DCUniverseAficionado 252 Report post Posted June 2, 2023 RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] Spoilers for File 1,113 are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8441179353 No break next week—we can expect 1,114 spoilers at around this time next week. Here's a summary of 1,113 spoilers, courtesy of Spimer from DCTP: Reveal hidden contents Heiji, Kazuha, Iori and Momiji are riding the bullet train for Tokyo to meet Conan & co. However, when Iori goes to the restroom to wash his sleeves, he finds a phone there and a man thretens to attack Momiji if he doesn't obey, and they know that Iori is a former policeman and butler of Moniji's family. The culprit forces him to search the luggage of a murdered reporter to find a USB memory. Heiji comes check on him and Iori comes up with a lie to hide what's going on, but Heiji perceives something and talks about it with Conan. And here are additional spoilers, courtesy of Twitter user DCPH Anime and Manga (@conanph0304): Reveal hidden contents Muga has a scar like a line on his right arm. Looking at it cause him have a flashback to a younger Momiji. She says that for him to protect her, he "must be in good health." This appears to imply that, in the past, he had injuries which, for a time, prevented him from acting as her bodyguard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DCUniverseAficionado 252 Report post Posted June 9, 2023 Thanks for bearing with the double post. 1,114 spoilers are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8453534263 No break next week—we can expect 1,115 spoilers at around this time next week. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarieGuerra 4 Report post Posted June 15, 2023 Thank you for the info. I am subscribing to this post to get more updates from you. Keep us update. I appreciate you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DCUniverseAficionado 252 Report post Posted June 16, 2023 Thanks for bearing with the triple post. 1,115 spoilers are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8463416643 DC will now go on break for the next 9 weeks until SS#39—we can expect 1,116 spoilers at around August 18th. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarieGuerra 4 Report post Posted June 24, 2023 Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeiTanteixX 184 Report post Posted June 26, 2023 File 1113-1115 Review Reveal hidden contents This case (File 1113-1115) was a case that I could safely say was one of the best DC cases I have ever read. For starters, it had a very unique story narrative, where it put Iori Muga on the center front as the protagonist "detective" of this case, while sidelining the actual main character (Conan) for majority of it (especially at the start). It was to me an extremely appreciated amount of spotlight and deep-dive into Muga's character, that Gosho has been hyping up so much since his introduction (through Animal Crossing hints). We got to get into his head and see his true level and capabilities as a detective, that was compared to Furuya's by Muga's former classmate, Kazami Yuya (File 1115). This level of competence was obviously as I have been expecting (as someone who has been suspecting Iori Muga to be the true identity behind the disguises of Rum, the no.2 of the BO that earned the awe of Kudo Yusaku). The biggest highlight of this whole case however goes to the awaited and thoroughly developed relationship between Muga and Momiji, where we learned how they met and why Muga decided to quit the Public Security and become Momiji's butler (File 1114). It was such a wholesomely depicted encounter in Muga's life, that was teased to have been depressing when he worked undercover as "Sakakibara" (File 1090). Iori Muga, who was officially revealed to have been a Public Security officer of the NPA, was tasked 3 years ago to secure the summer villa of the former prime minister (FPM), who was revealed to be Ōoka Momiji's grandpa, and by chance encountered thugs that gave him a large cut on his right arm (File 1114). It was then revealed that the thugs, who had a grudge against FPM Ōoka, followed the FPM's car that was actually occupied by Momiji, who was on her way to check out the villa and who eventually ended up hiding in the storage floor where she coincidentally was encountered by wounded Muga. This then lead to the heartfelt scene, where the hardened and semi-jaded Muga, who was used to tough out all the hardships that came with his work, get treated and taken care of with kindness for a change by the most unexpected seemingly weak person in he was supposed to protect. Momiji also added that beautiful reversed proverb ("even the smaller can serve as the bigger") to further justify her actions, which forever changed Muga's viewpoint in his life. This meaningful scene lead to Muga realizing a more healing path for himself, where he serves as kind-hearted Momiji's butler (File 1115). This is evident just from how much Momiji meant for Muga as a hostage, for the thugs to use to manipulate him with, through out this case, and how he was ready to literally sacrifice his life to protect her by taking a knife for her (File 1115). All of this masterfully written scenes of their relationship was topped off with not only Muga also in return being protected by the Hyakunin isshu deck that took the stabbing, as if to symbolize Momiji's love/passion keeping him alive, but also everything coming full circle with Momiji repeating her same beautiful reversed proverb (that she doesn't realize meant so much for him). This case made Iori Muga instantly rise for me as a favorite on par with Momiji, if not beyond (if things continues as great as this). We got a lot of fanservice action-scenes and cute relationship dynamics between Muga & Momiji that really satisfied all my expectations. Their Master-Butler relationship is definitely among the best of this whole series after this case, and I cannot wait to see where Muga's character development is gonna go from here on. As for the other major scene of this case, we officially got the scene that Gosho hyped up was coming in Let's Talk Day 2023 between Amuro and a certain big figure... and it was revealed to be the mysterious Falcon Elder, that was recently introduced in File 1102. The Falcon elder finally got some lines, and he ordered Amuro through a phone, that was left in the train that Amuro entered, to investigate Edogawa Conan (File 1115). This scene was further meant to push the narrative that someone dangerous (potentially a BO/Boss figure) has set their eyes on Conan, since this was following the previous scene where the Falcon Elder cracked the phone with Conan & Jirokichi's face on it seemingly out of anger (File 1102). This is however clearly setup to be one of Gosho's classic misleads, and it is at this point as good as confirmed that the Falcon Elder is rather FPM Ōoka (Momiji's grandpa). There are good amounts of hints from this case alone that supports this. For starters, this case overall focused a lot on Momiji's grandfather and his power as FPM, which is conveniently set up right before the resolution where the Falcon elder reappears. This is similar to how the previous mysterious elder ("Vader"), who is most likely Haneda Yasuharu (Kohji's father), showed up in the resolution (File 1096) just after Mary referenced the helpful father-friend benefactor (Kohji's father) who has been funding her and Masumi's livelihood (File 1095). Secondly, Rei went to the train platform casually with Kazami (his public security coworker), as if his business wasn't with someone he would hide his true affiliations from (like the black organization). This basically debunks that the Falcon Elder is a member of the BO. On the other hand, it fits perfectly with that he was meeting with FPM Ōoka, who was using his connections with the Public Security (as confirmed in File 1088 & 1114) to assign one of their agents a personal task for his benefit. Lastly, the train car (13) that Rei entered was empty and the Falcon elder was actually waiting in a second train next to it with his phone ready to call a phone left there for Rei. This phone was left in the exact same train car 13 that the Osaka & Ōoka duo came out of. The fact that the train car, with the drop-off phone, Rei entered was the same train car that the whole case was spent on with the Ōoka duo is more supporting clues to the Falcon elder being FPM Ōoka, who had Muga/Momiji drop off the phone in that train car for the assigned agent from Public Security to later find. As for what FPM Ōoka is planning with his investigation on Edogawa Conan, I'm leaning towards it being tied to what I previously speculated regarding why he cracked his Jirokichi-Conan-displaying phone out of anger... that it's related to his rivalry with the Suzuki conglomorate (which Gosho confirmed was slightly richer than the Ōoka Group). Since Jirokichi has been profitting on Conan's "kid killer" title and boosted his publicity in the news because of it, it would make sense for a bitter rival of his to go after his assets/allies and in any shape or form to try to eliminate them (for example by bribary). With that in mind, FPM Ōoka could be trying to gain as much information on "kid killer" Edogawa Conan as possible to figure out his weakness, that he can exploit for his benefit instead. Apart from that, there were very nice spotlights put on Heiji, Kazuha and Momiji, and they all felt like they showcased their own strengths, which was also another cherry on top to this whole case. It was also nice to get a Conan and Muga team-up for the first time. This part of the case is something I could see carrying more weight/consequence in the plot down the line, especially if Muga ends up being the one Conan should've been hiding his capabilities from (as he has been doing with Wakita). It would also be quite a comedic irony that Conan is rather trying to earn Muga's praise instead (File 1115). When it comes to where the story is currently heading, it seems like Gosho is settting up a big romance case, since he foreshadowed that Ran was looking into scenic spots and that Ran was planning to talk about something important with Kazuha (File 1113). It's possible that Gosho could be setting up a ShinRan romance plot, where Ran could be planning some kind of event, like a double-date or/and a birthday celebration (since Ran is the one who invited Kazuha and was looking into scenic places). Gosho also foreshadowed a potential Hyakunin Isshu competition case involving Momiji, that could be following this current shinkansen threat case, which could be the setting for an upcoming Heizuha romance plot (File 1113). Considering that we have finally arrived at Volume 105 (another 5 volumes since the last big Rum development), the climax of Rum arc could be right around the corner following the 5-volume pattern. If we are getting a long Heizuha + ShinRan romance case, then it's possible that we could be intertwining it all with the main plot (since a ShinRan date could involve Shinichi's physical reappearance for Rum to discover and target) and transition it into a big Rum climax case that finishes off the whole Rum plot in the remaining 9 chapters of volume 105 (File 1116-1124). Volume 105 keyhole is also most likely gonna finally feature Iori Muga after this recent case (which would be very timely if it's also the volume that contains the Rum climax and if it reveals that Muga indeed was the main antagonist of this arc all along). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarieGuerra 4 Report post Posted July 27, 2023 On 6/26/2023 at 12:43 AM, MeiTanteixX said: File 1113-1115 Review Reveal hidden contents This case (File 1113-1115) was a case that I could safely say was one of the best DC cases I have ever read. For starters, it had a very unique story narrative, where it put Iori Muga on the center front as the protagonist "detective" of this case, while sidelining the actual main character (Conan) for majority of it (especially at the start). It was to me an extremely appreciated amount of spotlight and deep-dive into Muga's character, that Gosho has been hyping up so much since his introduction (through Animal Crossing hints). We got to get into his head and see his true level and capabilities as a detective, that was compared to Furuya's by Muga's former classmate, Kazami Yuya (File 1115). This level of competence was obviously as I have been expecting (as someone who has been suspecting Iori Muga to be the true identity behind the disguises of Rum, the no.2 of the BO that earned the awe of Kudo Yusaku). The biggest highlight of this whole case however goes to the awaited and thoroughly developed relationship between Muga and Momiji, where we learned how they met and why Muga decided to quit the Public Security and become Momiji's butler (File 1114). It was such a wholesomely depicted encounter in Muga's life, that was teased to have been depressing when he worked undercover as "Sakakibara" (File 1090). Iori Muga, who was officially revealed to have been a Public Security officer of the NPA, was tasked 3 years ago to secure the summer villa of the former prime minister (FPM), who was revealed to be Ōoka Momiji's grandpa, and by chance encountered thugs that gave him a large cut on his right arm (File 1114). It was then revealed that the thugs, who had a grudge against FPM Ōoka, followed the FPM's car that was actually occupied by Momiji, who was on her way to check out the villa and who eventually ended up hiding in the storage floor where she coincidentally was encountered by wounded Muga. This then lead to the heartfelt scene, where the hardened and semi-jaded Muga, who was used to tough out all the hardships that came with his work, get treated and taken care of with kindness for a change by the most unexpected seemingly weak person in he was supposed to protect. Momiji also added that beautiful reversed proverb ("even the smaller can serve as the bigger") to further justify her actions, which forever changed Muga's viewpoint in his life. This meaningful scene lead to Muga realizing a more healing path for himself, where he serves as kind-hearted Momiji's butler (File 1115). This is evident just from how much Momiji meant for Muga as a hostage, for the thugs to use to manipulate him with, through out this case, and how he was ready to literally sacrifice his life to protect her by taking a knife for her (File 1115). All of this masterfully written scenes of their relationship was topped off with not only Muga also in return being protected by the Hyakunin isshu deck that took the stabbing, as if to symbolize Momiji's love/passion keeping him alive, but also everything coming full circle with Momiji repeating her same beautiful reversed proverb (that she doesn't realize meant so much for him). This case made Iori Muga instantly rise for me as a favorite on par with Momiji, if not beyond (if things continues as great as this). We got a lot of fanservice action-scenes and cute relationship dynamics between Muga & Momiji that really satisfied all my expectations. Their Master-Butler relationship is definitely among the best of this whole series after this case, and I cannot wait to see where Muga's character development is gonna go from here on. As for the other major scene of this case, we officially got the scene that Gosho hyped up was coming in Let's Talk Day 2023 between Amuro and a certain big figure... and it was revealed to be the mysterious Falcon Elder, that was recently introduced in File 1102. The Falcon elder finally got some lines, and he ordered Amuro through a phone, that was left in the train that Amuro entered, to investigate Edogawa Conan (File 1115). This scene was further meant to push the narrative that someone dangerous (potentially a BO/Boss figure) has set their eyes on Conan, since this was following the previous scene where the Falcon Elder cracked the phone with Conan & Jirokichi's face on it seemingly out of anger (File 1102). This is however clearly setup to be one of Gosho's classic misleads, and it is at this point as good as confirmed that the Falcon Elder is rather FPM Ōoka (Momiji's grandpa). There are good amounts of hints from this case alone that supports this. For starters, this case overall focused a lot on Momiji's grandfather and his power as FPM, which is conveniently set up right before the resolution where the Falcon elder reappears. This is similar to how the previous mysterious elder ("Vader"), who is most likely Haneda Yasuharu (Kohji's father), showed up in the resolution (File 1096) just after Mary referenced the helpful father-friend benefactor (Kohji's father) who has been funding her and Masumi's livelihood (File 1095). Secondly, Rei went to the train platform casually with Kazami (his public security coworker), as if his business wasn't with someone he would hide his true affiliations from (like the black organization). This basically debunks that the Falcon Elder is a member of the BO. On the other hand, it fits perfectly with that he was meeting with FPM Ōoka, who was using his connections with the Public Security (as confirmed in File 1088 & 1114) to assign one of their agents a personal task for his benefit. Lastly, the train car (13) that Rei entered was empty and the Falcon elder was actually waiting in a second train next to it with his phone ready to call a phone left there for Rei. This phone was left in the exact same train car 13 that the Osaka & Ōoka duo came out of. The fact that the train car, with the drop-off phone, Rei entered was the same train car that the whole case was spent on with the Ōoka duo is more supporting clues to the Falcon elder being FPM Ōoka, who had Muga/Momiji drop off the phone in that train car for the assigned agent from Public Security to later find. As for what FPM Ōoka is planning with his investigation on Edogawa Conan, I'm leaning towards it being tied to what I previously speculated regarding why he cracked his Jirokichi-Conan-displaying phone out of anger... that it's related to his rivalry with the Suzuki conglomorate (which Gosho confirmed was slightly richer than the Ōoka Group). Since Jirokichi has been profitting on Conan's "kid killer" title and boosted his publicity in the news because of it, it would make sense for a bitter rival of his to go after his assets/allies and in any shape or form to try to eliminate them (for example by bribary). With that in mind, FPM Ōoka could be trying to gain as much information on "kid killer" Edogawa Conan as possible to figure out his weakness, that he can exploit for his benefit instead. Apart from that, there were very nice spotlights put on Heiji, Kazuha and Momiji, and they all felt like they showcased their own strengths, which was also another cherry on top to this whole case. It was also nice to get a Conan and Muga team-up for the first time. This part of the case is something I could see carrying more weight/consequence in the plot down the line, especially if Muga ends up being the one Conan should've been hiding his capabilities from (as he has been doing with Wakita). It would also be quite a comedic irony that Conan is rather trying to earn Muga's praise instead (File 1115). When it comes to where the story is currently heading, it seems like Gosho is settting up a big romance case, since he foreshadowed that Ran was looking into scenic spots and that Ran was planning to talk about something important with Kazuha (File 1113). It's possible that Gosho could be setting up a ShinRan romance plot, where Ran could be planning some kind of event, like a double-date or/and a birthday celebration (since Ran is the one who invited Kazuha and was looking into scenic places). Gosho also foreshadowed a potential Hyakunin Isshu competition case involving Momiji, that could be following this current shinkansen threat case, which could be the setting for an upcoming Heizuha romance plot (File 1113). Considering that we have finally arrived at Volume 105 (another 5 volumes since the last big Rum development), the climax of Rum arc could be right around the corner following the 5-volume pattern. If we are getting a long Heizuha + ShinRan romance case, then it's possible that we could be intertwining it all with the main plot (since a ShinRan date could involve Shinichi's physical reappearance for Rum to discover and target) and transition it into a big Rum climax case that finishes off the whole Rum plot in the remaining 9 chapters of volume 105 (File 1116-1124). Volume 105 keyhole is also most likely gonna finally feature Iori Muga after this recent case (which would be very timely if it's also the volume that contains the Rum climax and if it reveals that Muga indeed was the main antagonist of this arc all along). Thanks for sharing 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites