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Detective Conan World

Nonchalant Lupin Discussion

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First chapter of the prototype - Kaito and Aoko kiss and potentially are legally married. DC - still waiting 785 chapters later for any lip locking. :P

Definitely Magic Kaito flavored. Nakamori being totally different was amusing. I wonder if "Detective Aoko Holmes" was split into Aoko Nakamori and Hakuba Suguru for the Magic Kaito release? It's funny to think they could have been the same character at one point.

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Hakuba looked stupid... TT-TT And Aoko and Kaito kissed... *cries* Where's my HakuKai when I need it? *sniffle* But it was still a nice read. Since this is out, is there any place I can find an English translation of 'Third Base Fourth'?

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