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What Was the Last Video Game You Played?

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  On 2/26/2015 at 1:53 AM, Kenzi said:

ehehe, sorry.

I didn't mean to bombard this thread with our ramblings, haha.



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Sorry? What for? That was supposed to be good. Another very long message. Lol :P

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  On 2/26/2015 at 1:53 AM, Kenzi said:

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  On 3/1/2015 at 4:35 AM, Akazora said:


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Playing through Skyrim...again.


I'm thinking of getting the PS3 version of Oblivion GOTY. I had the 360 version but my brother took it when he moved 2 years ago.

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  On 3/5/2015 at 12:59 AM, Kenzi said:

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Well, a lot of things just happen by chance.  There are many things that have drastically shaped the way I am that came about by one specific moment in time, one choice I made.  It’s crazy how life works like that, isn’t it?  Heck, even our long conversations with each other can be traced back to when we first exchanged a few words about Smash 4 with each other months ago.  Goodness, neither of us knew how far that would take us.  Haha, I guess my experience with Seven Swords could be seen as a bit of an addiction as well.  I spent long days and nights partaking in wars to collect the spoils which could be used to potentially win really good items in lotteries.  There’s no doubt the raffle system for the good equipment was fixed (it didn’t take many tries at it to realize not all the items in the lottery were treated equally) but I couldn’t help myself from trying it time and time again.  Gosh, I need to stay away from casinos when I grow up.  I don’t think I’d be able to control myself, ehehe…
Hm, I don’t I recall Seven Swords going through any major updates when it came to either interface or gameplay.  Occasionally there were updates to implement special holiday themed quests, like during Christmas time, but the core features were all there.  Thank goodness, too, because it was difficult trying to crunch the numbers based off of hands-on experience.  It took a lot of work from everyone in the community to figure which monsters were best for grinding, how coins were distributed after wars, and which exploits worked best for each boss.  Since the game is Japanese based, there was never any official guide and apart from a wiki for the game that was never kept up to date or fully taken advantage of, everyone had to jump in and learn things the hard way.  If there was ever a change to the gameplay, everyone would have been royally screwed.  But I guess there wasn’t really ever a chance of that happening since the “spiritual successor” to Seven Swords, Avabel Online, was already in the works.  I had joined the Seven Sword community relatively late, after all the really special and interesting events happened.  Ah, it’s too bad you never really kept in touch with everyone, but I guess memories are enough.
Nah, I’m not much different; when I get upset or frustrated you’d be surprised at the things I can think, too.  We’re all human after all and we all get wound up over things.  Even if you didn’t go into things with the intention of expanding your horizons and being productive, it’s still good you got something out of it.  Usually when I get myself wrapped up in near addicting situations, it doesn’t very often benefit me.  With video games and anime for example, it’s not like I’m learning new skills as I go.  I’m never going to play Smash or Pokemon competitively; there’s just not enough time for it.  I’m also not going to work in the Western side of the anime industry.  Translating for companies like Funimation and Crunchyroll?  Haha, yeah, that’s not going to happen.  While I do intend to learn Japanese in the future, I’m never going to reach the point where I can reply on it for an income.  Well, I’ll just keep hobbies as hobbies and let it be.  I know some people who want to go into what they’re passionate about, be it visual art or music.  There’s this one friend of mine who wants to learn animation in college, has a dream school picked out already and is taking really legit courses like life drawing, as a junior no less.  Sometimes I’m a bit envious and wish I could be like that by having my hobbies coincide with a potential career, but oh well.  Ehhh, perverts and pedos huh?  Can’t say I’ve had to deal with my fair share of them, as being a guy doesn’t really make me a prime target or anything, but yeah there will always be people like that.  Sevens Swords didn’t actually have too much of a pervert problem, given the chat was automatically censored.  However, guys usually ended up treating people behind female avatars in skimpy armor better than your average bearded cleric, eheh.  And you can’t really blame yourself for falling for trolls, since we all at one time have, haha.  I’ve been pretty stupid many times in my life as well, and also have dark moments that make me ashamed thinking back on them.  There’s no helping it, I guess.
Gosh, you really do flatter me.  I’m really glad you’ve come to trust me, because likewise I feel like I could tell you anything as well.  A lot of what I’ve said I haven’t told anyone else either, I guess also because I feel that others would just brush it off as petty interests.  Whenever I try to talk about either video games or anime or even something like stargazing with someone else, people never really listen.  Or rather, they don’t really care or take what I say seriously.  You know, they gush over the newest episode of House of Cards but when I bring up Fate they’re just like “Oh, that’s an anime right?  That’s nice...” and then the conversation ends.  Other times, when I mention Pokemon a lot of people think of the anime and not the game, which makes me cringe.  Or when they think Smash 4 is “Brawl 2”…  I guess that’s the struggle of finding interest in “childish” things, haha.  It’s nice knowing you’re not just brushing me off as some weird shut-in senior though.  I’m not very good at putting these things into words either, but you really mean a lot to me, more than you think.

Personally, I never took any college summer programs, but know a couple of people who have.  Part of me regrets not at least applying to a few, but the thing is I wasn’t even aware summer programs like that even existed.  I didn’t really have many upperclassman friends, and those that I did have I never really talked about the college application process with, eheh.  By the time I realized a lot of people around me were applying to all these programs, it was already too late.  There’s no point in regretting it now though.  I think I’m doing alright with the number of acceptances I’ve received as well as the amount of scholarship money that’s been thrown my way.  From what I’ve read in your other posts, it looks like you got into the program that you really wanted!  Congratulations!  I’m really happy for you!  I’m sure you’re going to have a great time there, haha.  I can’t speak from personal experience of course, but I don’t know anyone who disliked their time attending a summer program.  Only person who even remotely complained was someone who said it was a lot of work, but she’s known for taking everything way too seriously.  She’s the only senior I know who still works hard in school and is chronically unhappy but doesn’t take it easy anyway…  Waaay too obsessed with those A’s, if I may say so myself.  Also, attending the program will give you a good firsthand experience with the potential school of your dreams.  Even if a school is touted as being Ivy-level, it won’t be for everyone.  I’ve visited a lot of high ranked schools and walked away with a sour taste in my mouth.  Whether it was the overall vibe, certain aspects that irked me, the fact that I could find an equally as good if not better educational deal in a cheaper college, or something really off-putting like the admissions officer not looking like he/she really cared about visitors when giving a presentation on the school, there have been many cases where a school I had high hopes for didn’t meet those expectations.  I good thing to remember about college that most people forget to keep in mind until they’re a senior is that when it all comes down to it, you’re the customer.  It may seem it’s the other way around with the power to reject or deny in the hands of the schools, but it’s still your money on the line.  All the schools are vying for four years of your life, and it’s up to you to give it to them.  Don’t just fall for the simple and misleading ploy of “oh, look how high we’re ranked” and attend a school you don’t really love.  It’s kind of like with relationships: just because everyone says that guy over there is really attractive and a great person, if your personalities don’t jive it wouldn’t be a very good idea to go out with him.  Anyway, I don’t mean to go on too long about this, but I just felt like I needed to get that out there, haha.
Well, I’ve made a bit of progress with my video games.  I RNG abused for a shiny Scyther, to be evolved into a Scizor for my Battle Tower run of course.  Adamant, perfect IVs in Attack and Speed, very good IVs in HP and defenses, basic stuff like that.  This sucker was quite a bit harder to get than the Cresselia.  I used a similar method to get him as I did with Cresselia, but given certain circumstances with a randomly moving NPC that threw off my numbers there was a lot of guessing involved with the very last step.  It was methodical as it should have been up until that point, but instead of getting it done in one day it took three.  It’s hard to explain if you aren’t familiar with RNG abuse, and I don’t want to bore you with the details, haha.  I’ll move on to getting a shiny Latios to finish up my team when I find the time for it.  I’ll use my SoulSilver for this guy, and from what I’ve read it might be the hardest one to get of them all.  Apart from that, I’ve played a bit of Sapphire, inching closer and closer to that shiny Kyogre.  It’s low priority for now, but it’ll get done eventually.  Finally, I’ve been finishing up The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.  I started the game a long time ago and for whatever reason lost interest in it right before the climax.  Honestly it’s not a very good Zelda game and the controls are kind of wonky, so it’s nothing I would recommend, but heck I already got so far so why not finish it?  I guess I’ll stick some amiibo stuff on this paragraph to beef it up and save it from complete extinction.  I traded my Japanese Marth for a North American Rosalina and Sonic.  You’re probably wondering why I traded one of the original seven I wanted for two that I have no interest in, and the answer is that, well, I’m a bit OCD and Marth being the only imported amiibo bothers me, eheheheh…  I know you don’t follow the amiibo craze, but I’ll briefly explain.  Marth is impossible to find in stores because he’s considered a “unicorn” and he’s only available online by individual resellers for exorbitant prices.  However, he’s officially being restocked in late April and I’m going to take that opportunity to get him, North American and all.  That would leave my Japanese Marth useless: with the restock his sell value with go down as will his trade value.  That’s why I found someone on reddit willing to trade a Rosalina (also a unicorn) as well as a Sonic for my Marth.  Rosalina’s value is actually increasing while Marth’s is decreasing, so I’d say it’s a good investment.  To recap, I have two of the seven that I want: Ike and Sheik.  I’m still missing five: Marth, Lucina, Dark Pit, Ganondorf, and Palutena.  Marth will be restocked soon and Lucina will be up for preorder any day now.  I have a lot of things to trade in case I’m unlucky and am not able to purchase any of the amiibos directly: Shulk, Rosalina, Sonic, and Samus (I got the Samus in a free giveaway on a Twitch stream, and she’s slated to arrive on Monday).  Also, to give you an idea of what’s rare, here’s a nifty little chart the amiibo subreddit made: http://www.reddit.com/r/amiibo/wiki/rarity    
According to Google Maps, I live 12.5 miles from my state university and it takes about 25 minutes to drive there.  I wouldn’t say the traffic is that bad, it’s just that there are a lot of smaller roads that need to be traversed so you can’t really drive too fast all the time, haha.  Also, I don’t want this to come off as weird or anything, but do you by any chance happen to live in Troy, Michigan?  I hope you won’t think I’m some kind of creepy stalker or anything.  You’ve dropped some small hints here and there about where you live, and with all the clues laid on the table I couldn’t resist taking a stab at where you’re located.  As for my line of reasoning, I guess I started off knowing (or figuring out somehow, can’t remember) that you live in a region with Eastern Standard Time.  Of course, this didn’t really narrow down my options to much.  Then, just recently, you heavily implied you live in a place where people prefer to say “pop” over “soda”.  Referencing a map showing the frequency of generic soft drink names, and cross referencing it with the EST states, I narrowed your state down to either Ohio or Michigan, potentially West Virginia, and maybe parts of New York state, Pennsylvania, Indiana, or Kentucky.  The biggest hint was when you said you live next to a city with “a very big name” but “a bit of a cruddy reputation”.  Of course, the very first city that comes to most anyone’s mind is Detroit.  It coincided with my earlier guess of Michigan, so at this point I felt I was on to something.  After consulting Google for a bit more help, and searching something along the lines “nice places around Detroit” I stumbled upon a list of nice places in Michigan, one of which was Troy.  The author of the article said it had “good schools” as well as the Somerset Collection luxury mall.  Well, after checking to make sure Troy was indeed very close to Detroit and spotting palm trees in Google images of Somerset Collection, I was fairly convinced I had figured out where you live.  The only thing that concerns me is that you call where you live a “town” and, well, no matter how I look at Troy it seems to be a city to me, haha.  Well, with all that being said, you don’t need to either confirm or deny my guess if you don’t want to.  I know you like to keep your location secret, so I’ll completely understand.  Ehhh, goodness, I keep on sidetracking this conversation. I turned a few sentences into a whole paragraph, like I did with amiibos.  Anyway, the issue with NJ’s state university is that it’s, in all honestly, hideous.  It’s consistently ranked as one of the ugliest colleges in the country and the campus is so spread out it’s the only university I visited that went out of their way to give bus tours (in fact, the only campus tours available were bus tours as walking tours don’t exist).  The only way you’d be able to get to all the buildings necessary for your classes is if you take their bus.  There is actually no other physical way for you to get around, that’s how much of a mess it is.  Bleh, I really don’t want to go there because it’s the farthest thing you can get from what a “university” usually feels like, but on the other hand they did give me a lot in scholarship money.  It’ll be practically a free ride.  Huh, I don’t know, maybe I’d be able to put up with four years of a glorified high school (because that’s what it’s pretty much like) if it meant not having to pay much. 
Haha, I don’t think I’d be able to really loosen up.  The way I type has been so ingrained in me it’s something I won’t be able to just change.  I’m really looking forward to leaving high school behind and starting on a clean slate that is promised with college though.  Even so, the way I type will probably stick with me.  Sure, maybe I’ll rub people the wrong way as I’ve been doing since forever (you may say otherwise, but seriously I give pretty bad first impressions) and perhaps I’ll miss out on a few friends I otherwise would have had, but I’ve managed thus far well enough.
According to people I know who are part of the yearbook and newspaper, who are scouring Facebook for confirmed promposals in the name of “research”, there are actually significantly less promposals as of now than last year at the same time.  I’m not too sure why that’s the case.  Maybe more couples are just opting out of the formalities and just quietly agreeing to go to prom with each other and single guys like me are going to be spending the night with a bag of chips and a movie?  … Or maybe my year’s full of lazy, uncreative bums, haha.  I know some teachers who are cool with allowing promposals to happen in class, but that’s about it.  And it really is kind of strange to have prom in April.  It would just feel like there’s still so much of the school year left.  Hm, maybe the venue your school rented out was only free then?  That’s probably what happened. 
Oh my, sorry sorry, in retrospect what I said about your parents was probably really harsh.  I didn’t mean any offense, heheh…  But yeah, my parents can also be a bit closed minded, maybe not to quite the extent of your parents as they do begrudgingly buy me video games and anime accessories as long as I don’t over-ask them, haha.  They do care a lot about money and what others think of them, which is why it’s taken them a while to understand I don’t want to live a very exorbitant life.  Funny thing is, it seems my dad is the one more understanding of how I feel than my mom.  My mom’s the one who compares me to her friend’s children and who points to young Asians in the news and says “Aren’t they amazing?  Are you not jealous?  Does it not make you go ‘waa’?  Hm?!  Well hmm?!”  Hahaha, my mom keeps on hinting that she wants me to earn a fortune and give her lots of grandchildren, while my dad just stands back and smiles to himself when I say “Maaaaaaaa!”  Anyway, it’s good that I misunderstood, haha.  It wouldn’t be good if you were in an abusive and negligent household or anything.  Sorry again for overreacting.
Aw thanks, I’ll definitely be keeping you posted with how my college decisions go.  I’ve been holding back only because I want to announce everything at once: acceptances, rejections, scholarships and all.  I’m still waiting on 11 schools, heh.  Mhm, the research is actually pretty legit, the only downside being you can’t really use it as leverage for college applications because AP Bio is a senior-only class in my school and you aren't officially published until around May.  Our tests are kind of hard, but not nearly as difficult as yours, and my teacher is nice and always gives people extra points for the heck of it because he understands we’re all seniors who aren’t trying as hard we used to last year.  Well, I’ll always be here to listen to any rants you may have and I’m going to try my best to make junior year and the rest of high school as easy for you as possible.  It can be tough, so I’ll be praying every time I go to sleep that you’re already in bed.  *hugs*  Sleep is still important you know, you can’t have your health fail on you.  You had said previously that you have a lot lined up for spring, like tennis and competitions, so if you end up bring busy over spring break don’t worry about it.  Since my birthday is always over spring break, not many people remember to wish me a happy birthday anyway, so I don’t really expect much, haha.  I hope your week is as stress-free as possible!


  On 3/2/2015 at 5:35 AM, SwiftFeather said:

3DS Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask :B


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  On 3/7/2015 at 11:13 PM, Akazora said:
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  On 3/10/2015 at 11:00 PM, Kirsch said:
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  On 3/7/2015 at 11:13 PM, Akazora said:
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This might sound strange, but I'm really grateful towards your post that started this long conversation string because I'm really glad to have met someone as amazing and considerate as you. Everything happens by chance, and I can't help but feel thankful that life has led me to where I am at this point--even the seemingly insignificant events. I guess that means there's no doubt that we're firm believers of the butterfly effect then, haha. Oh my gosh, I know exactly what you mean. I remember when my sister and I went into a casino on a cruise ship and decided to try our luck with some of the slot machines and along with various other casino games. We easily cashed out $20 with little payback before the manager kicked us out for being underage, lol. The place reeked of cigar smoke and there's no telling how much more money we would have wasted if we weren't kicked out, ehehe. I know I've also encountered your same situation in games before (like some of those neopet wheels I used to play ages ago). It sucks how these lotteries tend to be rigged, but it can't be helped.
I'm not sure if you remember, but YouTube also had some Easter Eggs they would implement during certain times of the year (ex. the option of animated snowflakes appearing on the video player a few Decembers ago). Oh geez, I can't imagine how hard it must have been to jump in blindly without a guide of some sort. Was there anything about the game that intrigued you to dive in? It's good that the gameplay stayed relatively consistent because of the amount of imminent rage quits that probably would have ended up happening with the latter option, haha.
This was one of the rare occasions where my "addiction" actually helped me gain a few somewhat useful skills. Hmm, I wouldn't say that watching anime and playing video games are completely useless. I've learned about basic stereotypes and archetypes, and a few inspirational quotes about humanity and morals (even some vocab from Pokemon lol)...and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. It's all in good fun, and they're great sources of entertainment for me. Yeah, school can be rigid and limited with classes that feed into potential dream careers, but that's all the more reason to look forward to college, right? I have a few friends taking AP studio art, but I think only 2-3 of them are actually going to pursue a career in art. The others are probably taking the class for fun. I also kinda wanted to take art for fun, but I'm already taking orchestra, so having another elective is pushing it a bit. It was rare for me to come across perverts and pedos since most of them were tagged by the community, so it was fairly easy to identify them. However, the ones I did come across posted and commented tremendously disturbing...stuff. Most of them were RPers, which made it that much worse--it didn't even matter what gender you were--they wouldn't leave you alone. Haha, the internet will always be the internet. It's only "natural" for those under sparsely clothed female avatars to be treated better, I guess. I'm pretty used to it now. I've been desensitized by the internet far more than I should have been, so it all comes across as either stale or humorous instead of appalling or offensive now. yikes.
But if you think about it, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Even if most people don't take part in similar interests as you, the ones who do can end up becoming some of your closest friends. I recently discovered that a real life friend of mine also actively watched ATLA/LOK. This eventually branched off to other shows, and now that's all we talk about when we're together. There's no need to dwell on how people are missing out on quality games and anime. Sure, anyone can watch Doctor Who or How I Met Your Mother, but the ones who actually enjoy endeavors that you enjoy are different. They're not like everyone else--they're unique. That's kinda how I view you right now. I guess it would be nice if everyone enjoyed the same pursuits that you enjoy, but how would you end up distinguishing everyone from one another? Dare to be different, lol. Those who do tend to stand out more. Like you stated in one of your previous posts, they become more special. And with that said, this paragraph also applies to you because you also mean a lot to me, haha.

Aw, thank you. I've heard nice things about this program from online sources, and I'm really looking forward to it! The only reason I discovered this summer program was because my calc teacher recommended it to me. I was struggling in his class last semester, but despite this, he encouraged me to apply and even wrote my letter of rec for me. And for that, I'm really thankful. Many of my friends also keep their mouths shut about summer programs. It's probably because no one ever asks about them, so it's not like everyone's trying to be secretive with one another, lol. But it's great that things are looking good for you so far! The admissions officer for this college really seems to care about the students when she came to our school though. She even went as far as to visit students while they were working to congratulate them on getting accepted. I have really high expectations for this college, and I have no doubt that I won't be let down when I take a visit to the campus. A great school giving me a bad time, or an average school giving me a great time? I know reputation tends to be a huge factor, but I'll make sure to do a fair amount of research on the schools before applying. Thank you so much for the heads up!
It's really fascinating reading your stories about RNG abuse! Although I usually don't have much to contribute to the discussion, just know that I do take an interest in your updates, haha. I don't want this paragraph to die out either since I love reading about how everything's going for you so far. Hmm, I've never played Spirit Tracks before, but from what I've seen, a lot of people seem to like it. Is there any reason why you don't like it as much? I'm still wondering why that reddittor wanted your Japanese Marth. Perhaps he/she only collects imported amiibos, haha. I never realized that they were all assigned such specific values. It's awesome how you have so many though! Good luck on getting the rest!
Holy mother of god...you're right on point. I can thank my lucky stars I wasn't drinking anything when I first read this or else I would have done an enormous spit take all over my laptop; you really took me by surprise there, haha. I had to examine it over a few times to make sure I wasn't misreading anything. I can't wrap my head around this. I didn't realize I gave away that much information about myself. I'm shocked, but really amazed. I knew you were observant but, wow. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to deduce which school I go to or even my address, lol. I'm just stunned that you managed to narrow it down so much. I mean, I easily could've been living in some of the other towns or cities surrounding Detroit, so being able to narrow it down to my city location, not just my state or county location, with such little and general information is unbelievably impressive. The "hints" I supposedly gave weren't intentional either, lol. I'll assume that you either went through a lot of digging, or that you got really lucky from the article you managed to stumble across, heh. Oh, I use "city" and "town" interchangeably since The "City" of Troy is nothing compared to The City of New York--it's not nearly as urban as NYC, so "suburban" would be more suitable. Was it anything in particular that made you feel compelled to piece everything together? As for your location, I felt like venturing into uncharted territory after a few minutes of examining various distance comparisons/locations and characteristics, ehehe... New Jersey itself is known for its high population of Indians, so I figured that Middlesex County would be a good stopping point--it's in close proximity to NYC and it's very populous in Indians. Hmm, actually, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and go for Edison. Earlier, you mentioned something about a small museum and a historic monument next to it: Thomas Edison Museum and Edison Tower, perhaps? The landmarks are roughly 20 minutes away from Rutgers University and Edison is also directly southwest from NYC. I can't recall much other info on where you live, and Edison didn't seem too farfetched either. Now, I don't know how much of NYC you can see from there since you said that you could see a "faint glow" from where you live, so I was a bit hesitant to insert in this portion of my response. I originally wasn't planning on guessing your location but I wanted to give it a shot and see how close I get, lol. It's definitely not nearly as impressive as your deduction though; I'm still really taken aback, haha. But, of course, you don't have to confirm or deny it either. Oh geez, if you really dislike the university that much, even it is practically a free ride, it's probably best to head elsewhere. You're going to spend four years of your life there, so why not make the most out of it? It's good that you managed to get so many scholarships! Definitely consider those, because four years can be a pretty long time unless you plan to transfer.
That's totally understandable, haha. Old habits tend to stick and it's not like how anyone types is a big deal or anything, lol. Having a clean slate is also one of the many reasons I look forward to college as well. I'm still gonna be same old me, but it's always nice to have a clean start for a new period of life. And I'm sure your first impressions aren't as bad as you think! Depending on the person I'm talking to, I can come off as pretty derpy since I laugh a lot. Perhaps it's because I'm so simple-minded since I'm so easily amused, haha.
The promposals are still going strong around here and it doesn't seem to show any signs of slowing down. Hmm, I'm not too sure about your situation. Maybe March is still too early? haha. Perhaps prom is beginning to lose its hype? Nah, I'm seeing promposals happening everywhere: in people's houses, in parking lots, at school, after competitions--and these people are going all out. Guitars, sushi, yogurt, videos, slideshows, posters, etc. (and they're all really creative as well). These are also the same people who're probably going to end up renting limos there. April does seem a bit too soon, but I'm still not entirely sure why they decided to move it so early this year. I'm seeing a lot more of these than I did last year though.
Oh, it's not a problem! It's my fault for putting them in such a negative light. I haven't asked for a video game or console for years. There's no way in hell they'll buy me any at this point. Haha, my mom is a lot more understanding than my dad. It's probably because her communication or social skills are a lot better. Both of them still compare me to others, but I think they've finally picked up on how bothered I tend to get when that happens. The whole "why can't you be like him/her??" has been slowly losing prevalence, so that's a bit more relieving. Whenever my dad yells at me, my mom usually helps ease the stress because she also understands how hard-headed he can be. She rarely gets mad at me nowadays, whereas my dad's fuse seems to be getting shorter. It's gotten to the point where I avoid talking to my dad in order to minimize any chance of him blowing up--I don't even ask him for help anymore. If you couldn't tell already, I'm absolutely terrified of my dad. I've been getting increasingly hostile towards him for this reason even though I know I shouldn't. I know that he cares about me. I've been living under his roof for the entirety of my life so far, and I can't help but feel like an ungrateful freeloader for treating him like this. I always thought that maybe getting good grades and making him proud of me will make up for this, or that I could always patch up our relationship when I'm finally able to hold my own ground after college. I feel awful on the inside because it's almost as if I forgot how to even talk to him. His English isn't that great, and my Chinese isn't good enough to articulate what I want to say to him, so the language barrier has become one of the primary issues for me--I can only talk to him in broken English. It's a lot easier to talk to my mom. I love my parents to pieces, so I hope this didn't give off the wrong impression. Gosh, I'm really sorry for unloading all of this on you. I didn't even realize how much I typed until after reading over this.
I'm sure you'll have no problem with those remaining schools, heh. Our bio class is split pretty evenly between juniors and seniors and our teacher doesn't round or give us extra points out of pity. We seldom receive extra credit so every point matters in the class. It kinda sucks that the research won't help on college apps, but at least the experience sounds awesome! I know I'd probably enjoy it a lot, haha. Aw, you're the sweetest. I know I've said this time and time again, but your words really do mean a lot to me, and I'm touched that you care so much. Although my sleep schedule is still pretty screwed up, I think it's starting to improve a bit. Baby steps, lol. Most of my teachers plan to leave us with as little work as possible before spring break starts, so remembering your birthday definitely won't be a problem for me. Don't worry about it! haha.



  On 3/10/2015 at 11:00 PM, Kirsch said:
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  On 3/12/2015 at 1:04 AM, Kenzi said:


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This might sound strange, but I'm really grateful towards your post that started this long conversation string because I'm really glad to have met someone as amazing and considerate as you. Everything happens by chance, and I can't help but feel thankful that life has led me to where I am at this point--even the seemingly insignificant events. I guess that means there's no doubt that we're firm believers of the butterfly effect then, haha. Oh my gosh, I know exactly what you mean. I remember when my sister and I went into a casino on a cruise ship and decided to try our luck with some of the slot machines and along with various other casino games. We easily cashed out $20 with little payback before the manager kicked us out for being underage, lol. The place reeked of cigar smoke and there's no telling how much more money we would have wasted if we weren't kicked out, ehehe. I know I've also encountered your same situation in games before (like some of those neopet wheels I used to play ages ago). It sucks how these lotteries tend to be rigged, but it can't be helped.
I'm not sure if you remember, but YouTube also had some Easter Eggs they would implement during certain times of the year (ex. the option of animated snowflakes appearing on the video player a few Decembers ago). Oh geez, I can't imagine how hard it must have been to jump in blindly without a guide of some sort. Was there anything about the game that intrigued you to dive in? It's good that the gameplay stayed relatively consistent because of the amount of imminent rage quits that probably would have ended up happening with the latter option, haha.
This was one of the rare occasions where my "addiction" actually helped me gain a few somewhat useful skills. Hmm, I wouldn't say that watching anime and playing video games are completely useless. I've learned about basic stereotypes and archetypes, and a few inspirational quotes about humanity and morals (even some vocab from Pokemon lol)...and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. It's all in good fun, and they're great sources of entertainment for me. Yeah, school can be rigid and limited with classes that feed into potential dream careers, but that's all the more reason to look forward to college, right? I have a few friends taking AP studio art, but I think only 2-3 of them are actually going to pursue a career in art. The others are probably taking the class for fun. I also kinda wanted to take art for fun, but I'm already taking orchestra, so having another elective is pushing it a bit. It was rare for me to come across perverts and pedos since most of them were tagged by the community, so it was fairly easy to identify them. However, the ones I did come across posted and commented tremendously disturbing...stuff. Most of them were RPers, which made it that much worse--it didn't even matter what gender you were--they wouldn't leave you alone. Haha, the internet will always be the internet. It's only "natural" for those under sparsely clothed female avatars to be treated better, I guess. I'm pretty used to it now. I've been desensitized by the internet far more than I should have been, so it all comes across as either stale or humorous instead of appalling or offensive now. yikes.
But if you think about it, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Even if most people don't take part in similar interests as you, the ones who do can end up becoming some of your closest friends. I recently discovered that a real life friend of mine also actively watched ATLA/LOK. This eventually branched off to other shows, and now that's all we talk about when we're together. There's no need to dwell on how people are missing out on quality games and anime. Sure, anyone can watch Doctor Who or How I Met Your Mother, but the ones who actually enjoy endeavors that you enjoy are different. They're not like everyone else--they're unique. That's kinda how I view you right now. I guess it would be nice if everyone enjoyed the same pursuits that you enjoy, but how would you end up distinguishing everyone from one another? Dare to be different, lol. Those who do tend to stand out more. Like you stated in one of your previous posts, they become more special. And with that said, this paragraph also applies to you because you also mean a lot to me, haha.

Aw, thank you. I've heard nice things about this program from online sources, and I'm really looking forward to it! The only reason I discovered this summer program was because my calc teacher recommended it to me. I was struggling in his class last semester, but despite this, he encouraged me to apply and even wrote my letter of rec for me. And for that, I'm really thankful. Many of my friends also keep their mouths shut about summer programs. It's probably because no one ever asks about them, so it's not like everyone's trying to be secretive with one another, lol. But it's great that things are looking good for you so far! The admissions officer for this college really seems to care about the students when she came to our school though. She even went as far as to visit students while they were working to congratulate them on getting accepted. I have really high expectations for this college, and I have no doubt that I won't be let down when I take a visit to the campus. A great school giving me a bad time, or an average school giving me a great time? I know reputation tends to be a huge factor, but I'll make sure to do a fair amount of research on the schools before applying. Thank you so much for the heads up!
It's really fascinating reading your stories about RNG abuse! Although I usually don't have much to contribute to the discussion, just know that I do take an interest in your updates, haha. I don't want this paragraph to die out either since I love reading about how everything's going for you so far. Hmm, I've never played Spirit Tracks before, but from what I've seen, a lot of people seem to like it. Is there any reason why you don't like it as much? I'm still wondering why that reddittor wanted your Japanese Marth. Perhaps he/she only collects imported amiibos, haha. I never realized that they were all assigned such specific values. It's awesome how you have so many though! Good luck on getting the rest!
Holy mother of god...you're right on point. I can thank my lucky stars I wasn't drinking anything when I first read this or else I would have done an enormous spit take all over my laptop; you really took me by surprise there, haha. I had to examine it over a few times to make sure I wasn't misreading anything. I can't wrap my head around this. I didn't realize I gave away that much information about myself. I'm shocked, but really amazed. I knew you were observant but, wow. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to deduce which school I go to or even my address, lol. I'm just stunned that you managed to narrow it down so much. I mean, I easily could've been living in some of the other towns or cities surrounding Detroit, so being able to narrow it down to my city location, not just my state or county location, with such little and general information is unbelievably impressive. The "hints" I supposedly gave weren't intentional either, lol. I'll assume that you either went through a lot of digging, or that you got really lucky from the article you managed to stumble across, heh. Oh, I use "city" and "town" interchangeably since The "City" of Troy is nothing compared to The City of New York--it's not nearly as urban as NYC, so "suburban" would be more suitable. Was it anything in particular that made you feel compelled to piece everything together? As for your location, I felt like venturing into uncharted territory after a few minutes of examining various distance comparisons/locations and characteristics, ehehe... New Jersey itself is known for its high population of Indians, so I figured that Middlesex County would be a good stopping point--it's in close proximity to NYC and it's very populous in Indians. Hmm, actually, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and go for Edison. Earlier, you mentioned something about a small museum and a historic monument next to it: Thomas Edison Museum and Edison Tower, perhaps? The landmarks are roughly 20 minutes away from Rutgers University and Edison is also directly southwest from NYC. I can't recall much other info on where you live, and Edison didn't seem too farfetched either. Now, I don't know how much of NYC you can see from there since you said that you could see a "faint glow" from where you live, so I was a bit hesitant to insert in this portion of my response. I originally wasn't planning on guessing your location but I wanted to give it a shot and see how close I get, lol. It's definitely not nearly as impressive as your deduction though; I'm still really taken aback, haha. But, of course, you don't have to confirm or deny it either. Oh geez, if you really dislike the university that much, even it is practically a free ride, it's probably best to head elsewhere. You're going to spend four years of your life there, so why not make the most out of it? It's good that you managed to get so many scholarships! Definitely consider those, because four years can be a pretty long time unless you plan to transfer.
That's totally understandable, haha. Old habits tend to stick and it's not like how anyone types is a big deal or anything, lol. Having a clean slate is also one of the many reasons I look forward to college as well. I'm still gonna be same old me, but it's always nice to have a clean start for a new period of life. And I'm sure your first impressions aren't as bad as you think! Depending on the person I'm talking to, I can come off as pretty derpy since I laugh a lot. Perhaps it's because I'm so simple-minded since I'm so easily amused, haha.
The promposals are still going strong around here and it doesn't seem to show any signs of slowing down. Hmm, I'm not too sure about your situation. Maybe March is still too early? haha. Perhaps prom is beginning to lose its hype? Nah, I'm seeing promposals happening everywhere: in people's houses, in parking lots, at school, after competitions--and these people are going all out. Guitars, sushi, yogurt, videos, slideshows, posters, etc. (and they're all really creative as well). These are also the same people who're probably going to end up renting limos there. April does seem a bit too soon, but I'm still not entirely sure why they decided to move it so early this year. I'm seeing a lot more of these than I did last year though.
Oh, it's not a problem! It's my fault for putting them in such a negative light. I haven't asked for a video game or console for years. There's no way in hell they'll buy me any at this point. Haha, my mom is a lot more understanding than my dad. It's probably because her communication or social skills are a lot better. Both of them still compare me to others, but I think they've finally picked up on how bothered I tend to get when that happens. The whole "why can't you be like him/her??" has been slowly losing prevalence, so that's a bit more relieving. Whenever my dad yells at me, my mom usually helps ease the stress because she also understands how hard-headed he can be. She rarely gets mad at me nowadays, whereas my dad's fuse seems to be getting shorter. It's gotten to the point where I avoid talking to my dad in order to minimize any chance of him blowing up--I don't even ask him for help anymore. If you couldn't tell already, I'm absolutely terrified of my dad. I've been getting increasingly hostile towards him for this reason even though I know I shouldn't. I know that he cares about me. I've been living under his roof for the entirety of my life so far, and I can't help but feel like an ungrateful freeloader for treating him like this. I always thought that maybe getting good grades and making him proud of me will make up for this, or that I could always patch up our relationship when I'm finally able to hold my own ground after college. I feel awful on the inside because it's almost as if I forgot how to even talk to him. His English isn't that great, and my Chinese isn't good enough to articulate what I want to say to him, so the language barrier has become one of the primary issues for me--I can only talk to him in broken English. It's a lot easier to talk to my mom. I love my parents to pieces, so I hope this didn't give off the wrong impression. Gosh, I'm really sorry for unloading all of this on you. I didn't even realize how much I typed until after reading over this.
I'm sure you'll have no problem with those remaining schools, heh. Our bio class is split pretty evenly between juniors and seniors and our teacher doesn't round or give us extra points out of pity. We seldom receive extra credit so every point matters in the class. It kinda sucks that the research won't help on college apps, but at least the experience sounds awesome! I know I'd probably enjoy it a lot, haha. Aw, you're the sweetest. I know I've said this time and time again, but your words really do mean a lot to me, and I'm touched that you care so much. Although my sleep schedule is still pretty screwed up, I think it's starting to improve a bit. Baby steps, lol. Most of my teachers plan to leave us with as little work as possible before spring break starts, so remembering your birthday definitely won't be a problem for me. Don't worry about it! haha.

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Oh an unrelated note, has anyone played Never Alone?  I think it's already released for PS4, Xbox One and PC, but I only discovered it when Nintendo revealed it would be available on the eShop for the Wii U in June of this year.  There have been a few indie games on the eShop that piqued my interest, but this is on a whole new level of wow.
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  On 3/14/2015 at 9:36 PM, Akazora said:


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Oh an unrelated note, has anyone played Never Alone?  I think it's already released for PS4, Xbox One and PC, but I only discovered it when Nintendo revealed it would be available on the eShop for the Wii U in June of this year.  There have been a few indie games on the eShop that piqued my interest, but this is on a whole new level of wow.


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  On 3/18/2015 at 11:30 PM, Kenzi said:
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  On 3/11/2015 at 3:11 AM, Akazora said:
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On the other hand, if read with the sentence immediately preceding it, it sounds as if you can't imagine how different your life would have been if you hadn't met me, which sounds like some kind of indirect confession (the shippers are going to jump all over this).





  On 3/12/2015 at 1:04 AM, Kenzi said:


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This might sound strange, but I'm really grateful towards your post that started this long conversation string because I'm really glad to have met someone as amazing and considerate as you. Everything happens by chance, and I can't help but feel thankful that life has led me to where I am at this point--even the seemingly insignificant events. I guess that means there's no doubt that we're firm believers of the butterfly effect then, haha. Oh my gosh, I know exactly what you mean. I remember when my sister and I went into a casino on a cruise ship and decided to try our luck with some of the slot machines and along with various other casino games. We easily cashed out $20 with little payback before the manager kicked us out for being underage, lol. The place reeked of cigar smoke and there's no telling how much more money we would have wasted if we weren't kicked out, ehehe. I know I've also encountered your same situation in games before (like some of those neopet wheels I used to play ages ago). It sucks how these lotteries tend to be rigged, but it can't be helped.
I'm not sure if you remember, but YouTube also had some Easter Eggs they would implement during certain times of the year (ex. the option of animated snowflakes appearing on the video player a few Decembers ago). Oh geez, I can't imagine how hard it must have been to jump in blindly without a guide of some sort. Was there anything about the game that intrigued you to dive in? It's good that the gameplay stayed relatively consistent because of the amount of imminent rage quits that probably would have ended up happening with the latter option, haha.
This was one of the rare occasions where my "addiction" actually helped me gain a few somewhat useful skills. Hmm, I wouldn't say that watching anime and playing video games are completely useless. I've learned about basic stereotypes and archetypes, and a few inspirational quotes about humanity and morals (even some vocab from Pokemon lol)...and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. It's all in good fun, and they're great sources of entertainment for me. Yeah, school can be rigid and limited with classes that feed into potential dream careers, but that's all the more reason to look forward to college, right? I have a few friends taking AP studio art, but I think only 2-3 of them are actually going to pursue a career in art. The others are probably taking the class for fun. I also kinda wanted to take art for fun, but I'm already taking orchestra, so having another elective is pushing it a bit. It was rare for me to come across perverts and pedos since most of them were tagged by the community, so it was fairly easy to identify them. However, the ones I did come across posted and commented tremendously disturbing...stuff. Most of them were RPers, which made it that much worse--it didn't even matter what gender you were--they wouldn't leave you alone. Haha, the internet will always be the internet. It's only "natural" for those under sparsely clothed female avatars to be treated better, I guess. I'm pretty used to it now. I've been desensitized by the internet far more than I should have been, so it all comes across as either stale or humorous instead of appalling or offensive now. yikes.
But if you think about it, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Even if most people don't take part in similar interests as you, the ones who do can end up becoming some of your closest friends. I recently discovered that a real life friend of mine also actively watched ATLA/LOK. This eventually branched off to other shows, and now that's all we talk about when we're together. There's no need to dwell on how people are missing out on quality games and anime. Sure, anyone can watch Doctor Who or How I Met Your Mother, but the ones who actually enjoy endeavors that you enjoy are different. They're not like everyone else--they're unique. That's kinda how I view you right now. I guess it would be nice if everyone enjoyed the same pursuits that you enjoy, but how would you end up distinguishing everyone from one another? Dare to be different, lol. Those who do tend to stand out more. Like you stated in one of your previous posts, they become more special. And with that said, this paragraph also applies to you because you also mean a lot to me, haha.

Aw, thank you. I've heard nice things about this program from online sources, and I'm really looking forward to it! The only reason I discovered this summer program was because my calc teacher recommended it to me. I was struggling in his class last semester, but despite this, he encouraged me to apply and even wrote my letter of rec for me. And for that, I'm really thankful. Many of my friends also keep their mouths shut about summer programs. It's probably because no one ever asks about them, so it's not like everyone's trying to be secretive with one another, lol. But it's great that things are looking good for you so far! The admissions officer for this college really seems to care about the students when she came to our school though. She even went as far as to visit students while they were working to congratulate them on getting accepted. I have really high expectations for this college, and I have no doubt that I won't be let down when I take a visit to the campus. A great school giving me a bad time, or an average school giving me a great time? I know reputation tends to be a huge factor, but I'll make sure to do a fair amount of research on the schools before applying. Thank you so much for the heads up!
It's really fascinating reading your stories about RNG abuse! Although I usually don't have much to contribute to the discussion, just know that I do take an interest in your updates, haha. I don't want this paragraph to die out either since I love reading about how everything's going for you so far. Hmm, I've never played Spirit Tracks before, but from what I've seen, a lot of people seem to like it. Is there any reason why you don't like it as much? I'm still wondering why that reddittor wanted your Japanese Marth. Perhaps he/she only collects imported amiibos, haha. I never realized that they were all assigned such specific values. It's awesome how you have so many though! Good luck on getting the rest!
Holy mother of god...you're right on point. I can thank my lucky stars I wasn't drinking anything when I first read this or else I would have done an enormous spit take all over my laptop; you really took me by surprise there, haha. I had to examine it over a few times to make sure I wasn't misreading anything. I can't wrap my head around this. I didn't realize I gave away that much information about myself. I'm shocked, but really amazed. I knew you were observant but, wow. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to deduce which school I go to or even my address, lol. I'm just stunned that you managed to narrow it down so much. I mean, I easily could've been living in some of the other towns or cities surrounding Detroit, so being able to narrow it down to my city location, not just my state or county location, with such little and general information is unbelievably impressive. The "hints" I supposedly gave weren't intentional either, lol. I'll assume that you either went through a lot of digging, or that you got really lucky from the article you managed to stumble across, heh. Oh, I use "city" and "town" interchangeably since The "City" of Troy is nothing compared to The City of New York--it's not nearly as urban as NYC, so "suburban" would be more suitable. Was it anything in particular that made you feel compelled to piece everything together? As for your location, I felt like venturing into uncharted territory after a few minutes of examining various distance comparisons/locations and characteristics, ehehe... New Jersey itself is known for its high population of Indians, so I figured that Middlesex County would be a good stopping point--it's in close proximity to NYC and it's very populous in Indians. Hmm, actually, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and go for Edison. Earlier, you mentioned something about a small museum and a historic monument next to it: Thomas Edison Museum and Edison Tower, perhaps? The landmarks are roughly 20 minutes away from Rutgers University and Edison is also directly southwest from NYC. I can't recall much other info on where you live, and Edison didn't seem too farfetched either. Now, I don't know how much of NYC you can see from there since you said that you could see a "faint glow" from where you live, so I was a bit hesitant to insert in this portion of my response. I originally wasn't planning on guessing your location but I wanted to give it a shot and see how close I get, lol. It's definitely not nearly as impressive as your deduction though; I'm still really taken aback, haha. But, of course, you don't have to confirm or deny it either. Oh geez, if you really dislike the university that much, even it is practically a free ride, it's probably best to head elsewhere. You're going to spend four years of your life there, so why not make the most out of it? It's good that you managed to get so many scholarships! Definitely consider those, because four years can be a pretty long time unless you plan to transfer.
That's totally understandable, haha. Old habits tend to stick and it's not like how anyone types is a big deal or anything, lol. Having a clean slate is also one of the many reasons I look forward to college as well. I'm still gonna be same old me, but it's always nice to have a clean start for a new period of life. And I'm sure your first impressions aren't as bad as you think! Depending on the person I'm talking to, I can come off as pretty derpy since I laugh a lot. Perhaps it's because I'm so simple-minded since I'm so easily amused, haha.
The promposals are still going strong around here and it doesn't seem to show any signs of slowing down. Hmm, I'm not too sure about your situation. Maybe March is still too early? haha. Perhaps prom is beginning to lose its hype? Nah, I'm seeing promposals happening everywhere: in people's houses, in parking lots, at school, after competitions--and these people are going all out. Guitars, sushi, yogurt, videos, slideshows, posters, etc. (and they're all really creative as well). These are also the same people who're probably going to end up renting limos there. April does seem a bit too soon, but I'm still not entirely sure why they decided to move it so early this year. I'm seeing a lot more of these than I did last year though.
Oh, it's not a problem! It's my fault for putting them in such a negative light. I haven't asked for a video game or console for years. There's no way in hell they'll buy me any at this point. Haha, my mom is a lot more understanding than my dad. It's probably because her communication or social skills are a lot better. Both of them still compare me to others, but I think they've finally picked up on how bothered I tend to get when that happens. The whole "why can't you be like him/her??" has been slowly losing prevalence, so that's a bit more relieving. Whenever my dad yells at me, my mom usually helps ease the stress because she also understands how hard-headed he can be. She rarely gets mad at me nowadays, whereas my dad's fuse seems to be getting shorter. It's gotten to the point where I avoid talking to my dad in order to minimize any chance of him blowing up--I don't even ask him for help anymore. If you couldn't tell already, I'm absolutely terrified of my dad. I've been getting increasingly hostile towards him for this reason even though I know I shouldn't. I know that he cares about me. I've been living under his roof for the entirety of my life so far, and I can't help but feel like an ungrateful freeloader for treating him like this. I always thought that maybe getting good grades and making him proud of me will make up for this, or that I could always patch up our relationship when I'm finally able to hold my own ground after college. I feel awful on the inside because it's almost as if I forgot how to even talk to him. His English isn't that great, and my Chinese isn't good enough to articulate what I want to say to him, so the language barrier has become one of the primary issues for me--I can only talk to him in broken English. It's a lot easier to talk to my mom. I love my parents to pieces, so I hope this didn't give off the wrong impression. Gosh, I'm really sorry for unloading all of this on you. I didn't even realize how much I typed until after reading over this.
I'm sure you'll have no problem with those remaining schools, heh. Our bio class is split pretty evenly between juniors and seniors and our teacher doesn't round or give us extra points out of pity. We seldom receive extra credit so every point matters in the class. It kinda sucks that the research won't help on college apps, but at least the experience sounds awesome! I know I'd probably enjoy it a lot, haha. Aw, you're the sweetest. I know I've said this time and time again, but your words really do mean a lot to me, and I'm touched that you care so much. Although my sleep schedule is still pretty screwed up, I think it's starting to improve a bit. Baby steps, lol. Most of my teachers plan to leave us with as little work as possible before spring break starts, so remembering your birthday definitely won't be a problem for me. Don't worry about it! haha.



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So NYC isn't accurate anymore? I'll find out O-O

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  On 3/22/2015 at 2:44 AM, Akazora said:


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