• Who is Rum?

Sakurako Yonehara

• Who the 2 mothers that Aoyama has said are sisters in an interview?

He denied Conan and Sera were cousins so probably Yukiko and Sharon, or Sharon and Mrs. Sera, or Mrs. Sera and the unknown child, or Sharon and the unknown child.

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  On 6/16/2015 at 12:42 AM, AznableAmuro said:

• Elena and Atsushi Miyano: their lives, their supposed death by accident that they seemed to know about in advance, their connection with Agasa

In my opinion, the boss decided to get rid of them as they weren't necessary anymore as he/she did with Akemi. Shiho might be far more intelligent so if Atsushi and Elena weren't needed any longer getting rid of them wouldn't mean a big loss. It could also be that they were trying to reveal information about BO. Their connection with Agasa isn't very important, he could have just met him as they were both professors.

Akemi was killed because she was a liability because 1) She was trying to pull Shiho away from the Organization 2) She was the key Akai used to break into the Organization and thus a contact for him.


Gosho answered a question recently in an interview saying Elena was smarter than Jodie or Vermouth.

Q: "Who's the smartest of them? Sister outside the domain, Jodie, Miyano Elena, Vermouth" --> Miyano Elena

A: "Miyano Elena is the smartest. Since she's creating an incredible drug."


Also it would be a huge gamble to assume that Shiho would be smarter as a tiny child (which would be when Elena and Atsushi were killed), and get rid of the two of them expecting Shiho to be able to take their place.


  On 6/16/2015 at 12:42 AM, AznableAmuro said:

• Amuro's past with Date

They surely met in the Japanese Secret Police.

Who is Rum?

Sakurako Yonehara

Will you elaborate further on these two ideas?

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Oh, I didn't remember that question in the interview. Sorry for that! I also forgot that detail about Akemi (I watch the series with Spanish subs and sometimes some things are omitted by some fansubs or not clear, so thanks for clearing that up).


I'll try to answer those a bit more.

About Amuro and Date, I said they had surely met in the Japanese Secret Police because of some reasons:

  • Gosho denied Date was Scotch so we could assume he had no connection no BO (we can't be hundred percent sure, but that's what I think). Then he could have met him in the Japanese Police.
  • Takagi said that Date was the best policeman in the Tokyo Headquarters so we can assume he had been in an organization that would make him train a lot and become smarter and more athletic, as well as other qualities. He might have been in the Japanese Police, which would make sense as their agents should be "better" than agents from the Metropolitan Police.
  • The only organizations or groups we know Amuro has been in are the BO and the Secret Police, so in case they didn't meet in the BO they may have met in the JSP (this is not very probable, but it's a chance)

Of course there aren't many hints about Amuro and Date as he only appeared once, so we can't make certain assumptions, only guesses with a bit of proof.

About Rum, I can't be very certain but:

  • I can't proove that Sakurako is Rum indeed but it's (at least to me) obvious that she's an important character, and the two most important characters related to the current arc are Rum and Scotch. Scotch is dead so maybe she could be Rum. Why do I say she's an important character?
  • She has commented on Conan's intelligence and split personality. Minor characters' thoughts on Conan's intelligence aren't so emphasized. We can consider this is something important because Conan remembered this in a later case (maybe Gosho trying to tell us this is an important hint).
  • Sakurako has appeared more than once. More precisely, three times so far. If Gosho makes a character appear three times, we can assume this character is not just a minor recurring person. Of course, some characters have appeared many times and they're not relevant to the plot (Naomichi Mugikura, Ryuusuke Higo, and more). This is just an assumption and not a theory that we could back up with proof.
  • Kuroda and Yamato aren't Rum (the only two suspects so far) and one of the recents reccuring characters introduced was Sakurako. Maybe she's meant to play an important role in the future (I don't think the unknown child or Shuukichi could be Rum).
  • We know Rum has a prosthetic eye. Sakurako doesn't seem to have one, but... in the case she was introduced, Kazuha saw the message "EYE", which she thought was a dying message. If I remember correctly, the S and the Crazy Diamonds were explained, but Conan and Heiji didn't say what this message meant. Maybe it's a reference to Rum? If this was explained during the case, please correct me. However, in case it was explained, this could be a hint as the rest of the people from this case didn't appear again, just Sakurako.

My theory has a bit pros and many cons, being one of them that we can't prove anything, but the Rum arc has just started and we could get more hints. These are the weakest points of Sakurako being Rum:

  • She was introduced a long time ago, even before the Mystery Train. However, this could be just Gosho trying to trick us.
  • The three descriptions don't fit with her, only one: she's feminine. Anyway, we can't trust Gosho when it comes to descriptions like these and we can find proof of it in the Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story... 3, I think. The one with the thief of green, blue and black clothes; 1,80 m and 1,70 m; a man and a woman.
  • So far we haven't noticed any of her eye is a prosthesis. We should look carefully at the manga charts to see if her eyes are pointing at the same direction all the time.

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  On 6/17/2015 at 8:00 PM, AznableAmuro said:
  • We know Rum has a prosthetic eye. Sakurako doesn't seem to have one, but... in the case she was introduced, Kazuha saw the message "EYE", which she thought was a dying message. If I remember correctly, the S and the Crazy Diamonds were explained, but Conan and Heiji didn't say what this message meant. Maybe it's a reference to Rum? If this was explained during the case, please correct me. However, in case it was explained, this could be a hint as the rest of the people from this case didn't appear again, just Sakurako.


If I remember correctly, the EYE part was a hint towards the saying "Eye for an eye" since the culprit revenge-killed two people who killed with optical illusions, with optical illusions, so it was part of the case solution and was explained. I can't go into more detail right now, since that case was very complicated because it relied heavily on wording/Japanese language and stuff and I'd have to reread the chapters first. But I'm fairly certain it was a part of the case solution.

That said, of course it could still have a double meaning and not only be important for the case, but also point at Rum; maybe it really was a little hint placed by Gosho for the readers. Although, it really was pretty early, even before Bourbon was revealed...

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  On 6/17/2015 at 9:13 PM, Reverend Balthazar said:

but being an exceptional oficir, Date, does not mean he was in the secret police

yusaku is by far the better detective on the show then anyone that had training, and he s not even a detective by trade

I know that my guess doesn't have much proof, but as I said, Date just was mentioned in one case and we only know he was Amuro's friend, so it's too early to make assumptions as we have practically no hints to say certainly how they two met. It's just my guess.


  On 6/17/2015 at 9:51 PM, Serinox said:

If I remember correctly, the EYE part was a hint towards the saying "Eye for an eye" since the culprit revenge-killed two people who killed with optical illusions, with optical illusions, so it was part of the case solution and was explained. I can't go into more detail right now, since that case was very complicated because it relied heavily on wording/Japanese language and stuff and I'd have to reread the chapters first. But I'm fairly certain it was a part of the case solution.

That said, of course it could still have a double meaning and not only be important for the case, but also point at Rum; maybe it really was a little hint placed by Gosho for the readers. Although, it really was pretty early, even before Bourbon was revealed...

Thanks Serinox for reminding me that! However it's a bit strange that the killer decided to write the word EYE on a wall because she was killing for revenge or using optical illusions. I mean, why would the killer need to write that word when Kazuha visited the house with her friends?

I'm not saying it wasn't related to the case, just that it's kind of weird. Like when Subaru was the red (akai) guy, and now we know that it might have been a hint from Gosho. Perhaps this time was one as well.

And about this happening REALLY early, I know about it. I mentioned it in my post when I said "She was introduced a long time ago, even before the Mystery Train". It's hard to believe Rum appeared so early, but we can't be sure Gosho hadn't thought about Rum when this case was released. I mean, how much time happened between the introduction on the tapes left for Shiho from Elena and Silver Bullet's first mention? In the anime, around 400 episodes, so I guess it was like 600 chapters in the manga. Between Sakurako's introduction and Rum's first mention, 3 years more or less passed. Sure, it's not very probable, but it's not impossible.

By the way, we know from Gosho that Yamato and Kuroda, so far the only two Rum suspects, aren't Rum. Which other recurring or seemingly important characters have appeared before file 906? (I mean, the ones that have a possibility of being Rum, the more or less recent ones. Of course I'm not going to consider all the manga up to file 906 and old characters like Eisuke or Azusa)

Shogi player Chikara Katsumata, the unknown child, bartender Yuzuki Fukui, Shuukichi Haneda, Hikaru Hinohara, Date, Sakurako, Minerva, Apollo and Naeko Miike. These are the ones that appeared in the 15 volumes before Rum's first mention, if I'm not mistaken. Some of them aren't recurring characters but they got a keyhole so I wrote their names just in case. We could also consider Matsumoto, a popular bet, also taking into account the fact that he has been replaced by Kuroda, so something important might happen with Matsumoto now. If Rum has already appeared, I think he/she has appeared at least twice. I don't think the unknown child is Rum, and I also doubt Shuukichi could be Rum as he's been hinted to be the Akai middle brother.

However, Sakurako being Rum is just my guess, I won't try to convince anybody that I'm right. It's just my prediction. I just saw Sakurako appearing for the third time in that blog case and I thought "If Gosho makes her appear for the third time now, she may be an important character". The most important character I could think of in that moment was Rum.

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  On 6/18/2015 at 9:47 PM, AznableAmuro said:

I know that my guess doesn't have much proof, but as I said, Date just was mentioned in one case and we only know he was Amuro's friend, so it's too early to make assumptions as we have practically no hints to say certainly how they two met. It's just my guess.


Thanks Serinox for reminding me that! However it's a bit strange that the killer decided to write the word EYE on a wall because she was killing for revenge or using optical illusions. I mean, why would the killer need to write that word when Kazuha visited the house with her friends?

I'm not saying it wasn't related to the case, just that it's kind of weird. Like when Subaru was the red (akai) guy, and now we know that it might have been a hint from Gosho. Perhaps this time was one as well.

And about this happening REALLY early, I know about it. I mentioned it in my post when I said "She was introduced a long time ago, even before the Mystery Train". It's hard to believe Rum appeared so early, but we can't be sure Gosho hadn't thought about Rum when this case was released. I mean, how much time happened between the introduction on the tapes left for Shiho from Elena and Silver Bullet's first mention? In the anime, around 400 episodes, so I guess it was like 600 chapters in the manga. Between Sakurako's introduction and Rum's first mention, 3 years more or less passed. Sure, it's not very probable, but it's not impossible.

By the way, we know from Gosho that Yamato and Kuroda, so far the only two Rum suspects, aren't Rum. Which other recurring or seemingly important characters have appeared before file 906? (I mean, the ones that have a possibility of being Rum, the more or less recent ones. Of course I'm not going to consider all the manga up to file 906 and old characters like Eisuke or Azusa)

Shogi player Chikara Katsumata, the unknown child, bartender Yuzuki Fukui, Shuukichi Haneda, Hikaru Hinohara, Date, Sakurako, Minerva, Apollo and Naeko Miike. These are the ones that appeared in the 15 volumes before Rum's first mention, if I'm not mistaken. Some of them aren't recurring characters but they got a keyhole so I wrote their names just in case. We could also consider Matsumoto, a popular bet, also taking into account the fact that he has been replaced by Kuroda, so something important might happen with Matsumoto now. If Rum has already appeared, I think he/she has appeared at least twice. I don't think the unknown child is Rum, and I also doubt Shuukichi could be Rum as he's been hinted to be the Akai middle brother.

However, Sakurako being Rum is just my guess, I won't try to convince anybody that I'm right. It's just my prediction. I just saw Sakurako appearing for the third time in that blog case and I thought "If Gosho makes her appear for the third time now, she may be an important character". The most important character I could think of in that moment was Rum.

I would really be pissed if Sakurako is RUM, whether it makes sense or not, I just don't like the idea. As a matter of fact, to me at least, it's highly unlikely for her to be RUM, she's too young, 23, and that is really her true age since 2 other characters know her form childhood, and I think RUM, the second in command in the Black Organization, should be old, I just don't see the boss trusting a new member younger than most other members with the second in command rank.

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  On 6/18/2015 at 11:20 PM, Uchiha Shadow said:

I would really be pissed if Sakurako is RUM, whether it makes sense or not, I just don't like the idea. As a matter of fact, to me at least, it's highly unlikely for her to be RUM, she's too young, 23, and that is really her true age since 2 other characters know her form childhood, and I think RUM, the second in command in the Black Organization, should be old, I just don't see the boss trusting a new member younger than most other members with the second in command rank.

you can also call it the worst undercover a BO has ever gone to...House maid :)

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If I remember correctly, the EYE served as a hint to Kazuha and her friends that the reason why the police cannot find the murderer is because of the special tiles with the crazy diamond optical illusion. Remember the case had two culprits, the last culprit was hoping for someone to solve the murder but no one did it in time so she took the matters to her own hands and revenged. It could have a double meaning, but honestly I think it is unlikely that Sakurako is Rum for the same reasons the posters above have said. She's so young and seems to have known Naeko for a long time. And housemaid is a sad disguise for rum T_T And Rum, being a strong distilled liquor, will most likely be a male.

On a side note, the case is also where Koumei reappeared as a recurring chara (he got transferred back to Nagano HQ). I doubt he's Rum because he's known Yamato and Yui for so long. He doesn't seem evil either...

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  On 6/19/2015 at 10:10 AM, Reverend Balthazar said:

you can also call it the worst undercover a BO has ever gone to...House maid :)

Like seriously, imagine if the boss was like: Hey, this is our new member who's very young, I know, let's ignore Gin, who's like the most loyal member in the organization and has a lot of experience and get's the job done most of the time and make her the second in command instead of him. That's how it would be if She is RUM, that's why it doesn't make any sense and I would be pissed if it is like that, I would prefer if RUM is an old member, in fact a member who knew the boss before the organization was made and was one of the first members.

  On 3/24/2015 at 2:40 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

The domineering woman who speaks like a queen (probably Vermouth) and the cat. (Volumes 37 and 39.) (Confirmed Vermouth from the Bell Tree express chapters, but not where she was that a cat would be around. )

Why Sharon and Itakura had a bad relationship. (Volume 78.) 

These 2 things(The Cat and The bad relationship) I don't understand the meanings of them, I don't get what they add to the plot, like, what does Gosho want to tell us by giving us these 2 pieces of information?

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  On 6/19/2015 at 7:37 PM, Uchiha Shadow said:

Like seriously, imagine if the boss was like: Hey, this is our new member who's very young, I know, let's ignore Gin, who's like the most loyal member in the organization and has a lot of experience and get's the job done most of the time and make her the second in command instead of him. That's how it would be if She is RUM, that's why it doesn't make any sense and I would be pissed if it is like that, I would prefer if RUM is an old member, in fact a member who knew the boss before the organization was made and was one of the first members.


These 2 things(The Cat and The bad relationship) I don't understand the meanings of them, I don't get what they add to the plot, like, what does Gosho want to tell us by giving us these 2 pieces of information?

but that would make him really old...like pisco old

but i did like pisco


also this itakura-vermouth-program is getting a really slow progress 

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  On 6/19/2015 at 9:34 PM, Reverend Balthazar said:

but that would make him really old...like pisco old

but i did like pisco


also this itakura-vermouth-program is getting a really slow progress 

The older the more experienced which is nice, as for the Itakura program, slow doesn't even begin to describe it, in the past 500 chapters or so the only thing we got was that he had a bad relationship with Sharon which didn't really give us anything. Hopefully in this arc we'll get more info on that program, and the disc that Haibara has, also why doesn't Conan tell the FBI about the program?

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  On 6/19/2015 at 10:15 PM, Uchiha Shadow said:

The older the more experienced which is nice, as for the Itakura program, slow doesn't even begin to describe it, in the past 500 chapters or so the only thing we got was that he had a bad relationship with Sharon which didn't really give us anything. Hopefully in this arc we'll get more info on that program, and the disc that Haibara has, also why doesn't Conan tell the FBI about the program?

i know i know, but menacing as well...evil


it is strange, sure a boy working with the FBI to capture a huge org. is wierd, but for conan to no share some of his findings with them is stupid

they aint haibara or DBs or ran or agasa

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  On 6/19/2015 at 10:55 PM, Reverend Balthazar said:

i know i know, but menacing as well...evil


it is strange, sure a boy working with the FBI to capture a huge org. is wierd, but for conan to no share some of his findings with them is stupid

they aint haibara or DBs or ran or agasa

If he told them about it we might've gotten new information about it. But that's not all, Kir, Amuro and Akai don't give us any extra information despite the fact that Kir and Amuro are spies and that Akai was in the BO for 3 years, surely they must know things that we don't, so it's not just Conan who isn't sharing info, there is also Haibara, and she probably has the most information of the BO having been born into it, but she doesn't say a thing. I'm starting to question whether or not they're serious about bringing down the organization.

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  On 6/20/2015 at 1:45 PM, Uchiha Shadow said:

If he told them about it we might've gotten new information about it. But that's not all, Kir, Amuro and Akai don't give us any extra information despite the fact that Kir and Amuro are spies and that Akai was in the BO for 3 years, surely they must know things that we don't, so it's not just Conan who isn't sharing info, there is also Haibara, and she probably has the most information of the BO having been born into it, but she doesn't say a thing. I'm starting to question whether or not they're serious about bringing down the organization.

you have a point there

haibara confirms what conan finds out, but does not tell her anything that he finds out until she finds out from agasa who finds out by conan cause he needs something

im also a bit surprised that heiji being the way he is "not more interested" in helping out more, not every time conan calls him up.

it seems to me like that gosho could have done a much much better job with this


i know he thought that his work wouldnt go more then 4 volumes but now that it has...he could have organized it much better

the organisation and its members are interesting and we get more love stuff and tours around japan then them 

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  On 3/24/2015 at 2:40 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Haibara’s reaction regarding “Kurayoshi”. (Volume 45.) (Since Gosho has denied the Bo having anything to do with Tottori, maybe Haibara realized that Conan was trying to figure out the boss's number by the similar sound it makes to the Tottori dial.)

Is the Nanatsu no Ko melody just a joke, or is there some deep meaning behind it?

As for Haibara's reaction when she heard Kurayoshi, I also think that it's because she realized that Conan was investigating the boss, and as proof she was listening to his conversation with Agasa about the boss's number. 


One person said that maybe it's supposed to imply that there were originally 7 members in the organization and then the boss as the mother.


I think one thing worth adding to the list of unresolved plots is also Kuroda's back story and who he belongs to, on DCTP someone talked about the organization that Amuro is working for in the Bourbon / Amuro Tohru's personality, history, and true allegiance thread and he said that he is from NPA Security Bureau, and that's where Kuroda heard of Conan,  so maybe Kuroda is Amuro's superior? Maybe his boss since Kansuke said he looks like a boss of some organization.


Another thing I've been thinking about is why did the middle brother change his name? And it's not because of the witness protection program since he still contacts Masumi. Since the middle brother is most likely Shuukichi Haneda, where did the surname 'Haneda' come from? And how is it related to the Akai and Sera families? And could it be related to the person with the surname Haneda in the list of Aptx4869 victims? Or is it possible that the mother of Sera changed her surname into Haneda for some reason and then shrunk by the drug so her name was there? Although I find that highly unlikely, not to mention that apparently the first name of the person on that list can be read as Koushi, Kouji, Goushi, Gouji, Hiroshi, Hiroji, while Gosho said that the name of Sera's mother is ___rri so it's not her, for now it's safe to assume that this is just a simple coincidence.



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  On 6/19/2015 at 10:10 AM, Reverend Balthazar said:

you can also call it the worst undercover a BO has ever gone to...House maid :)

Personally, I'm not really searching for ONE character to be Rum. I have the feeling that he is a cross-dresser who will appear as two different characters of opposite gender, pretty much like Ranma Saotome from the point of view of people who don't know they're one and the same.


If Rum appears as female, I definitely love the "Lum Invader as BO" design Gosho Aoyama as drawn. lol !

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  On 10/16/2015 at 11:54 AM, Glass Heart said:

Personally, I'm not really searching for ONE character to be Rum. I have the feeling that he is a cross-dresser who will appear as two different characters of opposite gender, pretty much like Ranma Saotome from the point of view of people who don't know they're one and the same.


If Rum appears as female, I definitely love the "Lum Invader as BO" design Gosho Aoyama as drawn. lol !

i could go for a doppelganger, not for a crossdresser

female or male is irrelevant to me as long as RUM isnt a spy or whatever undercover and is awesome 

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They said that the b.o is not the real name of the organization. Im just thinking, vermouth calls akai and conan as silver bullet, the only thing i can think of is that werewolf and vampires had those weakness

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