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Detective Conan World
Metantei Kiddo

What did you do today?

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Oh. Are you talking to me ? I'm writing a DC fan-fiction, my own short story, and maybe a novel... everything (which are likely to be "burned"... again =_= ) to keep my mind busy.

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My dreams still haunt me, so I went early this morning to my old tae kwon doe sensei (used to learn from him, but I eventually adapted to karate). He suggested to go all out on him, so I did. He deflected all my attacks and eventually I was left hanging by one foot upside down.

He told me, "공격 만 하네. 방어 도 있어야지." (tran. You only have offense. You should also have defense).

I left that day feeling relieved and pretty good.

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why??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

and oh... hi Vi!

hey Patronus Charm

im taking a class

every tuesday and thursday it metal workshop

really fun except the sparks that come out from the metal

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I read Volume 38~ and started Volume 39 of Case Closed!!!

Oh... what I did IRL, huh? ... I took the Boeing tour with my family. I explored a real cockpit of an airplane. I had lunch. I went to a number of shops. I was kicked out of one or two shops. I was insulted by that aho and my little brother. I had dinner. I ate a fortune cookie. I logged onto DCW :) XD

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