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Vi Graythorn

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I don't use emoticons as often as some other people, but I feel that emoticons are a more convenient way to convey emotion.

I'm not a fan of :D as  :D so I don't use those very often. I prefer the typed emoticon over the image emoticon.

I like to use the :P emoticon to show I'm joking or that I'm talking lightly. The typed version of it just looks like I'm sticking my tongue out at someone.

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I don't use emoticons as often as some other people, but I feel that emoticons are a more convenient way to convey emotion.

I'm not a fan of : D as :D so I don't use those very often. I prefer the typed emoticon over the image emoticon.

So do I. Which is why I use things like ^-^ >~< 0-0 o.O X-X more often.

So I like typed emoticons, too.

Their meanings can be quite ambiguous though.

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I like Overdrive by Garnet Crow...

Haha Garnet Crow has done so many Conan songs~

I like Towa no Kizuna by Daisy X Daisy ft. Another Infinity

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I like not Mondays.


Out of all the days of the week...




Monday 2

Monday 3

Monday 4




...Mondays are the worst.

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XDDDD I used to be like that

I like all days now xD

... How? O.o

Mondays - Mile, has to adjust from weekend time to school time, and the fact it's Monday

Tuesday - Meh

Wednesday - Hump day~

Thursday - Meh

Friday - TGIF!!!

Saturday - I should be happy about it, but my schedule prevents that from happening

Sunday - Finally! Free time, except for 2 hours of Chinese school and I have to go to sleep early to prepare for Monday

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... How? O.o

Mondays - Mile, has to adjust from weekend time to school time, and the fact it's Monday

Tuesday - Meh

Wednesday - Hump day~

Thursday - Meh

Friday - TGIF!!!

Saturday - I should be happy about it, but my schedule prevents that from happening

Sunday - Finally! Free time, except for 2 hours of Chinese school and I have to go to sleep early to prepare for Monday

As for me:

Monday: Back to school.... yay.... Oh, and volleyball :D Oh wait - that ended last week. :/

Tuesday: Mile day :(

Wednesday: Possible after school fun?

Thursday: Also, possible after school fun?



Sunday: WATCH SOME OF THE ANIME! -and then homework and more boredom.

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... How? O.o

Mondays - Mile, has to adjust from weekend time to school time, and the fact it's Monday

Tuesday - Meh

Wednesday - Hump day~

Thursday - Meh

Friday - TGIF!!!

Saturday - I should be happy about it, but my schedule prevents that from happening

Sunday - Finally! Free time, except for 2 hours of Chinese school and I have to go to sleep early to prepare for Monday

Anyway, I thought you hate no school days? You said it's boring or something.


I like popcorns alot

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As for me:

Monday: Back to school.... yay.... Oh, and volleyball :D Oh wait - that ended last week. :/

Tuesday: Mile day :(

Wednesday: Possible after school fun?

Thursday: Also, possible after school fun?



Sunday: WATCH SOME OF THE ANIME! -and then homework and more boredom.

I like "possible-after-school-fun" days :D

And the anime thing... You're so predictable (and an otaku xD)

Anyway, I thought you hate no school days? You said it's boring or something.

They're boring, but weekends are essential to my survival T-T

I used to like Barney. Now I just think it's creepy...

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