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Detective Conan World
Vi Graythorn

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i love mine

Because 1) it's 6 years old 2) I can't see most of the very top of the screen and 3) It seems to make a fan-like sound no matter what, so trying to record stuff without anything to cover it can't be done (like my lines...)

Good enough reasons for you? <_<

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I couldn't sleep last night because the song 'Amazing Grace' was replaying in my head over and over.

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I couldn't sleep last night because the song 'Amazing Grace' was replaying in my head over and over.

But that's an AMAZING song...I love it...I usually can't sleep at night because I have too many thoughts on my mind...

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I agree that it's definitely an amazing song ^

but it was the version from DC Movie 12 - the awesome version (it sounds very intense and beautified at the same time... IMO)

and having that very version play in my head over and over made me want to get up and go do something other than sleep... even though I was tired to say the least.

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I wasn't allowed to. My siblings were sleeping over and my parents would know if I decided to go online...

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I was pestering my dad to allow me to learn the violin. He refused because the last time I learnt it, I got bruises all over my neck XD and one violin is not exactly cheap lol

O.O What in the world did you do?

It would be too dark to read. :mellow:

You need a flashlight...too bad I can't give you my mountain climbing one...

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I don't own a flashlight :V All the flashlights at home belong to people who would throw a fit if I touch their property <_<

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Save up and buy one. I have some HKD on me that I'd send to you...

It's okay. You don't have to... :)

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